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A well-toned and defined lower ab reflects lean fit body. It is the result of hard graft in the gym as well as cardio training and proper nutrition. Together, they all produce strong abdominals and low body-fat levels.Well-defined abdominals are mainly
Advanced Cycle #1-1Advanced cycles are very different from intermediate and beginners cycles. This is because by the time a bodybuilder or athlete has reached the level where they could be rightly called advanced. They´ve probably reached a point in
One of the best ways to get lean is to increase your muscle mass. The more mass on your body, the easier it will be to burn calories and create a deficit which will force your body to pull from its fat stores. An interesting note about body-fat or what
The Three Best Oral Steroids Are:The King of the orals is clearly AnadrolKnight in Shining Armor is AnavarThe Court Jester is WinstrolThese are 3 of the most popular oral steroids. They work for losing fat or building muscle. Of course to do that you
GP Nolva is an post cycle steroid and is made by Geneza Pharmaceuticals. The active substance is Tamoxifen Citrate.GP Nolva (Nolvadex) by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is probably the most popular ancillary drug for male steroid users who wish to avoid the estro
GP Prima 100 is an injectable steroid made by Geneza Pharmaceuticals, this steroid is aslo known as Primobolan. GP Prima 100 (Primobolan) by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone and, although it produces a weaker
One of the most popular oral steroids available, Dianabol has stood the test of times and remained by far one of the most popular and effective anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders on every level of the experience spectrum. Why is Dianabol so popular?
Testosterone Base is an injectable steroid that contains testosterone with no ester attatched to it. It is pure testosterone and has no ester attached, and thus no ester calculated in the weight. Where 100 mg of a testosterone ester equals 100 mg minus
The selection of a steroid is as important as using it as per recommended guidelines so that benefits of steroids can be reaped in the best possible way, this is where Sustanon 250 comes into the picture. Sustanon 250 is one of the most powerful of all
Melanotan (MT) and Melanotan II (MT-II) are both analogs of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is produced within the pituitary gland. Along with other melanocortins, they are responsible for various internal human functions includin
A derivative of Testosterone, Halotestin appears to be an excellent substrate for the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that means Halotestin gets converted to a much more active steroid in androgen responsive target tissues like the skin, scalp, and prostate.
Arimidex belongs to a category and class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors (AIs). Aromatase inhibitors belong to an even broader class of drugs known as anti-estrogens. The other subcategory of drug under the anti-estrogens category is known as
Interested in learning how to use a Clenbuterol T3 Cytomel Stack? If you want to begin using Cytomel and Clenbuterol for the first time to help you with weight loss, you must first determine the right dosage for you, if you are a woman, or man. It is
Nandro (Nandrolone Propionate) is indicated for treatment of anemia’s, breast carcinoma, hereditary angioedema, antithrombin III deficiency, fibrinogen excess, growth failure and Turner’s syndrome and prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema.
Anavar happens to be an anabolic steroid that possesses more versatility in its use and Anavar cycles than would occur at first to most individuals. It also has the ability for more versatility than most, if not all, other oral anabolic steroids. Anavar
Anadrol, a potent anabolic androgenic steroid, is an ideal performance enhancing drug if you are looking for a drug that can improve the production and urinary release of erythropoietin without leading to common side effects of steroids. This steroid
Just because something looks like a steroid (structurally) doesn’t mean its effects are similar. Heck, androstenedione is structurally very similar to testosterone. But the effect of ‘andros’ in normal men would be like feeding a lion a McDonald’s
Winstrol pills offer a type of steroid that can help someone to increase their muscle mass or that can enable them to cut. It is a common type of product that is used for those that need to increase their overall strength and endurance. During rigorous
Clomid and Nolvadex I am not sure how Clomid and Nolvadex became so separated in the minds of bodybuilders. They certainly should not be. Clomid and Nolvadex are both anti-estrogens belonging to the same group of triphenylethylene compounds. They are
The human body heals itself by blood flow, nutrition, and circulation. Ligaments, tendons and joints have less efficient and abundant blood flow as compared to muscles. The human body being more than 70% water, operates in a fluid medium. That fluid
When Clenbuterol first hit the bodybuilding scene in the 1980’s, it was viewed in much the same way as most new performance enhancers - as the next best thing. Surrounded by an aura of mystery, excitement, and apprehension, in combination with a healthy
It wasn’t long ago when the word “middle-age” was associated with physical inadequacy. For millennia middle-age was the accepted time when a man would move beyond his prime and leave the strength and vigor of his youth behind; a time when those
Your body’s GH levels are tightly regulated by numerous chemical messengers including macronutrients, neurotransmitters, and hormones. The signal to increase your body’s GH levels starts in the hypothalamus. There, two peptide hormones act in concert
Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) is perhaps one of the more ‘exotic’ anabolic steroid that may be used by an athlete. Originally it was developed and used as an anti-estrogen (under the name Masteril) for the treatment of breast cancer.
