My Internal Story (
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To me her tears are beautiful
She cannot and will not stop being his
lifeofbondagemasterx: spanieltrout: the-unlikely-azoutback: aewriter4: dnotdeux: antediluvianking: Yup! Antediluvianking Yes — Yes, aewriter is now starting at nakedfemaledegradaton.bdsmlr. I will try
neuralnetsandprettypatterns: How To Escape Tumblr Jail If you’ve been flagged as an adult blog, you will now be nerfed. No one can see your posts unless they’re your direct followers. Even your followers have to click through some warning screen
Moving to Bdsmlr. Name will be the same. Come join me, all 32,763 of you
newdaynewbackyard:Sunset outside a truck stop in Cheyenne, Wyoming. July 14, 2016. A new day is always dawning
Hello All I think that I can safely assume Tumblr will be deleting me in the new future. I shall be moving elsewhere but not sure where just yet.Will probably try a few places and let you know where I am going.I do welcome suggestions should any of you
youngkalypso: Happy place, happy face Happiness for the submissive woman.
This is now what makes her feel good. She is truly a well developed woman.
xxxlonelyfun: Do you think she is enjoying it?
I truly enjoy tying up a woman and then doing this.
Every relationship is so complex, so multifaceted, when one truly considers it, the task is daunting. Yet, life is truly empty without relationships. Simply go for it, forgive yourself of the mistakes you make, and accept that you will make many. So
Some things are eternal
Never thing it wrong to need to be degraded. Do not just accept,learn to welcome you need to be degraded.
l-5-beach: masterwilliam010:About to be introduced to the group.
Yes rub against every piece of furniture in your place. As you look at each chair, table, etc, you will remember thrusting that pussy against it and the hunger within you will grow and grow.
dressed for work and family on thanksgiving
I like this public collar
Understand that this is just her normal. It is what makes her feel good and proper. No, many people would condemn her. Yet that condemnation does not change who she is and how she feels. If you are her, find the right environment to be the real you and
Yes it does make her feel good. She relaxes and lets him enjoy her enjoyment.
She must dress this way. It is not optional. For her it is a necessity. She has to be seen.
I enjoy the slightly red ass and the feeling that she wants MORE.
I enjoy the contrast.
At my office I am considering a new uniform for the receptionist. What do you think?
Acceptance is so important. You are who and what you are. Just be.
It is just their normal day. Thy accept it. So should you.
Smelling this outside on a cold morning is heavenly.
Can you understand that she is soaking wet from this?
sttrangr: Put you dam phone down.
I very much enjoy it when a woman does things to make me want more…
It gives me a smile.
Yes they both MUST have it. She is wet at seeing the paddle in his hand. It puts that smile on her face.
She goes out and everyone looks at her. The outfit says, slut. That is her intent.
Yes, she is wearing a choke collar.
Just a couple out for a walk
Yes encourage you man to take more of you.
the-night-owl-dom: How long do you think I should leave her spread like this?
She can only be happy by exposing.
I like it
sloppy-gagging: SloppyGagging For goodness sake go out and have some fun.
She hears a man in the room. She does what she has been trained to do. Can you accept that she is a happy, beautiful woman?
yoursicklittlefantasy: There must be a reason why nature designed a men‘s hand to perfectly fit around a woman‘ throat.
We never truly know what is underneath. I like her smile as she exposes.
It’s messy and the both like it.
Right now she is in the acceptance stage. Later, she will come to need this. As she is degraded more and more, it becomes necessary and needed. Train her properly and she will be the person you truly need.
Yes have non stop sexual thoughts. It should be your normal.
There have been tears. I like that.
This appeals to me. I am not sure why, it just does.
This happens regularly. It is a central part of who they are. If you condemn them, you are an evil person.