Shaped Light's Tumblr of Wundler (
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IT BEGINS. ଊପା ବାତତବ ୍ୋଲମାୀ େୋୁୋ ଗେ ିଗଲୋତତବ ପାୀା Which means, roughly, GRAB YOUR BUTTS! <3
Gettin’ ready for another shoot. One that’s been long-time-coming…
Gettin’ ready for summer! n-nThis is my whole outfit. Totally.
Whoops, totally forgot about these. n-n
Fapping and closing shop~
More crotchless booty and dick! Enjoy. o3oI’ve still got like two more sets in my drafts.
Lots of butt. c:
I got a tucker in my pants, hhehehe…I do stupid shit when I’m tired. xD
Twangngngng, fap fap fap fap, twangngngng…
More buttses! Also more bootyshorts / shirt combo.
panslaguy: shapedlight: 700-Shirt-Special Part 4I never actually intended for this to be a special, nor did I expect to hit 700 followers, so… woops? I wish I could marry this person. If it makes you feel any better, I would be a terrible husband.
A couple more pictures of the shirt/bootyshorts/dick combo. n-nThere are a few more mini sets coming out that I all took last night, so enjoy the upcoming posts!
Shirt … special. Mini set? Mini set.Okay, so I suck at naming things when I’m tired. Sue me.
Possibly the best butt shot I’ve ever taken as a teaser for the upcoming set. c:
shapedlight: And then there’s this video of me squeezing that flared toy into my tight ‘lil ass~ And here’s the link if you can’t view it! …In fact here’s another one too. shh.
And then there’s this video of me squeezing that flared toy into my tight ‘lil ass~
700-Shirt-Special Part 6!Is it rude to say “That’s pretty fucking hot” to my own material? I don’t care. During my toying, I was just *dying* to have a stud throw me onto the floor/bed/wall and fuck me relentlessly. I think the springtime horn
700-Shirt-Special Part 5; The giffeningBecause gifs! :3
700-Shirt-Special Part 4I never actually intended for this to be a special, nor did I expect to hit 700 followers, so… woops?
Holy-shit-I-have… Okay new title. 700-Shirt-Special Part 3That’s better.
Holy-shit-I-have-700-followers shirt special! Part 2I’m gonna have fun retyping that like six more times throughout today.
Holy-shit-I-have-700-followers shirt special! Because you’re worth it. 51 pictures in total not counting upcoming gifs, so sit back and get ready for a few long picture posts!
Teaser for an upcoming photo set~
(again, excuse the spots, they’re fading) Made myself a collar out of an old belt! I like it. I’m gonna go for the multi-collar / accessory twink look, I think.
And here we see the Tucker in it’s alternate natural environment - cushioned gently against the grass, where it spends its time when not pounding ass. As you can see, the shaft stays solid and firm in order to brush more heavily against any nearby
Outdoor adventure! Iknowmyskinishorribleokayshutup So I was wandering around with my toy and happened across a rather private clearing nearby! I wonder what I could get up to here…
A few random pictures, the bottom one referencing this post here by this super sexy person go see