Clenbuterol (often referred to simply as ‘Clen’) is not a steroid, but a Beta 2 Sympathomitetic and central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It is a specific agonist, stimulating the adrenergic beta 2 receptors. It is used in certain countrie
The principal practical difference between these is duration of action.There’s also some difference in the amount of actual testosterone contained per milligram of drug. In order of highest testosterone concentration to least-high but still high,
Sustanon injection contains testosterone esters. These are derivatives of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone. They are converted in the body to testosterone. The steroid of choice was Sustanon (Sustanon 250)… it was a household
With the wide variety of anabolic steroids available, planning the most appropriate cycle may seem like a difficult task to the steroid novice. Even if we have settled on a particular drug or drug combination, it is still easy to question whether or
Trenbolone Acetate is often considered the ideal muscle-building compound that can be utilized by strength athletes and bodybuilders. Its appeal is that it is strong androgen but has no estrogenic activity. This combination, along with the fat-burning
Your libido is, well, essential. That is an understatement. If you can’t feel like a man, no use looking like the best built one. Okay, some things are known about male sex drive, many things are not. We will focus on what we do know, and, what the
If you’ve never supplemented with anabolic steroids before knowing what to do can seem like an overwhelming task. To begin there’s a massive amount of information available, not to mention numerous steroid related message boards. When you look at
Testosterone is the undisputed king of steroids mainly because it is safe, elicits rapid mass and strength gains while maintaining libido, a sense of well being and energy. It’s not uncommon for a first time user to gain 15-20lbs of LBM in a standard
Unfortunately for bodybuilders, its muscle-building attributes are not as effective. Halotestin doesn’t convert to estrogen in the body, but it is toxic to the liver, so small doses are recommended. Halotestin is the Upjohn brand name for the steroid
Because of their ability to reduce risk of gynecomastia (abnormal growth of breast tissue in males) and enhance recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle, use of anti-estrogens such as Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) has become popular in
In millennia past and up until these last few decades, bodybuilding was largely viewed as a healthy physical practice by both those who participated in it, as well as the general public. In truth, the original basic tenets of this lifestyle, which invol
Out of all the side effects a anabolic steroid user could potentially experience, gynecomastia is one of the worst and it certainly tops the list when it comes to cosmetic side effects. Being heavily associated with womanhood, the very nature of this
Nearly everyone who has used both Testosterone and Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) will tell you that, at an equal dose, Testosterone will build more muscle and strength. Despite this commonly accepted wisdom, Nandrolone decanoate boasts a 25% higher
Testosterone is responsible for normal growth and development of male sex organs and maintenance of secondary sex characteristics. It is the primary androgenic hormone, and its production and secretion are the end product of a series of hormonal interac
Tamoxifen Citrate represent Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). This drug is widely used in medicine world as a treatment against breast cancer. Instead of the fact that Tamoxifen Citrate is SERM, bodybuilders take it also as an anti-estrogen
What is a steroid cycle? This is a cycle that refers to the frequency or the schedule to which a given individual uses steroids. The users of these steroids use them at different intervals periodically at a given time. When the steroids are being used,
With the increase in the use of anabolics, it is very important to understand and choose the right anabolic cycles to achieve the required goals. In the start, some physicians worked out on making the anabolic steroid cycles for many people including
