My Internal Story (
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The hunger for usage never goes away. You can never feel good about yourself unless you give yourself to this hunger.
I always enjoy pics with tears. It shows that she is changing inside…giving more than before…yet knowing that she must, and in fact wants to.
Learn to open wide to the desires you feel or life a close narrow life.
This is how woman was meant to be pulled to her man.
Yes. Have some fun for goodness sake.
Notice how much SHE is enjoying this!
You can feel the happiness and contentment coming from her.
It gave me a smile.
Wooden spoons and hair brushes do so enhance a girls life.
I enjoy how “normal” this feels for her. She has properly redefined herself.
She finally feels free, Outside nothing on but her collar. She is free to be real at last.
I enjoy the feeling of this gif. She is there to please him.
You can see and feel the hunger she has for this.
Yes your hunger will grow. Welcome it. Embrace it. Therein is your fulfillment, your happiness.
Unless instructed otherwise, her mouth should always be open.
Yes break her inside.. More and more and more.
Yes feel the need to be degraded to be his object anytime anywhere.
OH yes, it does hurt. OH yes, she needs the hurt. OH Yes, it took her a while to understand herself. Each human must come to an understanding of her/his true inner needs. Each human must come to accept their real self…or spend life feeling empty.
I enjoy using these!!
It just made me smile.
Redefine…..REdefine……REDEFINE……what is your normal!!!
Do say an endless string of “yes’s” to those driving inner desires.
Oh yes I like this. It keeps those pesky hands out of the way as I mark her.
A strong, thinking, intelligent woman is truly a treasure.
She is assuming the position
This is the true path to freedom.
I truly enjoy a woman who knows how to have a good belly laugh
To me, this means…I give even when it pushes my limits….breaks my rules…i GIVE.
Yes do enjoy being a little naughty!
It just gave me a smile.
Thanks to all of my wonderful followers. I just went past 20,000.
I like it when a woman dresses sexy!!
Come to understand that you needs will never go away. They will just continue to grow.
I enjoy having her nude before me while I am fully dressed. I like to see in her face how wet she is.
I very much enjoy doing things to a woman’s breasts.
Yes flow to him as he uses you.
Yes always be like her….always need more!!!
You can feel the peace she has in giving herself.
Beautiful posture
HMMMM….which one should I start with? I enjoy watching her eyes as I caress one of the larger ones…first.
Yes she really does enjoy it. If you don’t understand, you need to read a different blog.
We all, male and female, have this veneer we wear everyday. Underneath it…….
Yes we all have to remove layers and layers of false thoughts to become the real person buried deep within.
Happiness comes from letting go, take a chance. Become fully his.
Somethings are just beautiful
Yes, do lead.
You carry thoughts, desires inside. You used to resist them….but no more. They would not go away. These thoughts these desires you could not flee them for they were built into your mind and body. Now they own you. Now you have peace. Now you have
What is normal? Redefine….Redefine….Redefine!!!!!
Yes Yes a thousand times YES!!!
There is a hunger, a need, an unstoppable desire to show herself, to be be used, to be taken…..Do it…this thing inside of you will never ever go away.
Yes always open wide.
Waiting for him in the moment just as he left her.
Yes! Expose, Enjoy it. Feel how good it is.
She waits.It is going to sting…but she waits wanting, needing the sting.She waits.She is wet between her legs. She has been trained to need the sting to be fully sexually aroused.She waits.At first she cried because she was this way. Now she is
It is just a table and a little rope. See what can be done with it.
Yes the collar and leash is the path to the freedom to bring the real you. Do it. Let go. Become
mr-filthy-torture: Just a fuckface….
Yes send her out dressed like this.