NiceLife (
submit your pics
allabouttheass: Topless Amber… Aaaalways a pleasure DopeeeeArt morning
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice #ItsAStoryAveThing #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @da_cru718 … #WeWorking #ShoutsOuttodaCrutho #StoryAveWuTup ✔✔💯💉✊
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice @bx_yung_gz #ItsAStoryAveThing #DRUGEM shout to @oztribeca for da Ears. ..and shouts to @da_cru718 …#CruItJuStDOIt factz 🔜🎧
#BatCaveUdio #WorkTime #Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @ronkain @ron.kain #killthejokers #RapGotham shout out to @da_cru718 ..#LetsWork
#Fin #DopeArt #Nicelifeondaway
#BatvSpawn #NICEOUT #Nicelifeondaway #ArtWeAllOne #DopeArt
#BatCaveUdio #Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @ronkain on da tech _n_ Direction #DRUGEM
#FIN #BatvSpawn #NICEOUT #BigupsToThemakersofboth #ArtWeAllOne shout out #BOBKANE & #TODDMcFARLANE For creating these characters #CruItJuStDOIt
#DopeArt #BatvSpawn #Color #Nelnice3 #ArtWeAllOne #Superheromoviesgotmemotivated #WhosNext?
#DopeArt #Nelnice3 go there for finished product #JustDoIt #BatvSpawn #Troublewittheink #iDoThisTho #ArtWeAllOne #Superheromoviesgotmemotivated #MoreToCome who should be next?
#LateButGreat #Nelnice3 for Real Time dig Me ..#CleanupNiceeee #CruItJuStDOIt
#NikeChill #chillingnIllin #PROJECT84 coming Soon #CruItJuStDOIt back to da booth Friday 🎧🎧💉 #DRUGEM
@@nelnice3 @nelnice3 @nelnice3 little graph work for good friday..aye hbd 💯💯👌👑 to da cru member @eff_u_dot go shout da homie ya heard #ThrowUp #HappyFriday #DopeArt
#CuzzosisTwinz brothers 4 life fam over everything … haven’t seen them two together in a while @Iamjustinlo @Bluuryviszion …. we gotta have a cuzzo day facts
#Whoop #CruItJuStDOIt #DotemNnice #Luvdisish @eff_u_dot on da trax #ItsboutogetHotout 💯💯💯💯💯💉#DRUGEM
@NelNice3 to get Farmiliar #DRUGEM #PROJECT84 #GzuNice see how I did that #CruItJuStDOIt “ the hood room plus the way they just around the corner” 💉💯💯💯🔜🎧
#PROJECT84 @bx_yung_gz lets #DRUGEM ,💯💯💯💯💉🔜 #CruEverything #CruItJuStDOIt
@NelNice3 go get Farmiliar #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @eff_u_dot , just one of the Cru Members from @da_cru718 #Workkkkk
#DotemNnice #CruItJuStDOIt #WeWorking #ShoutsOuttodaCrutho We ♨💯💯😤🎧✌🔜💉#DRUGEM @eff_u_dot on da CRUMIX
#PROJECT84 #Schoolsopen #CruItJuStDOIt #Dawgggggg 💉💉💉#DRUGEM @bx_yung_gz … PEN n PAD ✔
#SkiMask #GzweGotem #CRUYORKCITY #Itsboutogethot #Idothisforlove #ondaway 💯💯💯💯💨💨💨💨✌🎤🎧
#GzuNice #PROJECT84 #CruItJuStDOIt #Nicelifeondaway shout out to da homie @bx_yung_gz … 🔜💯💯💯👌👑💉💉💉#DRUGEM @da_cru718
#GetLitWitIt #CruItJuStDOIt #GzLetsGetit #NikeChill #Newishontheway shouts to @choppshopradio and da homie @bx_yung_gz let’s kill em
bestkeptbbwsecret: Uh… yes!!!
Can u pick that rug up please so I can dust under..and hold it till I’m done…thanks a million …..😬
Damnnnnnnnn…fuk that I need that this weekend. ..who’s up for it
NelNice3 for da IG
#DopeArt #NelNice
Where da white girls at 😈😈😈😈💨
nymphtastictx: As promised, a video to show our appreciation. We’re at 4K and some change…glad y'all enjoy our videos 😜 She’s strong….cru need her 👌👌👌👌
Can I go next pleaseee
#TAGTV #ThrowUp #CRUYORKCITY #GraphMural #Nicelifeondaway shouts out to dat @da_cru718 tho FACTZ💯💯💯✌🎮💨
#HappyEaster #CruYorkEaster #PeacenLoveToAll
Nel Nice/Dot Dollas Who Do You Love Freestlye - SoundCloud
mrfalling12345: OMG WHAT DID I DO!? For mobile just hold the reblog button
cumonlindsey: O?shit Gooododdddddd FriDayy
Purple people eater
theshoefactory: Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Moire - Metallic Gold Whhhhooowheyyy
#NELNICENELNICENELSNICE @llIHear 🎧🎤💨🎮 #CRUYORKCITY #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to da squaddddd @da_cru718 #WeWorking
superheroesincolor: John Boyega surprises sick children with Star Wars toys at London hospital Get the Star Wars books here [ Follow SuperheroesInColor on facebook / instagram / twitter / tumblr ]
The Nipple Slip Blog
#DOteM #CruxSxSW #DotxConan #Workkkkkkk💯💯💯💯 shouts to da motherfuckin Gz Tho @eff_u_dot @conan42fly #BxnTexas
#ShoutsOutCHOPPSHOPRADIO @choppshopradio facts for the love ..appreciate yall for real and I will be ninja pulling up on yall soon 🔜💯 See if da @da_cru718 wit it We all come cyph … Go TUNE in and if you haven’t checked it yet #YOUTUBE
Tune in or you snoozing. ….CHOPPSHOP 💯💯💯💯 NelNice3
cumonlindsey: cumonlindsey: Shreveport,Louisiana Exposed chick Brittany Johnson 24 Monster titts on display please reblog and share with your followers Only will be up for and hour reblog fast if you don’t mind
chuckynachos: youngandwellington: This is the bullshit that’s wining in the republican primaries ♻
cumonlindsey: ebonytaboo: Y'all are fuckin amazing😻💦 She squirts on her face and in her mouth NICEEEEEEEE
#CRUYORKCITY #MusikMonDay shouts to @eff_u_dot for da Drop and @brolife_themovie for the feature … #Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt
Dot Dollaz/Nel Nice - Last Night - SoundCloud
Hold Up Slow Up - SoundCloud
Dot Dollaz N Nel Nice What They Want Freestyle - SoundCloud
THC MELODY #CruItJuStDOIt #ItsAStoryAveThing #LetTheViBesBuRn 💯💯💯💨💨💨🔜
DIDN’T SEE IT , BUT…I Hope the movie #CHI'RAQ touched on this …because this is an issue…..#LetsGetBetter business is business and stupid is stupid ..there’s a difference bless up my people ✌✌💯🙏🙏 Let’s
#SPIDEYYYYYnCAPSHEILD $hours out to @heroes_and_villains_daily for the Update ..go check the trailer now …#NICEOUT #CrUWar