Bare America (
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Amber has blossomed onto the modeling scene like a beautiful, benign Mistral. Let’s make her want to stay… :)
Those panties spend 16-hours a day, hugging that glorious bottom?? I am soooo jealous!?! ;) Love porn? Need extra money? This works for us!
itsmejules3: How many reblogs can I get? Probably far less than those perky boobs deserve :( Let’s see them again…
A real Granny does a selfie! Bravo, sexy lady! Who wants to go next?… You love porn. You need extra money. This works for us!
A fan writes, “My naked wife.” I envy you more than words can express - She’s superb!
Granny Sandy is the essence of mature sensuality, made manifest. If other mature ladies shared the same guileless belief in their innate sex appeal, the effect on every sane man would be like two pints of intravenous Viagra… :)
Plus-size perfection in a single frame. Beautiful!… You like looking at porn, so get *paid for it!:
A mature woman posing ‘au naturel’ amid the glories of nature. There is nothing sexier!…
Feeling too shy for a selfie, girls? Just put the top down, like this curvy girl! :) Make big money with porn!:
A cheeky flash in a Bi-Mart, by a brave and *very sexy lady!…
Boobs are beautiful. But *bottoms*???! :) You love looking at porn so get paid for it:
Who’s from California?
A gorgeous GILF, whose folded arm suggests she’s self-conscious about her waistline. I can’t imagine why?? 8-) Don’t just look at porn, get *paid for it!:
Plus-sized *and wearing glasses. And any sane man will tell you she’s as sexy as hell!…
A gorgeous, mature, blond, with geeky interests and sumptuous boobs. All my dreams made real in one perfectly coiffured container!… Don’t just look at porn, get *paid* for it!:
Larger girls’ bottoms are the stuff of legends. Ask any man who has even *caressed one… :-)
That rare treasure - the Mature selfie. We need lots more of these, girls! ;) Don’t just look at porn, get *paid* for it!:
Madam Butterfly sashaying across the bed, unleashing a bout of Olympian lovemaking that twists the bed into a sweat-sprinkled frappe, just as two patrol cars arrive… …It’s normally at this point the alarm clock goes off. :(
Lady Jeanne, to make your June even hotter…
Some guys say big girls aren’t sexy. They’ve clearly never known the pleasure of being loved by one… Make big money from porn!:
Big boobies need a *big phone!… 8-) Make big money from porn:
They are hypnotizing??…
lovlickinclit: 65yo Gilf There is *no way those curves have seen 65 years?? Superb!…
Whoah, check out that bling?? Oh, sorry…you’re studying something else… ;) Make big money from porn!:
softcurveslover: ancientmariner44: A cute pic from 1998. Oh our misspent youth….. Such a nice rack there WOW!!!!! The years have not altered a single hair… 8-)
Cute Jane shows us how to turn the whole world on with one simple ‘click!’ Who’s next?… Wanna make money from porn? Here’s how!:
This scrumptious lady announced her retirement from posing last week. Thankfully, her departure is blissfully slow… :)
A full-figured Latina grandma with bountiful boobs and cute tassels. Soooo much to love??… 8-)
A little work on the hair and make-up and this shy girl and her *magnificent* curves would drive grown men crazy??… Wanna make money from porn? Here’s how!:
Selfies are sexy. An older woman in one sends the ‘sexy’ off the charts??…
Just *what are these guys smokin’??… Wanna make money from looking at porn? Here’s how!:
Do you know where *your towel is?… :)
Ordinary girls have to do laps in the shower, just to get wet… Not *this curvy goddess! :) Earn Money with Your Blog:
What can you say?? Curvaceous perfection!…
ancientmariner44:more from last weekend The lovely Miss Rhea and her beautiful blooms…
A skateboard is quite simply *the dumbest mode of transportation since the pogo-stick. The lady, however…??! ;) Earn Money with Your Blog:
Of course! All ladies 18-60 are welcome to send some!…
Curvy girls and selfies - A match made in heaven! :) Earn Money with Your Blog:
We love them. Especially selfies! All ladies 18-60 are welcome, so feel free… You love surfing porn so get *paid* for it!
daxidog: artofamaturewomen: I think I’m going to take some time off from posting ! I feel you are getting tired of seeing me everyday ! I noticed not as many reblogs lately and not as many messages ! I may be back in a few weeks or more ? So long
Why she looks so unsure of the effect that luscious figure will have on her new admirers is beyond me??… You love surfing porn so get *paid* for it!
Sue loves to be seen and has brightened this blog many times. Reblog this and make this slender lady famous and happy ;)
Round and proud. You can almost hear the neighbor wives spilling their Slim-Fasts in unbridled envy??
curvywomenmakemeweak: OMG she is awesome! We need to see more of her!!! Great submission! Agreed! Those eyes could start wars! You love surfing porn so get *paid* for it!
MS Paint strikes again!… :-D
The note reads, “Just submitting from us.” Your bottom is superb! Please show us again :)
Twisting a picture insults the model and annoys all her fans. This risible fetish will find no home on this blog…
Round and proud, and able to cause a global boner with one ‘click’! It works, huh?? ;)
Once again this elegant lady beguiles us with that *sumptuous figure. But still no idea of her name… :( Earn money with your site. Free!:
everydaywives: self-conscious about her plump tummy …With absolutely no need! An adorably shy, Rubenesque MILF in glasses. So much to love??…
Eva, in a subtle homage to the great Marilyn Monroe… Earn money with your site. Free!:
Built the way women were allowed to be before those disingenuous crooks in the diet industry smelt a cash-cow. Big girls ftw! :)
She doesn’t look too sure of how sexy she is. The response to this selfie will soon fix that!… Earn money with your site. Free!:
Channeling Denmark’s famous Mermaid, the deeply desirable Granny Sandy shows how it *should be done!…
Looks messy enough to be a Dorm, huh? So she’s blond, gorgeous, cuddly, *and* a future scientist?? Plus-size uber alles! :)
That number *has to be a misprint - She’s hot!? ;) Make money with your blog:
Mature, plus-size, *and wearing glasses. If this curvy girl can rock a selfie like this, so could you!… ;)
Using what looks like an Apple, while sporting a perfect pear… Make money with your blog. Free!:
Hardly a day goes by without this shapely, sexy lady gracing our dashboard. And I don’t seem to have a problem with that??…
Her figure is large, and, as most men will tell you, her sexual allure matches it to the inch… 8-) Make money with your blog. Free!: