ἀγαρικόν (suualk.tumblr.com)
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jpsx: l’Olympe ( détail) - Le Tiepolo 1753
artsy: ‘The Master of the Entombment of Saint Nicolas, Neufchâteau / France, Lorraine, Vosges,' c. 1495 Explore Frieze Masters now on Artsy.
astra-inclinat: Spring Breeze William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1895
eisakux: ムラサキシメジ。
eisakux: ヤナギマツタケ
caesaringaul: Roman Marble Head of an Athlete, Based Upon a Greek Bronze Statue, Antonine, ca. 138-192 C.E. This head of a youth wearing a fillet must have belonged to the statue of a victorious athlete. He probably rested one arm lightly on his
Nymphaea ondinea
steepravine: Tiny White Mushrooms Popping Out Of Leaves (Mount Tamalpais, Caifornia - 11/2014)
leprincelointain: Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863-1923), Las Nereidas (détail) - 1886
wonderingaesthetic: Firs Sergeyevich Zhuravlev (1836–1901)
greek-museums: Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki: Two busts believed to represent Philip II and Alexander the Great respectively. In Thessaloniki there was a cult dedicated to the worship of the family of Alexander the Great and these artifacts
leprincelointain: John Dickson Batten (1860-1932), Snowdrop and the Seven Little Men - 1897
ohdarlingdankeschoen: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/396809417142545341/ 1558 Jacobs Dream - Giorgio Vasari *This large panel, apparently intended for a ceiling, was done by the painter, architect, and author Giorgio Vasari for the Florentine Marsilio
leprincelointain: Marie Spartali Stillman (1844-1927), The Childhood of Saint Cecilia - 1883
leprincelointain: Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898), The Madness of Sir Tristram .
masa1643: きのこ
sappho-embracing-art: Jan Gossaert, Danaë (1527)
Jaded Mandarin
suualk: we went on a picnic at this bog and saw lots of bugs n birds and it was very nice
detail from Francesco Hayez, Il consiglio alla vendetta (Vengeance) (1851).
oldroze: “The Three Graces” by Antonio Canova. Marble. Height: 182 cm. Between 1813 - 1816. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
luvpaintings: necspenecmetu: Noel Coypel, Sacrifice to Jupiter, early 18th century (Le sacrifice à Jupiter)
leprincelointain: Adelaide Hanscom Leeson (1875-1931), Illustration pour “The Sonnets from the Portuguese” par Elizabeth Browning.
leprincelointain: Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918), The Lizard Charmer.
365blossoms: Clematis
paintingispoetry: Angelica Kauffman, A Sleeping Nymph Watched by a Shepherd, ca. 1780
leprincelointain: Gabriel von Max (1840-1915), Le Martyr Chrétien - 1867
drakontomalloi: Giotto di Bondone - The Vision of the Thrones. 1297-1299
templeofapelles: Diana and Endymion, 1596 Annibale Carracci Farnese Gallery Rome
artiebagagli: Annibale Carracci - Venere e Cupido (1592)
cordisartis: Venus c.1760 Johann Zoffany
zsofihamori: Fra Angelico - Annunciation (1434)
hadrian6: The Birth of Athena at the Forge of Vulcan. 1508-11. Antonio Lombardo. Italian 1458-1516. marble. http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
arsantiquis: John Constable - Cloud Study
windypoplarsroom: William Bouguereau “All Saints Day”
chilly morning
eisakux: ツルタケとイボテングタケ。
eumycota: The trees looked beautiful with the mist surrounding them
365blossoms: The Grandma’s Garden series comes up again. Unusual brown irises.
aleyma: Roman, Carved intaglio gemstone, 1st-3rd century (source).
jaded-mandarin: Rene-Antoine Houasse. Detail from Morpheus Awakening As Iris Draws Near, 1690.
masa1643: 浮遊きのこ
love is the answer
figure-studies: Aphrodite, Pan, and Eros (circa 100 BC)
hadrian6: The Infant Jupiter with the Goat Amalthea. 1639. Nicolas Poussin. French 1594-1665. oil/canvas. http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
artiebagagli: Ferdinand Humbert - Abduction of Deianira (1877)
marcuscrassus: The Interrupted Sleep - François Boucher
pre-raphaelisme: Apples by Albert Joseph Moore, 1875.
jessica woods
leprincelointain: Edward Poynter (1836-1919), Helena & Hermia - 1902
leprincelointain: Wilhelm Amberg (1822-1899), Pensées Lointaines
monsieurleprince: Paul Antoine de la Boulaye (1849 - 1926) - Belle époque beauty reclining on a settee with roses, 1907
leprincelointain: Rupert Bunny (1864–1947), Una and the fauns - 1890
mensa-1998: 22/10/2014
baroqueart: Saint Cecilia by Charles Hoyau Date: 1630