Bare America (
submit your pics
Twisting a picture insults and devalues the model. We won’t support that.
The wonderful Miss Krista in a ‘Wild West’ mood…
Lucy in heels. Just trust me, they’re there… 8-)
Plus-size and superbly photogenic. Wow!…
Soft, round, and draped in the only fur a sexy woman ever needs…
The subtly sexy Granny Sandy returns to delight and arouse us once more…
Eva - The perfect definition of ‘MILF’!…
She likes to be called ‘Butterfly.’ We just call her ‘Wow!!’
Lady Lucy enjoying the sun… Sexy seniors ftw! :)
She’s young and plus-sized, and chose a career in undressing… Bravo, brave and bountiful lady! 8-)
Deborah for your perusal and posting…
The selfie and the sumptuous Woman. The perfect blend… 8-)
Plus-size ladies and selfies. There are never too many…
Mary Hoyda, relaxing after a hard day of being endlessly desired… :)
Lady Marcie in a rare close-up. Dron, gentlemen; they broke the mold…
Madam Butterfly…Redux. And one very sexy lady!…
The Lady Deborah’s calling card. Now you want her even *more, huh?… ;)
Rubens himself could not do her justice…
She Who *Must Be Adored!…
One selfie can barely contain all the ‘sexy’??…
People don’t *live at 45", so why take pictures that way?? It insults the Model and annoys all your readers… Reblog this and join the resistance movement!…
Tilting / twisting a picture is not only egocentric and annoying, it’s an insult to the model. People don’t *live* at 45" so why depict them that way?? >:-(
A wonderfully curvy granny in black lingerie and nylons…Does it *get sexier??…
We are talking cleavage you could *yodel* in?? Wow!…
Don’t read…just gaze in awe?! 8-b…
The ‘Ghost Bikini’ is rather a shame, but that figure is just scrumptious?? 8-)
Round and proud. And far too rare?? :(
FYI…Just in case ‘Exhibit B’ should slither across your Dashboard…
I support this idea 300% but can anyone tell me an *American brand, built *in* the US by American labor? I don’t think there’s one left?? :(
The Lady Deborah. Southerly view. 8-b…
The hair cascading over one eye is a sensual portent that never gets old…
If you can super-size your soda, you can super-size your love life: Learn to love large - you’ll never look back…
Mature, round, and very sexy. Who thinks they can do better?…
The unique and deeply sexy Miss Suzanne. Dream on, gentlemen; they broke the mold… :(
This lissome lady could look sexy in a Burqa. In undies??…OMG…I need to lie down…
Another sexy MILF takes the selfie challenge. Who’s next?…
In the minds of those so blessed as to have been loved by curvier women, it never did!…
There is no conceivable way in which pantyhose are, or ever will be this sexy…
A *real Woman. Take notes…
The halo is a lovely idea, but with a lady as sexy as Reba it probably has a few tiny dents?? 8-)
Lady Lucy, captured in a rare southerly view…
Gladly! All ages 18-60 are welcome. Larger ladies, doubly so! :)
Larger woman Smartphone. It almost never happens :( Don’t be so shy, girls - who has some?…
The lady known as Butterfly. Gaze on and dream, boys! 8-b…
Like black Women, ladies who hail from India are an endangered species on Tumblr. Why is that??…
Fact #1: 91.8-million US Women are on diets, earning the American diet industry ฦ.6-Billion a year. Fact #2: Women like those above are still 10-times sexier! ;)
Mature *and plus-sized. The perfect blend…
The graffiti was a bad choice but I *love to see plus-size girls proving they’re ten-times sexier than the rest! :)
The dress is like Jackson Pollack on a bad acid trip,…but that figure??? 8-)
Those eyes could make *Ricky Martin* switch sides??
With that hair she should run for office??..
Anyone else reminded of Monty Python? *Glorious shape, don’t you think?…
One of the most subtly sensual pictures with which this rare lady has brightened our lives. Copy and repost at will…
All women look hot in lingerie. *Older women set it on fire… ;)
Selfies are sexy. But selfies by black ladies are almost unheard of. Don’t be so shy, girls - you’re among friends… :)
Someone should record the daughter’s progress as she becomes the exuberant masterpiece that is her Mother….
Magnificent! And rather brave?? :)
Subtle lighting meets opulent womanhood…
The refined sepia effect is how this captivating picture of Granny Sandy arrived. What else would we expect from this deeply sexy and remarkable lady??…