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New Tweets From The Creator of Devil May Cry
‘Cause this is cute, goddammit.
*q* Okay, I don’t think it’s possible to beat Yamamoto as my favorite character, but until Hibari does some serious growing up, Enma is officially my second. Haters gonna hate, Lish gonna appreciate.
Not bad. Definitely an improvement! I especially like the recoloring of his eyes and the addition of “Let’s rock”. feelslikeair: A morning (well) wasted.… … I miss you real Dante.
Interrupting devil boy and mental patient spam to say, I’m not into Marvel, but I’ll be playing this for the boobs. Oh yeah, bitches. I’m shallow like that.
I can only see them comforting each other.
Git ‘im, Nero!
Ooooh, Dante and Alucard, I highly approve.
Dante 1 & 3’s expressions crack me up. Wish I could read Yapaneeeeeese. It’s nice to see Japanese fans are, as the original poster said, not happy with this.
I wish this was bigger! >3< Looks like Vergil’s lost Dante in the grocery store. Figures.
Gokudera, GTFO.
This ar-0 person is pretty freakin’ awesome.
Devil May Cry 3 - Bitches (via poproductions9) In honor of the best game in the series, and Dante’s shining moments of badass and cheese, here’s an AMV I made a few years ago. It sums up what all of us DMC Reboot “whiners” think
Alright, some cute Tyki chibis to cheer me up.
That’s what I said! Hellooooooooo nipples. shinimegami: *THIS* is what a more “western” Dante should look like.
Biting my lips not to LMAO and make my dad wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
janelim: I’m trying to keep an open mind about this, since it is a big risk to hand over a huge IP to a development company with a nonexistent track record, and it takes balls to do that. Whether it was a mistake or a stroke of genius is something
Where the hell is my Ciel nendoroid?! Wasn’t it supposed to be out weeks ago? >(
Yes, the good old days. I remember watching this trailer in anticipation of the—then new—Devil May Cry. I was so excited. I admit, I didn’t like Dante’s younger design that much at first, but by the time the game actually came
OH MY GOD HE DOES. Well, my waifu said he looked like a butch lesbian, so. I’ve seen lots of rage on my dash, which thrills me ‘cause lord knows I’M enraged. The people who seem okay with it are simply interested in the gameplay. That&rs
*places flowers on grave* firstclasssoldier: Made this for old dante. Rest in peace, bro.
Liam in Break’s hat! Why so sad? :(
If you don’t know Reborn, I’m sure this picture is very odd.
OMG Ouka fanart?! Are you shittin’ me? That’s awesome!
LMAO. That expression. <3
Okay, I have seen some ridiculous anime boobs in my time, Matsumoto’s of Bleach being at the top of the “serious manga” list. But for some reason, Hannah’s are the most annoying big anime boobs ever. Maybe it’s because her
UNF this is the best Alois cosplayer eveeeeeer.
LOL Teddie.
Waaaaiiiiii TykiAllen looooooove~<3
Oh god. I need more Kuroshitsuji-does-South-Park videos. Alois is a perfect Cartman. XD
Dammit Gareki, what kind of ridiculousness are you wearing now?!
At first I was like, “This is beautiful and creepy.” And then I saw Alma and I was like, “This is awesome!"
I laughed out loud before I remembered I’m not alone in the house. :x
I really need to reread Reborn from the start.
Pretty much.
Why is there not more of this beautiful bitch on tumblr?! I demand more!
Now I’m going to reblog a series of Hetalia!America 9/11 memorial pics. I have to admit, looking at some of these made me tear up.
You are correct, good madam. And that’s why I like it.
Tantaluuuuuus!!! Blaaaaaaaaank!!!
This weirds me out a little, but it also makes me laugh. A lot.
More Bester love.
It’s like daddy Vergil!
You should love yourself.
Very nice. Enma is a boss, he should look like one.
I kinda had the same reaction when I watched this scene. >_>
This is the prettiest Watanuki I have ever seen.