Daniel (d-josee.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
sakrogoat: William Etty - Reclining Figure
adhemarpo: Tatou vu !
dappledwithshadow: Tadeusz StykaBlonde beauty in a transparent veil
ewallisartist: Steve Hanks
asmallwomanblog: By, mlr-ps.tumblr.com in Michigan. Winter 2016.
parappurathu: Andrei Belloli (1822 – 1881)
adhemarpo: Artemisia Gentileschi (Artemisia Lomi) (1593 - 1653) - Danaë, 1612.
adhemarpo: Pino Giuseppe Dangelico (Italien, né en 1939) - Devant le miroir
satyrsandnymphs: Mark Severin - Ex Libris Kristen Rasmussen
ewallisartist: Roberto Ferri
alaaddinsmagiclamp: Fred Fichet
love-stephan: Rolando Cubero
elegant-lust: Rolando Cubero
zoeblancsec: human-pets: Luis Royo Beau dessin…
Mikael's Playground
ewallisartist: Vladislav Nagornov
igormaglica: Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919), Blonde Bather, 1881. oil on canvas, 81.8 × 65.7 cm
erotic-classic-art: Arantza Sestayo
grandma-did: 139, addition 2
adhemarpo: Emil Ganso (Américain né en Allemagne, 1895-1941) - La lectrice (1937)
love-stephan: Nude on the Golden Sheet by GeneRivas
ewallisartist: Eric Wallis, United States
girlsdoingyoga: nudeexercise: Nude Balance .
adhemarpo: Gil Elvgren
The After Image Of Mental Scrimmage
adhemarpo: Vasily Shulzhenko (Russe, né en 1949) - Le marin et les filles
adhemarpo: L'essai de corset.
void-dance: Photo by Albert Watson
ljosio: Konstantin Antioukhin, The Pear
ewallisartist: Saidov Aydemir 1979 | Russian Realist painter
parappurathu: Ilona Reisz
love-stephan: Maiden and Death II by dihaze
ewallisartist: 毛以岗(Mao YiGang) Chine
ewallisartist: Zhu Kai 祝凯
flashkeeper: Yarek Godfrey
rfsnyder: File:Guillaume Seignac - La vague
hedonix: Tania Kliukvina. Tweeted by @TDRM1.
xururuca: Meltem Sozer
Grandma Did It
perleartistiche: Artist Rafael Estrany
Why I Otta
"Sensual Queens" Erotic Women Of Color
blackfashion: Model: Tage Photo By @oye_diran
adhemarpo: Charles Kvapil (Belge 1884-1957) - Trois grâces
fragrantblossoms: František Drtikol, Nude, c 1920.
void-dance: WOMEN ON WOMENWith lesbians the lure seems to be softness and sensuality. The sexual processes of women are so subtle and so complicated that it usually takes someone of the same sex to know how to please them.Quentin CrispIllustration: Women
sakrogoat: Kamille Corry - Scorched Wing
gnubeauty: desecrated-doll-face: Bridge. @kc-camrose captured by @unfamousphoto. 30 December 2015. Austin, TX. Camel Pose - Ustrasana
I Need an Outlet
naked-photos: Atlas in mulieribus 3
femalebeautyinart: In the Water by Eugene de Blaas, 1914
pmikos: (via LoveBessieLove.jpg (JPEG Image, 504 × 700 pixels))
adhemarpo: Egon Schiele
adhemarpo: Viktor Lyapkalo (Russe, né en 1956)