My Internal Story (
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Woman made beautiful.
I should have written this.
She would be beautiful if she was looking at her man.
Young yet already wise. Collared, blindfolded, tied, at peace. So many seek peace so few find it. She is now her true to herself.
Simple but so effective. Learn to use what ever is at hand.
its–5am: Some thing in a woman are beyond wonderful
bikes-blah-blab-blah: WISDOM
I like it
professorx2: A woman being gotten ready to serve.
torture10: Was Sie nicht wusste war, das Ihre Nachbarn mit dem Zeichnen anfangen wollten. Und Sie war Ihr erstes Modell. See the metal between her legs. She cannot stop. And her life is better because she is that way.
Sometimes you just need to sit back and be.
jojosladies: I would really enjoy watching her play.
It gives me a smile.
She does not understand why she needs it. She simply knows that she does adn accepts it.
trainingcunts: A Pig She has a picture of this herself. It is what she masturbates to everyday.
She is at peace. Life as it should be lived.
Start doing things in public, just for fun.
Yes do things to make him look. When he does smile and show him that you want to be used forever.
come-seta: ᶫಌᵛᵉ Yes dress to make men look. Make them think…..
mr-spanky-headmaster: No, she is not his daughter, she is his owned property.
Take a trip together and do the things of your dreams.
In the morning, I especially enjoy just waking up together, rubbing, touching, joining….
Sometimes just the smell of a woman, her hair, her breasts…….
thedutchjudge: I like the idea that his hand goes to her throat suddenly. She suddenly inhales at the tightening around it. She feels her sex react to it. Telling her MORE! She is my kind of woman.
m-b1740: sorgasms: Anne Desclos, French journalist, critic, translator and novelist, who wrote Histoire dO (Story of O), that was published under the pseudonym Pauline Rage in June 1954. This bitch had the hottest imagination ever. From just looking
welcome your real life.
sensual-dominant: budltman: ♂♐️ Woman exposed as she needs to be.
corsetrookie: Immediately Recognizable Women, part 03: Sylphide. The only woman I can immediately recognize by the incredible shape of her well-trained, conical waist.Send me suggestions of other immediately recognizable women, with a soft spot for corse
She gets her first spanking in-between the wedding and the reception. So is she is wet, and needs as they go out to meet all of their friends and family.
Yes, walk around with no panties, and show a little. You will be surprised how much you enjoy it.
Some things are so beautiful they need no comment.
Yes so many of you struggle against the darkness. You think things like, “this is bad, or I will never do that again, or I hate myself for desiring this.” Yet here you are back again for the 10th, 100th, 1000th…….time. Simply accept
As he puts more rope on her…she bends and relaxes to allow it to happen.
What does she see? What is she feeling? I would love to hear your idea’s my faithful followers.
I like it.
You have to understand she is not forced. She needs and wants to give
This is a wonderful moment.
lascivious-depravity: Take it down your throat, you worthless whore. I like how she keeps her legs spread as he uses her hole.
Yes, it does make her feel good.
She has to be degraded. She does it to herself when there is no one to do it for her. This need is a permanent part of her. It never stops nor goes away.
I enjoy putting thing on her high are TIGHT.
Just a nice couple. Making each complete.
Doing this feels so good, so right.
If it rains, well it rains.
Finally she is at peace.
rapedollswanted:That’s right cunts.
How she spent her day, waiting form him to get home. Unable to eat, go to the bath room…..waiting.
She will drive home covered in his pee as it gets wet. She will masturbate to these feeling, and thoughts. Thus embracing her undeniable need to be degraded. Do not judge them for what and who they are.
arcstar: Serving Men is her purpose What will happen? What will he do? She wants him to use her. To me that makes her a extremely beautiful woman.
You know what happens…right!!!
The hunger rises within her. She is not shocked, but wet just from seeing this.
Just normal morning exercise.
Happiness is being owned for the submissive and owning for the dominant.
I do not know what percentage of people lead double lives….but it is very very high.
Yes meet me at the hotel to go out and wear this dress for me.
I am not sure what it is, but I do enjoy for a woman to do this for me.
Sometimes you just have to go for it.