Spooky! Scary! (spoookyscary.tumblr.com)
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Victim of cannibal Issei Segawa. His interview on YouTube: “Interview With A Cannibal” is perhaps one of the creepiest I’ve seen.
On February 14, 2001, an international group of nine 10- 15-year-old boys and girls were invited by NASA to direct the camera aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). When these kids took the controls of the camera, they picked up an image of an anomaly
his takes us to the west African tribe - the Dogon whose legends say they were guided to the area from another part of Africa that was drying up - by fish gods called the Nommo who came in huge ships from the sky.
Ancient sculpted head wearing a helmet or protective head gear
Sword-fighting frog taxidermy
The Mullamast Stone, from 500-600 in Ireland. There are 4 blade marks on the left side of the stone and 2 deep ones on top, suggesting that the stone was used as part of a “sword in the stone” kingship ritual. The perpetuation of the importance of
Just pin it
Riverside Cemetery, Denver
Hurricane Katrina
Daguerreotype of Dr. Louis T.J. Auzoux and paper-mache model (ca. 1860)
A heaven made in hell: Even as he slid deep into madness in his jungle “paradise,” Jim Jones found support in high places in San Francisco…best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of 909 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with
The Paris Library floods [1910]
During stress, patient is strapped in a suspended armchair and whirled rapidly, after which a normal patient would be dizzy but a psychotic will not. Location: Worchester, MA, US Date taken: August 1949
‘Night of Terror’ on Nov. 15, 1917- Lucy Burns hands were chained to the cell bars above her head and left hanging! All through the night, bleeding and gasping for air. I am WOMAN I WILL VOTE!
The death tunnel at waverly hills sanitarium . Such an interesting creepy place…that tunnel is 500 feet long an wAs made to wheel bodies to the end where the Hearst would pick them up.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1933) When asked why they had to receive several “back shots”(spinal taps), researchers repeatedly lied to the men, claiming the shots were “therapeutic” when in fact the spinal taps gave insight to
a crown made entirely of the deceased’s hair.
Pipe Smoker
Self-defense technique, 80s style.
On April 26, 1986 a giant nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This is an image of the continuing effects of the nuclear fallout taken by Paul Fusco. The child is from Belarus, also deeply affected by the meltdown
A simple dark rock lies in the local cemetery that tells a story. In 1867, A resident awoke from a nightmare in which she saw the schooner Juliet Tilden cast upon a deserted sandbar. It was a newer schooner, heading out on only its second journey. Still,
1930’s cigarette ad.
When Madam Blunden was thought to be dead, she was buried in the Blunden family vault at Holy Ghost Chapel in Basingstoke, England. The vault was situated beneath a boys’ school. The day after the funeral when the boys were playing they heard a noise
Druids Cutting the Mistletoe (1900) by the French history painter Henri-Paul Motte (1846-1922).
Slater Mill is now over 300 years old and thought to be one of the mills which helped bring the industrial revolution into being. Built in 1793, the mill was powered by water and manufactured cloth from unprocessed cotton. The factory was located in Pawtu
Oh, my god.
Should be an ad to “World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War” movie :)
Mother Goose headstone in the Granary Cemetery in Boston.
Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer’s peripheral vision. They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegra
La Pascualita or Little Pascuala is a bridal mannequin that has “lived” in a store window in Chihuahua, Mexico for the past 75 years. That is quite a long time for a bridal gown shop to retain a mannequin, but then the dummy has a rather strange history
Japanese girls receiving shooting training during school in the 1930s.
The Valley of the Dead – Naples Fontanelle Cemetery
Nuummite – discovered in Greenland in 1982 is over 2500 years old, one of the oldest stones known to man. Known as the “Empath Stone” it has high vibrational qualities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuummite
Leaving a penny at the grave means simply that you visited. A nickel indicates that you & the deceased trained at boot camp together,while a dime means you served with him in some capacity. By leaving a quarter at the grave, you are telling the family
Reconstruction of the child mummy of St. Louis Check it up! – http://arc-team-open-research.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/from-youtube-to-blender-forensic-facial.html
The preserved skin of the vampiric French serial killer Martin Dumollard. He was executed by guillotine in 1862.
Human bitemark severity index
Just beautiful.
The last words of inmates at the death camp at Stutthof are carved into these walls.
In May of 1982 a series of strange events transpired in three different homes across the city of Rome, Italy. Religious paintings would fall off the walls, objects were being hurled across rooms, and fires would spontaneously ignite whenever the twenty-ye
Psychiatric patient wearing camisole exhibiting violent behavior in a psychiatric facility in Spain.
Diagram of the visual system. Ibn al-Haytham (circa 1027, published in 1083). The oldest known drawing of the nervous system shows a large nose at the bottom, eyes on either side, and a hollow optic nerve that flows out of each one towards the back of
The Domhnach Airgid – or Silver Church – is a splendid exercise in medieval retro. It is not just an antique; it is a very deliberate display of self-conscious antiquity, ca. 1350 Ireland.
Woman at Beauty Salon Vintage Coca-Cola Ad
The haunted bible of the haunted book room of Leicester Guildhall, England . The bible on the desk gets moved at night and the pages get turned One of 5 ghosts likes to read it.
As an eight-year-old, Mary Ellen Wilson was severely abused by her foster parents, Francis and Mary Connolly. Her case of child abuse led to the creation of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Image dated 1874.
spider skeleton creepy taxidermy spider monkey by resonanteyes, .00
Wanna play?
implements of a necromancer
Antique anatomical wax model
Oldest Pet Cemetery in the world, in the suburbs of Paris
Crib grave
Squirrel Feet Earrings. WHY?
Wow! :)
This bizarre 13 floor building belonged to a Russian gangster, Nikolai Sutyagin, who went to prison on racketeering charges in 1998 before he could complete his dream home. When he was released, he was penniless and lived for several years in a few poorly
L'Inferno di Dante. Hell is a deep funnel-like structure that reaches the Earth’s core. It is composed of nine circles, the more you go, the more narrow circles. Lucifer fell from heaven, is stuck in the center of the Earth, the farthest from God,
Cemetery image in Nong Khai in Northeast Thailand.
Man with no face and rare disease in Kashmir