Penlink's doodles (
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Last early morning doodle of a greninja that will happen.
penlink: So glad that Rough Animator got an update for ipad pro, as I really missed working with it. I know that the ice queen was done with it last month, but I think that I had to turn off the pressure for it. Frame count: 13 frames Total count
So glad that Rough Animator got an update for ipad pro, as I really missed working with it. I know that the ice queen was done with it last month, but I think that I had to turn off the pressure for it. Frame count: 13 framesTotal count with timing
Crude, looks like I forgot some stuff from class, so lets see how much I remember. also doing this to clean up the iPad memory a little.Some of my notes from the character design class. These are the six emotions/expressions that are universally accepted(
Six frame animation test. The goal was to see how well this would work, but I think it would be better if it looped. the timing is alright, but I feel that the spacing needs a lot of work.
Quick upload as I have to go cook some stuff and hang out with family today. also have to call on this as it is taking too much time.
aislin-the-mewtwo:Happy Holidays! Little drawing for Christmas eve, and today.
First animation in a long while, even if it is a WIP at the moment, I can’t wait to see the finished version of this. At least not too much was forgotten though gonna have to read up on my animation notes to make sure I won’t be screwed over in
Reblog if you appreciate fan art of your OCs
Rule 63 dipper pines. I saw another artist made another rule 63 dipper and decided to doodle one out in the evening. Also first drawing after art colllege for winter break.
Two more art sites left to go.
Whimsicott sketch as well.
Whimsicott doodle for the day, now to begin finals.
The usual yearly summary meme that’s done at the start of December. Turns out one drawing was done every month despite everything for this crappy year. Also some of the stuff hasn’t been posted yet, as I have been busy with college for the last couple
More homestuck stuff
homestuck stuff
Aislin doodle
Sketch of that big booty chick from that animated short
Rouge doodle
Huanter Gal
Wouldn’t call these inktoeber drawings, as they are expression sketches of Aislin, Jadeite, and Neve. Long story short this is some stuff that I’m learning from my character design class. I need to study expressions more.
inktoeber drawing Marcy, Finn, and Jake.
Neve inktoeber drawing
Jadeite inktoeber drawing.
Inktoeber drawing of the vampire queen
Aislin dressing up as a Mismagius for Halloween.
Bubblegum doodle.
More random sketches with characters from different series in these.
I think this was a warm up doodle, but I don’t remember.
Undertail sketch comic for warm ups.
Cleaning out sketches from my files and stuff, so there’s more room for doodles. Couple of sketches of Neve the snowrunt and Accelmilf.
Finally, it’s over for now.
sirphilliam: “W-Well. H-hi.” Been a while since I’ve seen Nerdy. ^_^
cheezayballz: Drawing Process of my latest drawingHave fun watching ♥ Very cool speed paint video Cheezayballz. Gonna reblog this one.
Find your name with the gif button and add the one is the most relatable
And colored version of the little money vampire spider….. Stay away from my cash…… My bank account has a big hole in it already, it doesn’t need to get bigger!
Ok, one more thing of sexy terror cuteness for the evening. Set a timer on 33 minutes to see how quickly our special spidery guest could be drawn.
Never blame your fans
Testing out paint studio storm, and not sure what to say about it. It reminds me of how I would paint Sai. Might consider getting the full version. Might….. Plus I dislike the watermarks but lite version. =_=
Please help if you can.
Couple of doodles of neve in both snowrunt and froslass forms. plus some alola meowth.
dingoringo30: I always did like chestnut Puck from Berserk, so I did my own with Angel! On a side note hopefully I finish up (just sketches) in the next day what I’ve been working up with her.
Femsilver drawing for the early morning.hmmm, I need to read some tuts on different liquid types and observe them as well. plus a few other things as well.
Ok, now I’m starting to see why it’s a good idea to turn off the light table when animating at times. It can change the volume of the shape, but otherwise I can’t wait to see this gem be completed. ^_^Plus it feels awesome to animate with the folders
Huh, I don’t think that I plan to finish this wip of jenny.
biggcuties: next page is where get to the fun stuff ;3 And this caught my interest, so reblog time!
aislin-the-mewtwo: Professor Spectrum: Jadite! where in the seven poke hells are you!? For Arceus @#$%ing sake, help us! Lazy J: ZZZZ……. Continued post for the previous ask. Also was an experiment for animating in clip studio in a more organized
aislin-the-mewtwo: Professor Spectrum: Why in the bloody hell is Aislin in her X form?! Aislin X: Because a werewolf asked the other me, and I decided to say a cheerful howdy! Aislin X: Now where’s master? Professor Spectrum:………….. Professor
Doodle that I forgot to upload.
aislin-the-mewtwo: Aislin: Nothing wrong with having a dick, but it’lll mean more to clean up and hide.Aislin: I think master might be catching on to the “extra “milk too….. Reblogging stuff from ask blog, so I don’t forget to do so later!
Something that was meant for @nitrodraws coco art jam. Think I’m gonna redraw this one later.
Just felt like drawing a chameleon/ frog gynoid.
whargleblargle: Just some practice work i did. Not very high res…Figured i’d post it on here. I think this is that chick from the upcoming disney movie…lol not sure.(NOT EVEN THINGS THAT DON’T EXIST YET ARE SAFE)