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tumblr y8a is drunk and autocorrect is saving her unlike last time on her PC just smashed the keyboard with her head ama
2 out of 4 :’)
With @gh0stmach1ne waiting for the RWBY panel :D
I’m going to bed. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)
red-seraph replied to your post: Since you’re pretty much queen of the bees at this… I think a Discord is in order. Y THO . CAN I JUST NOT BE. ALSO DISCORD SCARES ME. GROUP
July polls
@y8ay8a even if there’s ‘no discrimination’, it could well be a heteronormative society, which maybe could allow an exploration of the coming out process without falling into tropes? Hmm. I agree one doesn’t necessarily
I don’t even know anymore, I didn’t know about Monty saying that and I didn’t notice their weapon use in V4 :’)Forgive me
…. This is one of the best scenes ever on both chibis and the actual show holy shit
black-jackal-on-blog: Wait a second, where I’ve seen that … oh yeah, I remember. “Fun and Mayhem”–Pyrrha’s death, as dubbed by Cinder.