Po's Place (posona.tumblr.com)
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I think this is the best version of this image I’ve ever seen. Totally taking P4 with me to Dani’s.
Th-this is some good Dante cosplay. .///.
OMG so cute. This is how I want the current Reborn arc to end.
Yep, this is love.
Reeeeally gotta finish Bayonetta. Stupid P3P taking over my life.
Smiling, he’s smiling!! And it’s official! Yay!
Aegis ;_; I’m just not feeling the love for Minako. Minato will always be her precious.
The way Aki holds his evoker reminds me of Kid. (Soul Eater)
Aww. BFFE.
I concur. fullmetalsouleater: Indeed
And because she is the most adorable non-speaking MC ever.
Badass trio. Or foursome. (Sorry, Koro-chan.)
And with Aki, because this has grown on me way too much.
Some Ryoji and Minako.
And Minako.
What I’m really in the mood for is some Ryoji.
Now that I’ve gotten that bitchiness out of my system, fanart! They forgot to add the family dog.
And this is just way too adorable (click for translation). Alright, ferreal getting back to my game now.
Oh cool. Artwork used for the all-out attack sequence. It’s nice seeing the entire thing, but I hate that Aki looks like a white-haired Dojima.
This. This is why I had to put P3P down for a while.
How adorable is this? I love Minako so much you gaiz srsly.
Her expression, all the sketches strewn around her… I’m finally starting to understand this pairing.
I’ve seen this before, but I decided to comment this time. This is exactly how I see Izaya. He is my Excalibur.
LMAO (via chimchar)
My time in Tartarus tonight was pretty much like this, minus the maid outfit. Don’t have that one yet. Was in the winter outfit instead. *sigh* Hatless Shinji. <3
THE END. Goodnight.
Drowsy? Or seductive? Probably both.
Xanxus even makes UNICORNS badass.
Two Tykis is always better than one Tyki, even if one Tyki likes ripping out peoples’ hearts. Literally.
Do people actually use umbrellas when it snows?
I wish I had hair like Niche’s. But I would’ve used it to kill someone and be in jail by now.
So many Ions. So many cheagles. So much cute.
I like all the pink.
Hope you didn’t think I’m a het hater. ‘Cause I’m not.
Shinjiiiiiiiiiiiii. And Aki, for good measure.
And this, too. Because Mara jokes NEVER GET OLD.
Seriously one of my favorite parts of the whole game. Big Bro. : }~<3
So much loooooooooooooooove.
P-P-P-Pandora Hearts~! /singsong There’s not enough Liam anywhere in this world.
I’m in the Marmon Is A Boy camp, but I still like this, for some reason.
Okay, resuming spam from last night.
This is way too cute. I love P3P fanart.
Lavi is my favorite bunny. I have no idea what this says, but it’s cute. And since I’m tired and just halfway through my tags, I’ll pick up this pic spam tomorrow night. Buenas noches, mis amigos.
LMAO. I hate myself because I really wanna watch Kuroshitsuji II, and that means catching up on the first one, and that’s gonna suck. Except for the fucking a nun thing. Sebastian, you so bad. >;3
Little Shizuo & Kasuka.
Gil. Plain and simple.
The world will never know how much I love Fran. Or how much Fran loves Mukuro.
Balthier! Share the porn! …Pfft. He’s looking at porn and drinking tea.
That last one killed two birds with one stone, but I have to reblog this really pretty Shuyin & Lenne. FFX-2 is a blast, I don’t care what the haters say. >P
My FFX OT3. Cosplaying as… yeah. Breaks my brain, but I love it.
D'aww. Playing FFXIII, perhaps?
Oh my god I can’t believe it it’s my FFVIII OTP you guys. It’s rare to see SeiZell here.
FFIX, Freya & Fratley!
Kozato Enma from Reborn. Enma has a special tag.