Po's Place (posona.tumblr.com)
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I love this. <3 Bester looks so cuddly.
Now that’s depressing.
I don’t think I reblogged this one, just showed it to Boo, but I’ve noticed a theme in half-nekkid Xanxus art. His pubes are always visible. And it’s fucking hawt, you guys. Seriously.
R.I.P., Fran.
Seriously, tumblr. Thank you. -axelxchong-: …….. I just had too.
LOL. Thanks for making me laugh so much today, tumblr. : } cat-go-boom: Dere.
LMAO soonlovesoon: Stop thinking about your dead not-girlfriend, Yosuke.
More like Awwdaro~n.
LMAO <3 Adachi(via carousellian)
First I was like *.* Then I noticed the glasses and was like XD
*wibbles* Ryoji… ;^;
What is this mysterious fanart that makes a pairing I dislike look good?
I still hope he comes back someday. :c
Enma looks like he’s grown up a little.
Tsuna. HOW HE SHOULD BE. *blocks out horrible doujin memories*
Reborn spam. I like your eye patch, Chrome.
Reblogging to express my never-ending love for Jade after watching episode 11 of the anime. Baby Dist was so cute. >.< And Peony was so cool~ Anyone who punches Jade in the face gets max cool points.
This is just another reason I need to replay ToS for the 32545 time. It’s been so long I don’t even remember this. I also think I need an icon of this. Because it’s hilarious.
Adachi! Put that down! Bad boy!! We do not chew on shadows!!
Oh Cloud, such a canon gay slut. <333
Aww, Muu-chan likes Gil. Aloise, why are you such a slut?
Tyki Tim. Tyki Tim. Tyki Tim. I’m officially dead from all the cute I’ve experienced tonight.
Heeee, I JUST saw this on the PH comm, I knew it’d hit tumblr in a flash. <3 There is too much to love to even comment on. It is PH crack perfection. I love you so much, MochiJun. So much.
Oh my. Sad faces. :c
You can never go wrong with little bits.
Idek. Hold onto that Kyouyan, Dino.
I want the bench.
Just pretty, I guess.
Probably the cutest Alice in Wonderland crossover ever. …Crossover? Theme? Whatever.
Fufufu~ or Kufufu~?
I have no idea, but it’s cute.
I’ve been feeling all Byakuran-y for an hour or so, so now I have to spam. I apologize in advance.
This is badass and pretty and there’s a BUNNY.
O-oh my god Shinji & Miki! First Miki fanart I’ve ever seen. <3333
Alright, back to Persona. This is the most perfect s.link fanart I’ve ever seen.
And then Elliot became my favorite character. Bye-bye, Break.
Liam! I failed to see this at the comm. How adorably they colored that blush. Worry not for Liam, mis amigos. Break’s gonna stab a bitch. And then pull a Chidori in P3 and give his remaining life force to Liam, thus ending his own life and saving
Actually, Lotti’s sexiness reminds me of Jessica Rabbit. Ah, Jessica. My first animated girl crush. I was only 6 when that movie first came out, so I didn’t even understand half of it, but man, I had a lot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? stuff.
Unf, Lotti. You see her hand down there? You see that? THAT’S HER ASS. And now I totes want to change my icon to her boobs.
Nooooo, be careful little Rudolf Minako-tan! D: I don’t quite get it, but the fact Minato ripped a hole in the fabric of reality cracked me up.
(Click for translation) So true. Only I didn’t realize you could be naughty with them when I bought the game.
I love this manga.
Is this a reference to something I’m not getting? ‘Cause it sure looks like one. A sexy one.
Because I’m completely torn up about recent happenings in Bleach, and this is the only GinRan on danbooru.
Have I said I love them? I love them. So. Much.
I love how you can see through them. Since they’re like, ya know, in parallel universes and stuff.
Alright, back to the game, goodnight.
One day… One day, will I be able to stand by your side? He’s the only male character other than teammates who outright says he wants to be with her. And yet he doesn’t even take the chance; I found that heartbreaking. You’re good enough,
They’re just SO CUTE.
Damn you, tumblr, you’re really making me like this pairing.
Bel’s latest character song? Rockin’ sex. Hot damn!
I want things to go back to normal now.
I always loved Cloud’s house, even though it was basically a one room shack.
They make it look so easy. :\
I think Alma has bumped Tyki down my list of fave DGM characters, making him second to Lavi. He was just such a cheerful, adorable little kid.