Nude Dreams Coming True (
submit your pics
Show a lot… or a little… just be brave and SHOW IT! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and SHOW IT.
I love EVERY inch of this man. All that he is willing to share… from his cute smile, hairy chin, hairy EVERYTHING, great chest and abs, not shy dick, and those strong legs, and cute feet. Make YOUR dreams come true… get naked and show me everythin
Good morning sexy! Make YOUR dreams come true… keep your clothes off as you go through your morning routine… and then share a picture with us.
Don’t stop there… Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave show me EVREYTHING.
Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and show me your hair ass!
Dude… I can’t believe we are doing it outside… this is exciting… I loved watching you strip for me out here. Yeah… no problem… now do the same for me… it’s fun! Someone might see! Yeah… that&rsq
Be my personal private G.I. JOE…. and take off your clothes. You want me naked? Yes… my dolls were always stripped naked… immediately. Dude… whatever you want… I’m your doll… so go ahead… strip me.
Make YOUR dreams come true… show me what you’d put in his mouth.
Dude… what are you doing? Oh… shit… um… I was just going to take a nap… and…fuck… you know exactly what I was doing. I thought you were going to take a shower? I was in here toweling off… and
Good morning, Make YOUR dreams come true… keep your clothes off as you go through your morning routine… and then share a picture with us.
Good morning… Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and show me your morning wood!
Good morning! Make YOUR dreams come true… hop in the shower and take a picture to send to me.
Good Morning, Mornin’ Sleep well? Yeah… With your arms around me… I slept like a baby. Yeah… you wore me out last night. I slept hard. What would you like for breakfast? Well… get over here… I want your for
Get naked and give me two thumbs up! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and show me your dick.
Join me for a picnic! What’s are we eating? Each Other! Yummy… My fave! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and let me taste.
I’ve always loved a man in uniform. Oh really? Yeah… it’s always been a fantasy of mine to blow a guy with his pants off and his uniform still half on. Well… you’re making me horny now. He he… fair is fair…
I’m hungry! Make YOUR dreams come true… show me what’s for dinner!
Don’t be shy… be the brave one to get this party started! Make YOUR dreams come true… drop the towel and show off!
Good morning! It’s time to start the day… don’t forget your pants! Actually… FORGET YOUR PANTS! You don’t need them! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave… leave your pants off…venture outside…in
Good Mornin’! Make YOUR dreams come true… sleep naked and send me a picture of your oh so happy trail!
Good Mornin! Sleep naked? Prove it! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and take a creative nude selfie in bed... then share!
Sweet dreams my dreamers! Make YOUR dreams come true… sleep naked and prove it!
Be nerdy with me. Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and show me your nerd stick.
Don’t stop there… Make YOUR dreams come true… keep going… take off EVERYTHING… and show me!
Guys, my inbox says “Fill me up”. I say “Feel me up”. Make MY dreams come true… talk to me and send me things!
I know you were scared… to take you clothes off… but I am glad you did. I am so glad you joined me in here. I want to be with you… I want you to hold me. Come here. You’re trembling. It’s okay. You make me feel…
Dude… what are you doin? Just relaxin’. Looks like it. You sure look comfortable. Yeah… I love gettin’ naked… and just being. I feel the most like myself. You should join me… just try it. Idunno dude. Naked?
Bright lights… big city…. but is it ready for my BIG ass and BIG cock? This country boy couldn’t wait to get naked and share his farmer’s body with the WHOLE city. Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave show off your BIG! nudedream
Have a favorite pair of undies? The ones on the floor. Ha! Make YOUR dreams come true… share a picture of you in your favorite undies, then be brave and take them off… and show us!
Go outside and get naked! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and show me: you getting naked outside.
Show a lot… or a little… just be brave and SHOW IT! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave and SHOW IT.
Good Mornin’! Sleep naked? Make YOUR dreams come true… show off your lack of pajamas !
Got'em? Shake'em! Make YOUR dreams come true… shake'em for me guys!
Taste your pleasure. Make YOUR dreams come true… get naked and show us what you want us to taste!
Slip those undies off and show the world what you’re made of! You can leave your shirt on. ;) Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave show off your hot bod!
Wake up naked? Share your body with us! Make YOUR dreams come true… be brave show off your hot bod!
Hold onto something you love and drift away into a dream. Sweet dreams my dreamers. Make YOUR dreams come true… be naked with the one you love and share.
Hey sexy, yeah you! Me? Yeah- you… the one reading this. Huh? I’m writing to you…. and you’re reading it. I love knowing that you are sitting there at your computer… naked. You can see me? Don’t be shy. You look great. No need to cover
Guys! Wait up! Make your dreams come true: join the herd… streak naked!
Life is too short to not sleep naked. Make your dreams come true: sleep naked and show me your ass!
Now we lay us down to “sleep” Getting naked, our clothes in a heap. If we don’t fuck before we wake, My morning wood is your’s to take. Make your dreams come true: sleep naked tonight and prove it!
Here let me help you get out of these. Thanks man, I can never figure them out. Anytime… ANYTIME. Can you help me out with something else… er… never mind… I just… What? Anything… We’re friends right…
I told you… I’m the king of the mountain. I said… if we made it to the top… I’d get naked… y'all should join me… it’s fun! HA! In your dreams! You’re right about that… I dream about
Dude… don’t you just LOVE the view. Trust me… mine is better. Ha! Aren’t you scared? You could fall. No… I hope I fall… into your arms. So you trust me…. With every inch of my being. Fall…I’ll
Whoever sang “YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR HAT ON” was wrong. TAKE IT OFF… TAKE IT OFF… TAKE IT OFF! Seriously dude, you have the body of my dreams. You CAN leave your hat on…your head… and I mean your HEAD… not
Touch-a-Touch-a-Touch-a Touch- Me – I wanna be DIRTY! Make your dreams come true: be brave and touch yourself and share!
I told you I’d do anything for the part. I see that now… I had my doubts… but you are obviously committed. You do realize there aren’t any nude scenes in the film… I know… I just wanted to prove to you that I
Let’s make music together, baby! Come blow me… and hear my sounds of pleasure. Make your dreams come true: show me your horn!
Guys, be brave, look into my eyes. Now take off all your clothes. Get a camera. Take a picture of your hot sexy body. Send it to me. Make your dreams come true: look into my eyes and get hypnotized… then follow my instructions! nudedreamscoming
Good Morning! Make your dreams come true: sleep naked and show off your morning wood!
Totally Nude
Dude… what the hell? I’m a man of my word. I said if you score more point than me… you can kiss my ass. It’s a figure of speech. You don’t have to do it. The whole team is watching. KISS MY ASS! Okay… okay…
I’m telling you guys… if you water them… they’ll grow! May YOUR dreams come true: get yours wet and watch it grow… then send me a before and after!
Make your dreams come true: get naked and shake it in the air like you just don’t care!
Hey man… you ready? Yeah, my ass is ready as it’ll ever be. Are you? Ugh… yeah man… get on up on the table. I’ll get hard as I massage you. Thanks for agreeing to do this on such short notice. I heard you were the
Adam & Steve — Chapter Two — The Forbidden Fruit
I’m ready. Make your dreams come true: get ready and show me!
I told you I’d do it! You did! Now pay up! The best 5 bucks I ever spent. What would you do for free? Ha! Dare me… and find out! Make your dreams come true: get naked and do a trick for me… I DARE YOU! http://nudedreamscomingtrue.tu
I love playing in the rain. Yeah…me too. It’s just feels so nice. I love the way it makes my uniform feel. Yeah… I love the way it makes your uniform look. What? It’s just… you’re wearing white. It’s like