NiceLife (
submit your pics
#NelNike #Kobeyobey
#WaveDayInTheBooth #weworking #WedaCruMotherfukas #newishontheway #NelNike ##Drank
#WeGotEmBuzzin @3k_baby #dopeflowera #Weworking
#TimeToGetLit #WhosNext #MKxKobexitwasanXDay @nate_dagreat @nikko_dakapo
#NelNike #Kobe? #WhyNot #workhardplayharder
#HappyBirthdayBabyBro #KobeBday #NateNike @nate_dagreat
#HappyBirthdayBabyBro #airmaxday @nate_dagreat #NateNike
#Wonderwhatsinem #freshsince84 #NelNike #NateNike #KobeBday @nate_dagreat
#coolingwitdabroforhisbday #HappyBirthdayBabyBro #waittilluseetheshoes
#HappyBirthdayBabyBro #LuvYouMan #WeGoingShoppingIntheAM #famfirst @nate_dagreat @nikko_dakapo
#DoWorkSon ##NelNike #InDaSkundgeon #Wejusthavingfun #CruReppa #freshsince84
#CruReligion #WarmUp #freshsince84 #ChiziLL #NelNike #NeverTooMuchNiceLife
#GoPeepTheShow #ItwasLit #Wejusthavingfun #OnYOUTUBEnow #clickthelinkinbio‼️
#WedaCruMotherfukas #Wejusthavingfun #itsastoryavething @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @dacru718 @donlogan84 @ferrarifrancheyez
#DotEm #dollazbrucknice #WedaCruMotherfukas #itsastoryavething @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @ferrarifrancheyez
#WedaCruMotherfukas #itsastoryavething #Wejusthavingfun @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @donlogan84 @dacru718 @ferrarifrancheyez
#WedaCruMotherfukas #wejuststartingtho #itsastoryavething #freshsince84 @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @dacru718 @donlogan84 @aut0o0matt1c
Why not me ? Lol
ungoliantschilde: Avengers: Rage of Ultron, Vol. 1 # 1, by Jerome Opena* and Dean White. *the original artwork that Jerome Opena penciled and inked for this cover is currently up for sale. if you are interested, go to this link and
ungoliantschilde: the Variant Cover for Wonder Woman, Vol. 3 # 01 was penciled by and colored by Alex Sinclair. the variant artwork was superimposed over the regular cover artwork, which was penciled by Terry Dodson and inked by
marvel1980s: 1991 - Anatomy of a Cover - Fantastic Four #349By Art Adams and Art Thibert I love this….Art we All One
#WeHerForYouAlwaysyg #SipBro #monroefamily #WishWeCouldDoThisMore
#SipBro #WeHerForYouAlwaysyg #
#Follow #Follow #Follow
Da Cru
Freestyle Cru Shit
Dot Dollaz Billy Bruck Nel Nice Cru Shit Freestyle For Real Tho Boogie Down Bronx
#DayOnes #AnDFinest #DopeMusicNight #Goodlookshomies @aut0o0matt1c @da_dvppa_don_das_dibiase
#DOPE #WedaCruMotherfukas @ferrarifrancheyez @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @donlogan84 @aut0o0matt1c @dacru718
#DopeIsh #WedaCruMotherfukas #WatWeDoTho #ThisisADopeBegining #itsstillfreshcode #itsastoryavething @ferrarifrancheyez @keepitabruck @same_old_dot @donlogan84 @aut0o0matt1c
#DotisChargingUp #SuperSaying #ChiziLL #CNothing #TooMuch #DopeMusicNight #dopeflowera #ObaCz #WeDopeTho @ferrarifrancheyez @same_old_dot @dacru718 @donlogan84
#GooniSquad #DotDollazUpFirst #Bruckbizzy #YoukillIngMeSmallz #WedaCruMotherfukas @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @dacru718
#NelNice #NelNike #Bruckstartup #Brucekicking #WedaCruMotherfukas #DopeMusicNight #dopeflowera #nelyounicetho @dacru718
#NelNice #NelNike #dopeflowera #itsastoryavething #itsstillfreshcode #freshsince84 #WedaCruMotherfukas
A #Dopeflowera ##weworking #WedaCruMotherfukas #pregamepowers #DopeMusicNight #itsstillfreshcode #itsastoryavething @same_old_dot @dacru718 @aut0o0matt1c @ferrarifrancheyez @keepitabruck
#WedaCruMotherfukas #li #wejuststartingtho #weworking #CruOlogy @keepitabruck @same_old_dot @donlogan84 @aut0o0matt1c @dacru718
#weworking #WedaCruMotherfukas #Pressrecordcheese #Live @keepitabruck @same_old_dot @ferrarifrancheyez @dacru718 @aut0o0matt1c
#dayones #letsgethigh #Supersourfoundya
#nelnike #Suedeblackhi07 #freshsince84 #getbacktoit
#Happymothersdaymomma #timetoeat #Notimetohashtag
Checkit Go peep the page new ish on the way
#welitagain #May17 #Blackthorn51 #WedaCruMotherfukas #itsamovement #Notamoment #itsastoryavething #Newishondaway #Eventblastcomingsoon #weworking #newmusicontheway
#Itsgoingsown #Forinfohitme #10AHEAD5IFUBRINGSOMETHING #Wellworkwithyalol #Gonnabegoodtimesandafterparty #atDaOGzCribTho
#DaCruxSOS #itsastoryavething #weworking #newishontheway @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @ferrarifrancheyez @cutty111 @money_kawa_respect @lutesvegas @fleezzyyy @donlogan84 #Weondaway
Something quick tho
#Gocheckthevid #Newishontheway #getfamiliar #Bxwegotyall #DaCruJustDoIt #NelWorld #nelyounicetho
#Litaftertheshow #Blackthornwecomingbak #DOPESHOW #WedaCruMotherfukas
#Thiswhereitstarts #weworking #DatCruishontheway #Bxtra #GloryLife #SOS #NiceLife #WedaCruMotherfukas
#Wedopetho #Shoutsoutmysquad #wedacrunext #Letdothisman #itsastoryavething #Thanksforthehate #RedLight
#NICELIFE #NicelifenNightLife #wedacrunext #justfunshituaintdoing #LitwitDahomies
#sumthinlite #WakeupNice #Ilovedis #dopeflowera #nelyounicetho #Thisjustpractice
#wokeuplikedis #nelyounicetho #quickworkout #noworksoiwork #DaCruNext #nelnike #NelNice
#Thesecondandthethird #familyfirst #wejustliving #Mommaonvacationagain #Sotheboyzout #LoveYouPop
#Oldschoolstyle #dopepic ##83back
#Oldschoolstyle #Happybdaypop #Welit #touchemillkillya
#Wetalready #Happybdaypopdoc #Wutuptho #familyfirst
#HappyBdayPop #RealOg #nobodydoesitbetter #JuJi #LoveYouPop Been thru the good bad and worst and came out wit a bigger smile and more swag #Factsss Very Blessed to have you for a pop and wouldnt have it any other way….. I rock my name proudly for