Spooky! Scary! (spoookyscary.tumblr.com)
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Ancient Jewish Cemetery - Jeshurum-Diaz family – Jewish Ghetto, Venice, Italy
Three carved votive chambers in Gavrinis Dolmen passage grave, Gulf of Morbihan, Larmor-Baden Morbihan, France. The largest and most decorated tomb in Neolithic Europe with 29 six-foot-tall menhirs carved with labyrinthine fingerprints. Built on a hilltop
Tomb. Have a seat!
Ancient Celtic Grave
Kynstkamera. St. Petersburg, Russia. “It is said that this Museum of Medical Oddities was started by Peter the Great in 1714 in an effort to bring Russia out of the dark ages of superstition”
Two of the mummies along the walls of the Capuchin Catacombs.
Photography and modern medicine were born about the same time. The presentation by Louis Jacques Mande’ Daguerre of the daguerreotype (1839), came seven years before the first demonstration of general anasthesia. Early photographers,many of whom
Antique Marionette Skeleton Puppet 19th C.
Wedding :)
The mummies, because they were formed naturally, are much more gruesome looking then your standard Egyptian mummy. With gaunt and twisted faces like extras from a horror movie, and often covered in the tattered rags they were buried in, the mummies stand,
Little is known about this mysterious Cambodian tribe apart from the fact that part of their burial rituals involved placing the bodies or bones of the deceased in to jars or other containers. These sites have been found in various parts of the mountains
Hmmm, parents were anxious about different things in the 1920s. Illustration from 1923 Popular Science Monthly.
Carved skull.
The first memory jugs were made by African Americans for grave adornments. Memory jugs are mosaic vessels covered in mortar and encrusted with shards, shells, and various found objects. They were popular in victorian times as folk art but the idea is
Fetal Skeleton Tableau, 17th Century, University Backroom, Paris The Secret Museum exhibit photographed and curated by Joanna Ebstein
Sinuous, sensual, dangerous style. (Alphonse Mucha. Nature. 1899-1900. Bronze)
Tibetan ritual skull
18th Century allegorical anatomical ecorchés of Honoré Fragonard, cousin of well-known rococo painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
Recreation of Olaus Worm’s museum, two rooms, by Rosamond Purcell. Santa Monica Museum of art, 2003.
Bon appetit
Charlie McCarthy with Edgar Bergen’s new daughter, Candice. 1946
Coat of arms of Schwarzenberg family in Sedlec Ossuary in Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Creepy doll
Extreme rotatory curvature of the spine, from Joseph Coats’s A Manual of Pathology, 1900
One more beautiful, but abandoned house
A tasty treat
19 weeks IVF SPROM Prolapsed cord Preterm labor
Mercury Exposure from CFL Bulb Foot Injury
1890’s anatomical model of the heart
Kings Park Psychiatric Center
18th Century: Witches Chair, a torture device intending to cause death by blood loss.
Embalming/Autopsy/Funeral Dressing Table with Bucket
Antique pleasuring device!
A 54 year old woman was surgically intervened at Hospital Gandulfo in Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, where a gynecological surgical team extracted a 23 kg tumor from her uterus. The weight of the tumor is comparable to the weight of a 4 year old child.
Ancient Mayan skull carvings from Copan.
Radium Toothpaste. Germany. On the back of the product’s tube it stated that ‘radioactive radiation increases the defenses of teeth and gums… cells are loaded with new life energy, the destroying effect of bacteria is hindered… it gently polishes
Mysterious Hanging Coffins of China. Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province. Hanging coffins is an ancient funeral custom found only in Asia. Some coffins are cantilevered out on wooden stakes while some lay on rock projections. The Wuyi Mountain coffins are
The Stone People of Pompeii More pics here: http://interesant.net/interesnoe/508-Gibel_Pompei_11_foto__tekst)_.html
Mumia (or mummia) was 1st prepared in the 12th c., was in common use by the 15th c., and reached great popularity by the 17th c. “Mummy is become merchandise, Mizraim cures wounds, and Pharaoh is sold for balsams,” wrote Sir Thomas Browne in 1841.
Giant Stone Balls - Workmen hacking their way through the dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area for banana plantations in the 1930s stumbled upon some incredible objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were perfectly spherical. They varied
Winged wheel gravestone
Skull that has gone through Trepanning
The insulin treatment of schizophrenia
As above so below
Oh, Dr. Miles
See-Saw Rocks Dead Back to Life :)
One of a set of French gelatin silver prints showing an autopsy at the Institut Médico-Légal on the Quai de la Rapée, Paris, in March 1924. wow, they arent even using gloves.
Agecroft cemetery and crematorium is the most recent of its’ kind in the Salford/ Manchester district. Built in 1903, it has to date, nearly 54,000 internments and since it opened in 1957 – almost 60,000 cremation services.
The Baby Faced Asylum Tombstone Near the center of Cedar Hill Cemetery is a large tombstone with a 3-D image of a baby’s face carved on it. According to legend, if you stare at the baby’s face for a while and then turn away, when you look
An unburned hand emerging from an oven serves as a stark reminder that death and horror were just as rampant at smaller camps, such as the one at Stutthof, where this picture was taken, as they were at the more famous camps such as Auschwitz and Buchenwal
Victorian hair art is incredible
Heart strings; the chordae tendenae
A silver prosthetic nose from the mid-19th century. Syphilis caused the destruction of the nose, which gave rise to 18th-century ‘No-nose clubs’. This one was worn by a woman who had lost hers to the disease
One night cough syrup. Check out those ingredients!:)
The plague doctor’s costume was the clothing worn by a plague doctor to protect him from airborne diseases. The costume consisted of an ankle length overcoat and a bird-like beak mask often filled with sweet or strong smelling substances (commonly
The Gentleman’s Guide to Amputation high res – http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aPHbUT0ekEg/TuH4gSGCbCI/AAAAAAAAAfg/-XabU9hdEX0/s1600/amputacao.jpg
Wax vanitas, Europe, 1701-1800 Vanitas are works of art intended to remind the viewer of the shortness of human life, the uselessness of vanity and the certainty of death. This example features many symbols typical for this type of object, such as a skull