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Manhua by Tan Jiu, transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7//8//next
The ‘seaweed oh seaweed’ game. Manhua by Tan Jiu. Transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7//next
blisschild: friend’s bookmark
Manhua [19 Days] by Old Xian, transl by yaoi-blcd
louvestudio: our sister site’s translating Tan Jiu’s Their Story btw :D meep
Sun Jing and Qiu Tong by Tan Jiu
Yaoi-BLCD NEW RELEASE <<19 Days>> by Old Xian, first part is all of the art and panels (1-54) released up until 11/21/2014. Translated by Yaoi-BLCD. DOWNLOAD (part 1: ch1-54), Read next chapter <<55>>THIS POST HAS A DOWNLOAD,
Manhua ‘19 Days’ by Old先,Transl: yaoi-blcd
Old先 on how to take care of your drunk friends.
newest update from Tan Jiu, translations by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10// 11// 12// 13//14//next
manhua by old先, translations by yaoi-blcd
[Audio Drama] Their Story- Tan Jiu (坛九) [有声漫画]#璟瞳#之《第一次相遇》第①版;原著@坛九 音/视频@怪物盒子工作室 孙璟@朱雀橙 秋瞳@shourei小N 祁放@默伶丶 诶诶…最近微博经常刷屏的百合你有看过嘛!不过这部作品还木有名字呢…如果喜欢之后更多精彩的内容,请支持我们呦!
This was the converstaion when Sun Jing first tried to hit on Qiu Tong. Transl: yaoi-blcd. Manhua: 坛九 Previously: 1// 2// 3// next
This was Sun Jing before she met Qiu Tong. Manhua by 坛九1//next
manhua by old先,translations by yaoi-blcd
[yaoi-blcd.tumblr release] Final Lover- Psyche Delico.zip
art by 阿闷aman, transl by yaoi-blcd
[Yaoi-BLCD release] The Specific Heat Capacity of Love by Old先 and Moss
manhua by 坛九,tranl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4//5//next
[Yaoi-BLCD.tumblr release] Their Story by TanJiu .zip
Qiu Tong and Sun Jing by 坛九
Their Story part 4, manhua by 坛九, transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10// 11// 12//13//next
Their Story part 3, manhua by 坛九,transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10// 11//12//next
Their Story part 2, manhua by 坛九,transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10//11//next
Their Story part 1, manhua by 坛九,transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9//10//next
美术手帖#宝井理人#テンカウント,#ヨネダコウ# 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない,加笔彩图~爪机背景换起来
unprfkt: oldxian on zerochan
cont. of that 坛九 story, transl by yaoi-blcdPreviously: 1// 2// 3//4//next
Manhua by 坛九, translations by yaoi-blcd, more of the story herePreviously: 1// 2// next
by Old先, translations: yaoi-blcd
by old先