Bare America (
submit your pics
Understated, elegant and very sexy…
40 , full-bodied and amazingly sexy…
I love mirror shots. Especially with such a voluptuous view….
We’ve admired this lady for years and the ‘Wow!’ just never wears off…
Blonde, pleated skirt, white ankle socks and a natural fur coat. Does it get any more sexy?…
The label ‘BBW’ doesn’t even begin to do her justice…
Indulging our continuing love affair with the female bottom..
We don’t know her name, but her figure is unforgettable…
Mirror shots are sexy. This one of J is superb…
SeeYourWifeAgain sent us this sexy shot. We think she’s superb…
Erotic April also wanted this sexy photo reblogged. Happy to oblige…
eroticapril: “Mind if I masturbate?” Yes, but only because you’re not using my hand.
Our admiration for the female bottom is boundless. And here’s why…
Glorious figure, wonderful eyes…
Marie loves being seen and we’re more than happy to help…Who wants to be next?
Soft, hidden secrets, subtly shared…
Subtlety. It works every time…
Just let your imagination fill in the blanks…
Another collage of the elegantly sexy Miss Donna…
She can pose for her own camera, yet few large girls are ever allowed to pose for those held by others. Unfair.
No tattoos, nothing pierced, just perfectly rounded, sensual art. Enjoy…
Women often remark how some guys put them on a pedestal, and they don’t know why. Ladies, trust me…there’s a good reason…
A beautiful bottom, perfectly dressed…
She’s big and she’s proud, and we love her to bits…
Just when you think she couldn’t look sexier…the shoes. Share and enjoy…
If you blogged this before, you’re good to go. Who else dares to?…
Big booty and clearly happy. There’s a link, ladies. Ignore all those anorexic wannabes in the fashion magazines and see if you find it…
I’m baring my breasts telling everyone about National Go topless day August 26th. Can you reblog so everyone knows. Wouldn’t it be cool if women all across America took off their shirts like me and celebrated this day! Thanks for reblogging.
What is it with Empty Blogs??
I love this guy’s work! We get a lot of fakes from husbands and ex’s with a grudge, but this is fakery of Olympian skills. Follow this dude, you’ll love it…
Jean is 60 and rather nervous about posing, but loves it. We only wish we could find more ladies like her..
Yes, you would…
Opulent boobs and a landing-strip. I love her style…
What can you say?? Enjoy…
Another large girl, another great smile. Larger women are happier and sexier, and here’s proof.
Another voluptuous vision to get your Sunday rolling. Ever noticed how larger women always seem happier than thin girls? The lesson is simple, girls: Want to be happy? Ditch Jenny Craig…
April nude in public. A very sexy lady….
Got Wood?…
Our good friend, Chrissy, on show for all to admire…and reblog.
I was just at Baker Nude Beach in San Francisco last week. Here’s a photo: MC
With the aid of just one simple piece of home-spun crochet, she exudes a level of innate sensuality that would leave even Ricky Martin in an implacable quandary. Wow!
We are talking effortless Parisian MILFyness of the first order. Enjoy…
Don’t read, just admire…
She clearly loves posing, but most bloggers call her ‘too old,’ so she’s ignored. We need to change that.
Not sure what’s she’s planning with that gadget, but her figure is glorious…
Let’s see who’s sexy - and brave - enough to reblog this :)
She looks nervous and unsure, but older ladies wanting to pose must be encouraged, so here she is..
Now, this Olympics I would watch!…
A subtle, sexy peek from a very sexy lady…
As an addendum to our previous post, here is what we’d call a real woman. The diet and fashion worlds have lied to and manipulated women for so long, girls like this are an endangered species. It’s long past time that was changed…
Larger women are only called that because they’re surrounded by nervy, insecure, malnourished fashion victims who’ve been lied to and exploited for so long they no longer realize or believe it. I join this campaign gladly. So should you.
So a guy in just socks looks like a dork, while a girl dressed the same way looks this hot…Odd, huh? :)
Ann for all to see, gracing the front of our sharing group, WifeSpreader6.
The unique and irreplaceable Miss Lizzy Renfer. Love this lady…
A mature, voluptuous woman reclines on her bed and invites the world to admire. Magnificent.
Carla taking a long, soapy shower. You’re welcome ;)
It’s close to quitting time on the east coast, so here’s Tina as your #FridayFanny. Share and enjoy…
Sophia is a sexy example of what Tumblr needs - more older/larger ladies as stars. Who’s first?….
This is Michelle’s debut and we welcome reviews. Be kind - what do you think?…