Welcome To SkinnyVille (thinspo-101.tumblr.com)
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A Quick Tip: Craving sugar? Grab some fruit! It taste sweet, is ridiculously good, guilt free, and is always under 200 (good) calories. Still can’t seem to kick that craving? Drink a glass of tea/coffee and walk around for 20-30 minutes. Your cravin
I apologize for not being on here for a while. I have been INCREDIBLY busy with school, cheer & play practices, and social activities. Don’t get mad at me because just like you I have a social life and It’s not my job to just sit around
XO, Thinspo-101 http://thinspo-101.tumblr.com/
Who thinks thinspo to girls who want to be skinny is like porn to guys who want sex? I mean; really! When you think about it we stare at half naked pics of chicks and there even catagories for the type of thinspo like “collar bones, hip bones, model
“Stay Happy, Love. Because in the end, the only opinion that truly matters is YOUR OWN.” XO, Thinspo-101 http://thinspo-101.tumblr.com/
Make today the day you decide to lighten the load. “Make Fat Your Bitch.” XO, Thinspo101 http://thinspo-101.tumblr.com/
Although I am against Pro-Ana/Mia, I do have to owe a big part of my success to thinsporation photos! Trust me, you’ll rethink chowing down on a bag of chips after staring at pictures of skinny girls all day. XO, Thinspo-101
These are some GREAT exercises for working towards a super-flat tummy! XO, Thinspo101
Need some help targetting your lower abs? Doing the Captain’s Chair exercise is a great way to blast away unwanted belly fat! Just sit on the edge of a sturdy chair and bring your knees up to your chest while squeezing your abs. Be sure to hold
Thin Dreams Everyone! XO, Thinspo101
Not sure which exercise to do? Here’s an easy way to target any problem area. XO, Thinspo101
Random Tip: Never skip breakfast! It has been proven that eating a healthy breakfast will help you burn 5-20% more calories throughout the day, and makes you less likely to binge later on in the day. XO, Thinspo101 “Official” Site at http://t
Struggling with your Sweet Tooth? Here’s a recipe for a home-made, low calorie treat that will send you into a guilt-free bliss. “Stay Happy, Love.” XO, Thinspo101
Bloated & not sure why? This may explain. XO, Thinspo101
This is a great exercise for your Butt, Hips & Upper Thighs! For more of a challenge, hold the second position for a minimum of 10 seconds and squeeze your cheeks together (With your muscles, not your hands, please!) XO, Thinspo101
Instructions on getting a thigh gap made simple! XO, Thinspo101
Random Exercise Tip: Getting ready to exercise, but not sure how many reps you should do? Let’s say your UGW is 120 lbs. You should start with 120 *insert exercise here* then do 110 *insert exercise here* then 100, then 90 then so on and so forth.