If you are about to undergo a steroid cycle of 6-8 weeks and have a history of excess estrogen formation after using harsh or aromatizable steroids, Nolvadex is one name on which you can rely without any second thoughts. Nolvadex, which is also known
When a bodybuilder uses a steroid cycle, he feels like Superman. His strength and muscle mass skyrocket, and his sex drive goes through the roof. He is aggressive and powerful. Once the cycle ends, however, it is quite another story. Whether it be from
The human body is an amazing thing. Without even really knowing why, the average man or woman can perform amazing feats that scientists have worked for years to replicate in robots. The human body can run, jump, increase in strength and size, and even
This drug isn`t a anabolic. This remedy is a pill form anti-aromatize thatis taken by numerous sportsmen to help prevent bloating (edema) and Gynecomastia connectedwith the taking in of testosterone and androgens. How should take Anastrozole? Take
If we talk about a typical exercise for pectoral always comes to mind one that is usually present in all we do workout routines, this is the pushups. This exercise is very useful when working the chest completely. But we do not know anyone is that class
Trenbolone remains one of the most popular anabolic androgenic steroids of all time and like many steroids it can come in many forms; one of the most popular being that of GP Tren Enanth 200 (Trenbolone-Enanthate). Trenbolone-Enanthate is not only
The Smith machine is about the most misunderstood piece of gym equipment. Admittedly, it can make for dangerous and unnatural squatting and pressing, but with just a few tweaks it can also be an excellent hypertrophy tool while providing a nice change
Want to lose weight? Sure you do. Corporate diet plans are being enacted because some corporate know-it-all figured out how to save a few bucks for the company on insurance premiums. Don’t get me wrong I am definitely an advocate for weight loss,
The following warm up protocol will help you prepare properly for your first working set on squats, bench press, deadlifts and other similar heavy compound exercises. Keep in mind that some of these steps are optional. Some individuals dislike stretching,
Have you lost all motivation to train? Do you dread heading to the gym? Maybe you spend half the day looking for excuses to put off today’s training? Losing your motivation is not fun. I know, that’s an understatement. You really want to gain muscle.
There is absolutely no reason why you’d have to train a bodypart twice a week to make it grow. Muscle growth is caused by an increase in the sarcomeres within the muscle fiber, as well as by an increase in the number and thickness of the myofilame
There are three different types of testosterone floating in your body: free testosterone, SHBG-bound testosterone, and albumin-bound testosterone. When you get tested, there are two tests you can get: total testosterone and free testosterone. Total
Isoleucine - an energy source for muscle cells. The disadvantage of this amino acid leads to lower blood sugar. Appears lethargy and drowsiness. Isoleucine deficiency also leads to loss of muscle mass. Leucine - promotes protein synthesis in muscle
Physical exercise affects the equilibrium of the internal environment. During exercise the contracting muscles generate force or power and heat. So physical exercise is in fact a form of mechanical energy. This generated energy will deplete the energy
What are the signs of overtraining are there? This question is often overlooked by bodybuilders, however, overtraining was, is and will be the worst enemy of a bodybuilder. Overtraining occurs due to training outside the recovery ability of the body.
Have you ever wondered why many bodybuilders with good physical ability build up mass and stop fighting for the muscles, which have already achieved? Perhaps, this case applies to you. You really are looking for new ways to stimulate growth? You
Looking for a pre-workout energy boost that can also help jack up your natural testosterone levels? Bodybuilders and athletes have been know to use caffeine prior to training to help increase mental focus, energy levels, and workout intensity. Basically