NiceLife (
submit your pics
#CRUYORKxCRUSOUF #CruEverything @eff_u_dot @keepitabruck @nate_dagreat @aut0o0matt1c @ferrarifrancheyez @nikko_dakapo ;-)
#YeathatsNelInthaNiceAssHouse #FatBluntRolledAbouttosmokenpass #ShoutouttomyCruwedashitwitoutadoubt #VideoSoonWeAboutDaCash #NelNike #Dopeeeee
#NELairFRESH #CRUYORKxCRUSOUF #Watchtheinsidetho
#TinkerHatFieldNelNikeLogo #Blessed #NelNike #CruEverything
#ATLBOUND #CruReligion #DoThisForMebenefitsForUs #CruEverything #NelNike #ImaFreshPrinceThisShit
#familyfirst #FollowDaFam
#CruGold #CruEverything
#MomnAuntD #HappyBdayMomma #Haveablast
#RealRapThoYungOneStyling #AyePlaya #BabyBroGrowingup #NateDaFuckingGreat @nate_dagreat @nikko_dakapo piko nate think he raki on the paid in full album lolll. ..#freshsince84
#HappyBirthdayMom #ThreeTheHardWay #YouDiditandstilldoingit #Loveyoumama #Goshowmombdayluv #Livingthenicelife words can not express the love our family has and you were the START of that…LOVE YOU MAMA
#NextStopATL #WedaCruMotherfukas #CruEverything #WeWorking FolloW @da_cru718
Need a dope JACKET..should I
visionary-vandalism: Oz Montania - Paraguay PEAcee
enochliew: Mural by Plant the Future and 2AlasMoss growing through apertures in painted wood. TRIPPY
visionary-vandalism: Deih - Valencia, Spain DOPEEEE
#ItsWrittenIntheSky #WedaCruMotherfukas follow @da_cru718 follow follow follow follow follow
#Turnpike #Turnupkit $#NextATL #NICELIFE #weworking #wejustliving
#Slowmotionliketheoceanfront #movingTho #ATLNEXT #ThinkaboutItThenmakedaPlay
Like it , share it, this is dope music
Come check me, follow me, wat h me Do Me …
#Vie Riche #freshsince84 #Good4th #3KWeekendRIP #WeGonnaStayRightforya #CruYorkSoon
#FourthIslandNR3 #NICELIFE #AlwaysUSNeverThem #WeBlessed #NateIsEddieGordo #Brotherskeeper
#WitTheMiddleOne #TheyNotlittlenomore #FamilyFirst #NR3
#Vie Riche #NelNike #FamilyFirst #ThreeTheHardWay #thisoneforuBuzzo #RiveraFam #NR3 #freshsince84
RIP MY LIL CUZ…LOVE YOU MISS YOU AND WON’T EVER FORGET YA …A.o.D da World bro 3ktripplePlay what they knew him as…but you’ll always be Clearence first to me and ya bros…fukahashtagthisshitsad…no likes just
duss005: insanity-and-vanity: The collapse of a shark tank at The Scientific Center in Kuwait. Share this because it’s probably the only time in your life you will see something like this. this is like the second act of a really awesome syfy movie.
boobbillionaire: hugeknockersking: Madame Trixie !!
Kill it for Play….Word
powwowblog: @tristaneaton finishing his mural in Long Beach, California for @powwowlongbeach. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ // Photo by @b4_flight. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ // @agendashow @bigrentz @dlba @flexfit @imprintlab @intertrend @jetblue @knockaround @lbmaorg @meetinlongbeach
I Love This Shit…..Turn Up #WeDaCru
Come Get Familiar #WeDaCru718 #718
See what my world like…ill check yours just for fun
GO TUMBLE Upon Niceeeeee…..
Tumble me this….
ynneh: @HEIGHTSPUTAS follow Worddd …uber
brooke-carterr: Add me in Kik: sexxymiss #UBERHER I need lol
tabbyvondamn: Heres my menu: It’s ฤ 3 videos 10 pics ฮ 4 videos 15 pics โ 6videos 30 pics I have bj, titty play/squirt, squirt, bj/titty fuck/squirt, bj/titty fuck/ doggy, rough doggy style anal cream pie, doggy style, missionary pov. I also
sexyrozay: U not ready
sexyrozay: #IDFWU I want her ….UBER
Where is she
sniquepeek: #ONTHELO This Thursday Check it outttNEEQ ON FLEEK
skrippapeauxs: @msteamapplesc Love itta alot
DopeeeeeIma backkk
gurillaboythamane: cunnilingusluv: Thick Layla Monroe’s Lovely Phat Ass
cunnuligus2: Beautiful Ebony
#NoFilterNoCutStillFresh #DidntEvenKnowItookthis #CruReligion #DopeGear #Dopeinblack #3Piece #justsaying We All Go Thru Hardships , Every race Every color… I just say keep pushing
#CageGlowNel #StuntDouble #NICELIFE #ShootWitdaCruSoS #wejustliving #NelDopeGear #DamnHeFresh #freshsince84
#WedaCruMotherfukas #wejuststartingtho #DatCruJointTho. #Iknowyallwaiting #WeGotYallTho @donlogan84 @same_old_dot @ferrarifrancheyez @keepitabruck @ME ↖↘⬇⬆➡➡ #ThatsTheCodeToBeCruSucka
#BackToMyAction #Follow N @da_cru718 #Wefollow
#NowBakToDaMusic #NiceLifeOnTheWaY #weworking #Newishontheway #NelEffinNike #freshsince84 #CruYork
#YoungJuJi #PopDoc #HatBakEra #originalBadBoy #YallSuckasneedSchooling #LoveyaPop #LooklikeNikko
#PopsGotTheDrop #PhotoBombJU #JuJinC #sisters #FamFirst
#FamStrong @nikko_dakapo @nate_dagreat #NICELIFE
#HappyFathersDayPoP #famfirstalways
#BrutalityCagewattheycallhim #Niceeeee #GetyaHandsUp #NICELIFE #MKXXKILLA #WhosNext
#GoodNightWorld #GreenThumb #PkayingDatTrackWork #GoodDayIntheBooth @da_cru718 @aut0o0matt1c @same_old_dot @keepitabruck @kindgenius @ferrarifrancheyez shouts to @made_by_deeni for the pull up