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Expected The Unexpected
What do you mean, this isn’t how the RWBY volume 1 finale went down?
gh0stmach1ne: Yea, and thus an angel of the lord spaketh unto the people, delivering unto them but a simple message: “Blake and Yang are so homo.” And so it was. This man needs black and yellow robes and his own church so we can attend mass.
almea: Question: If you could cosplay any character besides your own, and it’d be the best cosplay ever, who would you cosplay?Arryn: Who has the best hair? Blake has such luscious, long hair. I choose Blake.Barbara: You can’t choose your own.Arryn:
heartlessaquarius: Color schemes run in the family Qrow Branwen: Me Ruby Rose: Xiled Cosent A world of genderbend brought to life :’)
Keep moving forward.
gh0stmach1ne: I s2g as soon as I hear that bmblb instrumental playing in the background I’m gonna lose my mind
Second redraw of drunken doodle.
redwilledqueen: Battle Kitty 🐱 Blake is one of those characters I don’t cosplay often but when I do I have the greatest time. Can’t wait to do her volume 4 outfit! Photography - @weaselkings *whispers* Volume 4 outfit w he n ? (๑•̥̥̥́ω•̀ू๑)
redwilledqueen: Blake is all set for Ottawa Comiccon~ I’m so excited to meet Arryn Zech there! 🐱 *whispers* My life is complete.
Redraw from one of my drunk drawing episodes.
Thank you for these messages – they’re the ones that make me the most happy, and I end up hoarding them in my inbox so I can re-read them :’) I don’t really like just posting on my wall tons of appreciation messages, but I do want you to know
seankayos replied to your post “Here’s a question: why would they even ship Ruby and Oscar? The best…” I think Oscar offers sympathy in a way no one else on Remnant
Draw Box
ailtern:Just something
icesticker icesticker replied to your post “After watching
shroudthecursedone: tigerpaw90: After seeing the new opening, I immediately wanted to draw some fan art of the part where Cinder is checking out this new character who I believe could be the spring maiden (?) ( I could be wrong but it would make sense.)
weissrabbit: Keep reading