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Knowing an individual’s ratio of muscle fibers can help you design a more effective training program. Individuals who are slow-twitch dominant will benefit more from higher volumes of training, while fast-twitch dominant athletes will progress
There’s something that bodybuilders noticed from experience, they call it “Priming hypertrophy facilitation.” This means that after a bout of training focusing on power and strength, your body responds much faster to any subsequent
1. If the tension is too low during an exercise, even when performed at a high volume, it will not lead to much in the way of size or strength gains. 2. If the volume is too low, even if the tension is very high, it will not give you much size or
In every concentric contraction (overcoming or lifting a load), lifting a certain weight with more acceleration will always produce a greater degree of intramuscular tension. In an eccentric contraction (yielding or lowering a resistance) it’s
Over the past few years strength training enthusiasts and adepts of the “body beautiful” have been spoiled. Now, more than ever, there is a slew of effective training programs available to everyone wanting to better their body or their capacities.
You know about that horrific day in gym class when Sean humiliated himself in front of the girls. And you know about him crying in the mirror. But you don’t know how he got from there to where he is now. You see, he was always fully aware
Some bodybuilders say they don’t feel that special psychological techniques need to be used. The most important thing is for the athlete to have an optimal level of arousal. Too little arousal and the intensity will suffer; too much arousal and
What about the leg press? Various coaches have different opinion. Some athletes rarely use the leg press in their training. For example, it may be used by an athlete who had shoulder problem and couldn’t even put the bar on his shoulders — the
Complexity is the language of simple minds. Always be wary of the guy who sounds impressive. There are many coaches out there who try to make their mark by sounding intelligent and spouting complex words and concepts. They are generally the people
dirtballsfbb: Alicia Harris
Speaking of lifting explosively, many of us read something once about actually throwing the bar up out of your hands while benching, then catching it. Is that a real training technique or just a flamboyant way of committing suicide? Many athletes
We see a lot of stuff these days encouraging bodybuilders to incorporate Olympic lifts into their training. Why should a bodybuilder — or just some guy wanting to look big and powerful — use Olympic lifting? It all comes down to a variety of stimulus.
menarehunks: Men Are Hunks
Today many talk about non-functional hypertrophy. Dr. Mel C. Siff is probably one of the first to have explained this concept. More recently Brian Haycock has also brushed the subject. Basically, non-functional hypertrophy refers to gains in muscle
noexcuses-nolimits: Don’t forget to bookmark the Olympia webcast page below! All the action starts at 9:30pm Eastern, 6:30 Pacific Friday September 28th
Christian Thibaudeau shares his coach experience. Coach schedule varies during the year. In the summer coach spends five to eight hours a day training hockey players; that’s their off-season. During the season most leave for their respective team.
noexcuses-nolimits: The 10/01/12 edition of PBW recap’s this weekends Mr Olympia contest that saw Kai Greene give Phil Heath all he could handle before he took home his second straight Sandow! The “Pro Creator” Hany Rambod, Heath’s adviser/trainer,
Interviewer: Let’s start off with some personal history. What’s your athletic background and how did that lead to you becoming a coach yourself? Christian Thibaudeau: I was the kid that nobody ever selected for dodgeball in grade school.
Very high strength and very high size gains.The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, in mind. To adjust for the properdosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 110KG,increase the dosage