self-shadowing prey (
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stavrosmartinos: Man Ray 1890-1976: Mathematical Object. 1936
o-amor-e-a-vida-a-sonhar: © Kristamas Klousch
teknari: It is invisible to me. Teknari Journal Entry Page 0854 Teknari Join my mail-list.
istmos: 1- Bronisław Schlabs, photogram T12/72/58, 1958 2- Tom Sandberg, “Untitled” 1984/95
gacougnol: Frédéric D. Oberland From “Peregrinus Ubique” 2015
lasmicrofisuras: Rogi André, Nu, 1927
notamax: More
chamaland: MurmurMacha Mélanie - serie “Poetic Selfie”
patrickgomme02: N°2231 2015 DIEGESE - © PATRICK GOMME
drowning-in-limbo: © Lydia Lazarus 2016
my-nothing-self: Man Ray’s Object to Be Destroyed remained intact for almost 35 years–although Ray intended to destroy it–until a group of anti-Dada art students in Germany broke it while demonstrating at a Dada show. Shortly thereafter Ray reproduced
grigiabot: Man Ray . Rayographs Series 1927
vivipiuomeno1: Iwata Nakayama (1895-1949) from Portfolio 2010 ‘Paris by night’
inneroptics: PAUL HEISMANN
inneroptics: Robert Stivers
surrealist-phantoms: Claude Cahun, Self-portrait, 1947
tierramarga: L'Etoile de Mer (1928, Man Ray
mezza-voce: by mezza voce
mezza-voce: mezza voce
thegreatinthesmall: Willy Kessels, Untitled, 1930s
animus-inviolabilis: “Syzygy #85,1986″Hiroshi Osaka 1986
vjeranski: Wade Guyton, Untitled, 2008
vivipiuomeno1: Christian Boltanski, ( French born 1944) Autel de Lycee Chases (Altar to Chases High School) from Lessons of Darkness, 1988 at MOCA, six black and white photographs, 22 tin biscuit boxes, and six lights, 67 × 84½ inches
vivipiuomeno1: Urs Luthi, swiss artist - photograph of the live-performance “Mille Rose Rosse”, Milano 1974
le-immortel: Credit ▪ Adam FUSS - Twin Palms (Serie: My Ghost)
theories-of: Floris M. Neusüss. Nachtbild (48), 1991; photogram, unique; 68 x 42 in
flashofgod: Alexander Rodchenko, Untitled, 1930.
fishlisp: Valérie Winckler
regardintemporel: Jaroslav Rössler - Kytička (Bouquet of flowers). 1963
vivipiuomeno1: Irina Ionesco ph. - Les deux amies, ca. 1970. Tirage argentique
vivipiuomeno1: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy - Fotogramm, ohne Titel, 1943 - Bauhaus Archiv
les-sources-du-nil: Visual Body / Julien BourbonStella
yama-bato: ©Hitoshi Fugo,Flying Frying Pan, 471979/1984, gelatin silver print, 14 ½ x 21 ¼ in / Courtesy of Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery
regardintemporel: Miroslav Bílek - Hledání, n.d.
regardintemporel: Francesca Woodman - But Lately I Find a Sliver of a Mirror is Simply to Slice an Eyelid, 1979–1980
undr: Harry Callahan, arborescences
gacougnol: Ugo MulasRuote, Mueso della scienza e della tecnica di Milano ca. 1970
overhangs: blue-voids: Colin Self - Nude, 1970-71 - etching simplicity
regardintemporel: Herbert Strässer - Abstraction, ca. 1954
regardintemporel: Heide Knolle - Holzschalen, Belichtungsmontage, 1960-1961
hauntedbystorytelling: Gerhard Richter :: Elbe 2 , 1957
inneroptics: Katharina Sieverding
jogoraz: Jogo-z destruction is the only ethical act
inneroptics: Arthur Tress
inneroptics: André Villers -Pablo Picasso
farfallavirginiad: Farfalla - Virgínia D. 2015
inneroptics: Maurice Tabard
inneroptics: Picasso - André Suarez
crumbargento: Filmstudie Directed by Hans Richter - 1926 - (3'30 min)
grigiabot: Marynowicz Władysław kompozycja, manekin. 1958-1960
grigiabot: Hans Bellmer
vivipiuomeno1: Roger Ballen ph. (N.Y., U.S.A. 1950) from Asylum of the Birds, Fallen, 2011, archival Pigment Print on Hahnemuehle paper
vivipiuomeno1: Vou magazine (revue de la poesie experimentale) 北園克衛 composition B - plastic poem VOU #110 1967 b
vivipiuomeno1: Vou magazine (revue de la poesie experimentale) 北園克衛 composition A - plastic poem VOU #110 1967 b