Spooky! Scary! (spoookyscary.tumblr.com)
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Benedicite cete Domino “The springs of water were made holy when Christ appeared on earth. Draw water from the wells of the Saviour: Christ our God has made the whole creation holy.” - Lauds antiphon for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord,
Lionheaded Figurine discovered in a cave in Germany. From circa 30,000 BC.
Arctic Walrus Skull, Odobenus Rosmarus
The Devil’s Chair in Cassadaga, Cemetery, Florida is a graveside bench. Local legend depicts the devil as a good-ol’-boy. If you sit in the chair, you run the chance of having a heart-to-heart with the Lord of Darkness, who is rumored to show
“Maggot debridement therapy” involves placing disinfected maggots on open wounds. Maggots efficiently eat up all necrotic tissue present, leaving alone live healthy tissue. They also disinfect the wound by killing any harmful bacteria present.
A coffin collar was used to prevent grave robbers from stealing corpses. It was fixed round the neck of a corpse and bolted to the bottom of a coffin. This picture shows the back of a collar from Kingskettle in Fife. The collar dates from around 1820.
Hermafrodite from Anatomy of the humane body, London, 1713
Der Arzt, Das Mädchen, Und Der Tod (The Doctor, The Girl, And Death) by Ivo Saliger, 1920
“Alphabetum Diaboli”: A rare BOOK on DEMONOLOGY and the occult treatise on the manifestations of devils in our world
In the Asylum - Dolls of Former Patients
Hof van N., Belgium: Abandoned castle that once belonged to a noble family. Nowadays the chateau interior is in a very dangerous state of decay. Photo credit: © Kleiner Urbex
Representation of a victim effected by the Plague by Gaetano Giulio Zumbo. About 5” tall and sculpted from wax in the 17th century
old garden gate
English cat in reinforced carrier during WWII - his own personal bomb shelter. Clearly not happy about it, though.
The Rosenheim poltergeist case Location: Konigstrasse 13, Rosenhiem, Bavaria, Germany Date: 1967 - 1968
There’s a beauty treatment in China called Huǒ liáo that’s meant to brighten your face… by setting it on fire. A towel is soaked in a “secret elixer” (a.k.a. lighter fluid) and then placed on the problem area. Alcohol is added as a starter
Western Cemetery, Portland, ME - was established in the 1600s and is the second oldest cemetery in Portland. The last burial was in 1987. Throughout the years, until 2003, the cemetery suffered much vandalism and neglect, and because of it, it’s
New York Stock Exchange ten years after the crash - said to be very active spirits. The old building is also a U.S. National Historic Landmark. So it has seen a few deaths and tragic endings to human life over the many years it has stood. On September
The picture above is a phenomena called ‘Ratking’. Seen as a bad omen in Medieval Times, multiple rats would become intertwined at the tail through means of knots, dirt, blood, ice, etc. The earliest report of rat kings comes from 1564. With the
Giovanni da Modena, “Affresco dell'Inferno” 1410
Legend and mystery surround this ancient structure. No one knows how old it is, or who built it, or why it was constructed. Estimates for its age vary from eight hundred to two thousand six hundred years. A defensive structure, a lighthouse, a Zoroastrian
For the past 100 years, prior to any hurricane making landfall on South Carolinas Pawleys Island, a mysterious man appears on the beach and warns all who see him to leave the island. There are numerous documented instances of witnesses encountering this
Abandoned for 25 years, this Psychiatric Hospital was built in 1871, one of the largest of its kind. It opened in five years later as the State Lunatic Asylum, and quickly became overcrowded with patients - a trend that would continue as late as the 1970s
Edinburgh is a ghost hunter’s paradise. It seems that there is barely a nook or cranny of the Scottish capital that doesn’t lay claim to spooky goings-on of one kind or another, and there is one hot spot in particular that boasts inexplicable activity
Rat kings are phenomena said to arise when a number of rats become intertwined at their tails. Historically, there are various superstitions surrounding rat kings, and they were often seen as an extremely bad omen, particularly associated with plagues.
The old pioneer burial ground in Green Lake, WI known as the Dartford Cemetery is rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of children and an Indian chief. Local legend says that if you sit on top of the unusual mausoleum at the center of the cemetery, spirits
Multiple exposure publicity picture of Tesla sitting in his Colorado Springs laboratory with his “Magnifying transmitter” generating millions of volts and producing 23 feet long arcs.
Tales From the Crypt comics
937, Puppet of actress Martha Raye - photo by Margaret Bourke-White
he Coffin Torture. The period of time a victim was to be kept inside the coffin was determined by his or her crime. Very serious crimes, such as blasphemy, were punished by death inside the coffin where the victim was to be kept inside under the sun with
Lovely, Dark & Deep
John Hartnell, 25 years of age, who died on January 4, 1846 during Franklin’s lost expedition. When we were doing the autopsy on John Hartnell, a 25-year-old Able-Bodied Seaman from the Franklin expedition, Modern Drs found that he had been autopsie
Joseph Turner, Coffin Maker and Furnishing Undertaker.
Tynemouth, UK, Tynemouth Priory on the coast of North-East England Once one of the largest fortified areas in England, this ancient building and the adjacent castle overlook the North Sea and the River Tyne.
Lina Medina is the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, giving birth at the age of five years, seven months and 17 days. From a remote village in Peru, in 1939 Medina was brought to a hospital by her parents due to increasing abdominal size.
A forgotten profession: In the days before alarm clocks were widely affordable, people like Mary Smith of Brenton Street were employed to rouse sleeping people in the early hours of the morning. They were commonly known as ‘knocker-ups’ or ‘knocker-uppers
An old Gypsy Fortune Teller of Virginia City
Roman Bioarchaeology Carnival XXII
Old country Church
Ghostly face, appeared in the floor of a haunted house in Bélmez de la Moraleda, Spain. The appearances in Bélmez began on August 23, 1971 when María Gómez Cámara saw a face appear on her cement kitchen floor. Her husband took a pickaxe and destroyed
Master IAM of Zwolle, Allegory of the Transience of Life, circa 1440-1504
Gypsy Magic: More Teeth Lore
Girl with parasitic twin.
The Grisly Mummies of Sicily’s Catacombs -Umberto Agnello
Builders reinforcing an old wall near a ruined church in Temple, Midlothian, uncovered a stone carved with strange symbols in 2009. The carvings look vaguely Viking, vaguely Celtic and are vaguely dated to the 10th, 12th, 13th or 14th century. Nobody
Castlestrange Stone: Along the side of the farm drive in the grounds of Castlestrange Demense stands this beautifully inscribed Cult stone, decorated with curvilinear ornament and dating to around 200 BC. The design is done in the Celtic La Tene style,
From a psychiatric hospital in St. Joe, Missouri. These items were taken from a patient’s stomach.
Dated skulls, Romania - The skulls in the ossuary of the 15th century Neamt Monastery bear little texts stating the names and dates of the monks. Photo Mick Palarczyk.
early eye examination
Detroit circa 1917. “Ice Fountain, Washington Boulevard.”
Difference Between Professional Mourners and Mutes. Funeral mute was to stand around at funerals with a sad, pathetic face.A symbolic protector of the deceased, the mute would usually stand near the door of the home or church. In Victorian times, mutes
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