Shaped Light's Tumblr of Wundler (
submit your pics
My friend Dar bein’ silly. x3 Do you think he’s as cute as I do?
Advice for would be blowjob givers
The recent messages were super nice and sweet. Here’s some gifs as a reward! <3
A couple of shots of the thong that I totally forgot to include in the underwear special that I thought I could show you fine people. n-n Thanks for all the mail! I’m answering it as fast as I can in between editing and uploading.
weegboi: high res weeg’s greatest hits part 1 That last outfit is to fucking DIE for. Not even reblogging to shapedlightlikes. Reblogging here. You’re worth it.
Extras left over from the National Underwear mini-shoot-scrap-webcam-thing. Big thanks to my friend Dizzi for showing support, and my boyfriend for callin’ my booty good. n-n
Happy National Underpants Day! (8 / 8)Hurray! Golden booty shorts for dat golden booty.
Happy National Underpants Day! (7 / 8)MORE SCALES! Not quite the same, though; these have the gold inline along the pouch and a different design. Overall, a different feel but still the remarkably comfortable type. Xuba; because your butt is worth bette
Happy National Underpants Day! (6.5 / 8) Some extras from the last ones I totally forgot to upload. ouo
Happy National Underpants Day! (6 / 8) Scaled boxers are AMAZING. I highly suggest the Xuba brand. They’re… so special. Extra close-up for detail. :3
Happy National Underpants Day! (5 / 8) Thong thong! After the last jockstrap, I thought it only fair to show the other side of the issue. :3
Happy National Underpants Day! (4 / 8) Jockstrap for my jockstrap lovin’ boys and girls out there! Spread ‘em~
Also also,
Happy National Underpants Day! (3 / 8) Who remembers these? I sure as hell didn’t! o3o I totally forgot I had them. I haven’t seen them in AGES, I just dug ‘em out of my drawer~
Happy National Underpants Day! (2 / 8) Two different pairs; the second is bigger but tighter, and the first is my lazy, every-day pair.
Happy National Underpants Day! (1 / ?) …Yeah, I’m late. Sue me.
Psh, well thank you! I dunno yet. The faire I got it from closes on Sunday, and I usually take a day or so to make a video, and another day to get paid… That being said, my regular isn’t answering my emails. I hope he’s okay! So, probably
So, this is my tumblr
National underwear day?
Slowly does it
Happy birthday to meee~
Changing prices
Gifs for a friendIn order: butt, shakin’ butt, stretchin’ butt, lick, kees 2.0, annoyed kees, Kees, open_mouth, forced_and_annoyed_head.
Just lost 40~ minutes of video
Notes make me happy…But reblogs make me post more pictures. ;D
Upcoming private video teaser~
Making a new video - pick the toys I use
I’m hungry
Check out these links!
Also also dese. Because booty.
Also here’s dis. Someone mentioned liking my socks? :33
Bad Dragon Toybox showing