ἀγαρικόν (suualk.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
okmoonkid: mount fløyen, norway
elixerz: Galway
silkengirl: i went hiking today!!
steepravine: Rosy Mushroom Trio (Albuquerque, New Mexico - 7/2014)
Nymphaea ondinea
vampyrumspectrum: Westcott Brake, Exmoor The very beautiful Westcott Brake, where we scattered my Dad’s ashes earlier today.
eisakux: ニガイグチ
labellefilleart: The Three Graces, Carle Van Loo
catonhottinroof: Julia Beck L’Etang (Brume)
losergrl101: For Helga
pt 2
my walk home
sadnessdollart: L’Aurore (Reduction), Details. by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905) Dated: 1881 Medium: oil on canvas
toledeol: This is me. cutie boyfriend!!
art-is-art-is-art: Slumber, Isaac Snowman
eisakux: ナラタケモドキ
on campus
fourchu: I’ve found a darling fig tree!
toledeol: Images from the Tudor pattern book MS. Ashmole 1504
arstekne: The youth of Bacchus, detail (1884) by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
eisakux: ヒメコナカブリツルタケ?
arthistorianmindswirls: Walter Crane, Diana and Endymion
eisakux: ニオイコベニタケ
Atom Bomb Baby
gardenorach: lil buggies
poboh: Elaine, the Lily Maid of Astolat, Edward Henry Corbould. English (1815 - 1905)
threemonthsandaday: white prairie clover
took a walk
stonybrookwoods: Cone galls on witch hazel leaf Cone gall aphids lay their eggs in witch hazel leaves, and the gall develops as the larvae grow
heaveninawildflower: The insect quire (Summer version) by Masuyama Sessai (1754 - 1819). Edo period (19th century). Tokyo National Museum. Wikimedia
plantfaeries: blue and white
stonybrookwoods: Spotted wintergreen flowers
shy sonata for mercury
berniewong: Happy that it rained(plants are no longer dusted yellow for the time being), not thrilled about the forecast for frost on Wednesday.
threemonthsandaday: blue columbine
stonybrookwoods: Carolina rose
morigrrl: Primroses
morigrrl: Elderflowers, elderberries
deer-ful-photography: in the forest | may 2014
yesterday we went hiking in a new spot and it was so much fun!!
bluscouts: went for a walk in the woods today
morigrrl: Cute views
jessica woods
found fungi on our hike!!
we went hiking today and it was so lovely but also the mosquitoes ate us up
threemonthsandaday: tonight in things that are so fuzzy
nymfeja: where i live
-little-owl-: If this isn’t an entrance to a fairy world then I don’t know what is… Fairy Glen, Isle of Skye, Scotland, April 2014
nice things from my walk home