Daniel (d-josee.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
adhemarpo: Photographie de Frank Laffitte et Richard Fegley - 1918, une histoire révélatrice de la lingerie pour Playboy, Juillet 1972.
The After Image Of Mental Scrimmage
adhemarpo: Lawton Silas Parker, impressionniste américain (1868-1954)
adhemarpo: Edgar Degas - Après le bain - vers 1883 - Pastel
ymutate: Bela Kadar, (Hungarian, 1877-1956) - Conversation
lumieredesroses: Manuel Frères. Etude de nu rehaussé à l’aquarelle. Vers 1920 Courtesy Galerie Lumiere des roseshttp://lumieredesroses.com/
Mikael's Playground
agracier: 19th century humor - one way to blow out a candle …
agracier: spanking illustration from a 1930s erotic novel …
alphachanneling: 💓
thechill23: Lisa Yuskavage
buttsaboutart: Lisa Yuskavage
alphachanneling: Love making is the most virtuous of all the human arts~ ALPHACHANNELING.com for new prints
madivinecomedie: Moïse Kisling. Nu agenouillé au canapé bleu 1932
artiebagagli: Francesco Hayez - Portrait of ballerina Carlotta Chabert who playing with doves (1830)
parappurathu: Liu Yuanshou
mudwerks: Walter Bondy - The Pedicure [1909]
lifepornography: Giovanni Battista Moroni,The Vestal Virgin Tuccia
nicenudephotos: 5°) Dunes… by jpmphotographe from http://ift.tt/17ceJyz
adhemarpo: Michael Parkes - La pluie - Rain - (1994)Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie
adhemarpo: Bernard Charoy
Why I Otta
dardant-universe: Gillian Carnegie
eroticpictures: Jean Dulac
topcat77: Egon Schiele Sketch Book , c.1916
le-voleur-de-beaute: Boudoir… by DenisSaintClair
eroticpictures: P. Beloti.
adhemarpo: Marcel René Herrfeldt (français, 1890-1965) - Nu
gacougnol: Kishin ShinoyamaSaori 2 C-type print
dardant-universe: Marcel René von Herrfeldt
amamira: Sergey Ignatenko
beautyormore: Beauty, or more…
love-stephan: artforadults: purefuckingmagicstudio submited Harvey Mercadoocasio
my-secret-eye: Finch Linden
ewallisartist: Peace 18x24 o/c, Eric Wallis 2010
void-dance: ON SINKINBOTE: Tut-tut. Do you also deny that there are sins?SHADE: I can name only two: murder, and the deliberate infliction of pain.Vladimir NabokovPale Fire (1962)Photo by Jan Saudek: Grapes of Wrath
Selective Affinities
rarelyupforair: Olivia Bettie Page Art
graceslug: monsieurleprince: Jean-Denis-Antoine Caucannier (1860 - 1905) - Galatea by the Acis river, 1883 Ugh beautiful
agracier: 19th century erotic illustration …
el-guia-del-laberinto: Babilonia, Roberto Ferri
erotic-classic-art: Yarek Godfrey
suonko: by John Neil Rodger
erotic-classic-art: George Ward
amamira: Douglas Hofmann
parappurathu: Suzy Smith
historic-erotic-art: Today’s piece of historic erotic art comes to us from late 19th century China. In this bisexual orgy, a group of six nude men and one lady wearing a breast binding join together in a very happy act of group sex to form a love
afroui: Lee Friedlander | Nude (Madonna) 1979
romandesotomayor: Anna Wypych
romandesotomayor: Jeremy Lipking
romandesotomayor: David Hamilton
romandesotomayor: Atsushi Suwa
romandesotomayor: Grigory Gluckmann (1898-1973)
shared500pxfavs: Sand by carsposi, http://500px.com/photo/145181487
artiebagagli: Pierre Carrier-Belleuse - Sleeping Nude on a Beach (1913)