Daniel (d-josee.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
scottworldwide: Nathalia 2 by *Scottworldwide
Selective Affinities
love-stephan: Zinaida Serebryakova
loumargi: Diego Rivera __Desnudo con girasoles 1946
Botones obedientes
wonderingaesthetic: Shane Gehlert. Australian surrealist
Masterful Erotic Bedroom Art
noonesnemesis: Vicente Romero
erosart: hi ! here is a new watercolor… i would like to say : thank you kate ( for the picture)
afroui: Endre Penovac
fragrantblossoms: Alfons Walde (1891-1958), Hilda Kitzbhel, c. 1925.
themainloop: GIL ELVGREN (American, 1914-1980). Golden Beauty, Brown & Bigelow calendar illustration, 1957. Oil on canvas Can I own this one day plz?
Historica Erotica
art-mirrors-art: Jeff Faerber - Woman with Red Skirt (2012)
elpasha71: John Henry Vanderpoel (November 15, 1857 – May 2, 1911)
parappurathu: Kristian Mumford
hajandrade: Myrtille Henrion-Picco, Nombril De Bonne Soeur à L'Epazote, 2008, oil on linen, 89 x 116 cm
cupcakekatieb-eyecandy: After hours (4)
dappledwithshadow: Clothed and Unclothed, Milton Avery, 1935.
Admiring the Feminine Form
erotic-bedroom-art: (via raunchyart, schundundschmutz)
sensationsart: Slava Groshev
sensationsart: Martha Dahlig
The After Image Of Mental Scrimmage
soft-kitti3:soft-kitti3’s Saturday Theme“Curvy and Voluptuous”
erotic-classic-art: Francesca Strino
adhemarpo: Walter Sauer (1889 - 1927, Belgique) - Le vice
dekehlmark: Norman Lindsay (1879-1969), The Ragged Poet - 1924
kaifineart: Alexey Steele…
kzmkwoji: Auguste-Alexandre Hirsch (1833 - 1912)Night1875
elpasha71: John DeAndrea
kundst: Géza Vörös (Hu. 1897-1957) Odalisque (1929)
Why I Otta
erosart: Venus with Doves by François Boucher
erosart: Ohh, just gorgeous pieces, here.. those soft voluptuous curves are amazing! Thanks so much for these first submits, ! jammiman ~ Eros
Klerus and Cartoon
godparty: Dubout - Justine.
beatnikdaddio: “dat ass” sayeth the lord.
higherentity: … roaring twenties girls
oh-betty: Untitled by Daniel Baraggia
popnudes: Ballet dancer by JacekBakutis
discardingimages: reading clericCodex Justinianus, Bologna 13th century. Angers, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 339, fol. 260v
vintagemarlene: odalisque II, horst p horst, 1943
evelynvinyl: Nude lyra
artexpert: Adolescente aux cheveux roux (1947) - Balthus
art-and-skin: federer7: Ho Ryon Lee (이호련) art+++
elpasha71: Konstantin Razumov
trepol: Kuniyoshi Kaneko
walksthroughthecenturies: Gustav-Adolf Mossa, “She”
adhemarpo: Andrey Belle