Penlink's doodles (
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ontahb: HB WB Submission Contest ! Hello all! Many of you have shown interest in being part of in the past and since we have just launched our new site, we felt this would be an amazing time for art submission contest!
30 minute challenge futurama, Leela and Amy!
Princess Luna, for the late to early morning drawings that I sometimes do.
daspyorno: for Colo.
Human Celestia that was draw for this morning from yesterday.Was going to add wings, but opted not to. I’m not sure either of why I chose to not do so.
xantouke: fireandshellamari: painted-bees: artist-confessions: Really low prices make me less likely to commission an artist.Me: I’m not an artist. I do commission artists - I spend around 跌-600 a month on digital art commissions.I sometimes
moobiess: so i heard it was draw Zelda for Poiv Day yesterday!! I’m late to the party also hope you’re have a great time at the zelda symphony poiv! This is some nice artwork here.
30minchallenge: And our single NSFW submission for the hipster pony challenge! Very nice~ That’s all for today’s Euro challenge! Stay tuned for the American challenge 5 hours from now! Reblogging from the challenge cause I like this one.
30 minute hipster challenge…. Slow start up, as I was still waking up to draw this.
Final Image of the day, and damn I’m tired…..
AppleJack verus the tentacles again.for the thirty minute challenge. I have done a tentacles challenge from them, so think of this as added content.
Two ponies for the OC-art challenge. characters are Royal Wind and Annebiare.
angelthecatgirl: Since I haven’t posted in a bit, here’s some stuff I’m working on. c: Psssyyyyyyyyyyy~ Nice to see some work of Psy. Think I know what I might be drawing today.
Opps almost forgot to upload this one from the OC art challenge. Petra I believe her name to be.
30 minute challenge swimsuit. I find a little amusing that I was warming up by drawing a pony character in a hot spring. Go figure that swimsuits would come out.
Huh, you learn something new every day.
helpyoudraw: Clothes (sleeves) references Clothes tips by moni158 Agent - 06 by Nemesis-19 SR1_wthampe_1 by jademacalla The Enticer 5 by Aegean-Prince Guy Drawing 4 by b-e-c-k-y-stock Chilly Perspective :Stock 13: by spiked-stock AC:
chanel-smokes: always reblog. exactly true.
flannel-penguin: theangryviolinist: Made rebloggable by request.
meaconscientia: Pls Someone stop me before it turns into giantess porn Would it be a bad thing, if I said “no” to stopping you……
atthefrozenhorizon: Some speed sketching… nice Speed inking man, really like those lines!
cauldroneer: How I do a colored drawing… sometimes. Really the only consistent thing is the beginning where I start with some thick sketchy lines, paint over with white, merge, and change luminance to transparency. Then I put some color under that
atthefrozenhorizon: askcookieandbrann: customersuppony: I think it’s just a matter of content. You know, try to get people interested in your blog and they’ll follow. Try to answer asks, try to update your blog every now and then. Give it a cool
30 minute challenge pallet switch
mikeinelart: USB-tan: Project Files by *Mikeinel Download the 115MB ZIP file from the link above. This could be helpful!
Not a quick drawing but something to get outta of my head for the time being. Now to bloody sleep, so the day can begin anew!
Reblog if you're a self-taught artist.
30 minute challenge Button mash’s mom.
Warning to anyone who uses deviantART! [PLEASE REBLOG]
30 minute challenge 90’s cartoon, thought it was funny that mod posted a link to a pinkazoid intro.
30 minute challenge tales game. I have never played this game.
The Tiny Thoughts: Why most art tutorials won't help you
fungasmweeklies: Hey everyone, starting this Friday, July 26th, I will be posting weekly challenges/themes for you to draw. All related to enhancing your skills as an artist, understanding principles and basics of cartooning, and drawing fun things!
Been drawing for the last couple of hours into the morning, now I can sleep.
30 minute challenge of working hard. just wanted to draw Celestia working the sun around the planet, but I got a little caught up in the line work.
leylaligress: Phew, I only wanted to scribble some characters… I spend way to much time ;_; But it was worth it, because this way, I drew so many different Characters with different personalities. I hope the personalities match your Characters! If
extradan: wolfnanaki: MLP SEASON 4 NEWS FROM SDCC Pinkie an AJ get a song together, “Apples Forever". Pinkie gets a musical episode. New characters, somewhere between 15-20 songs this season. Rarity gets an episode. Superhero parody episode in
I wish that these were quick sketches, but they are not. Got the idea to doodle out a Lapras Girl by swinging around Fur Affinity. Sort of tempted to make a smut comic of her, but have no ideas at the moment. Plus it’s hard to do that when Lapras
Reblog If you're a NSFW tumblr So We Can Find Each Other
30 minute challenge spike. I couldn’t think of anything to do to him, and something important came up; thus I wasn’t able to work on spike as much as I wanted.
30 minute challenge Zecora.
legio: dirtyduckdraw: Keep Calm, Draw More Porn Way of life. ^^ Something to smile about today.
30 minute challenge fancy pants and discord.
slugbox: Wow. Tumblr Yahoo was pretty quiet about this, but as part of the new...
Just a few sketches from yesterday, and a 30 minute challenge that wasn’t uploaded earlier. Still got the challenge uploaded on time thankfully.
30(45) minute challenge cutie mark switch between Dr.whooves and Cadence.
sunibee: Sunibee sketchbook 2 again more sketches, and these are bloody amazing!
sunibee: Sunibee sketchbook 1 Holy mons, these are some good sketches that you made sunibee.
Grown up snails for 30 minute challenge.
was suppose to be for the 30 minute challenge, but my interenet crapped out on me……
ohnoraptors: #一日一ミク 001
atryl's art: BRONIES UNITE! - Please read!
Did this for the OC art challenge. I believe that Beauty is the name of the OC.
I have to say that this is an awesome drawing of Bisharp.