Nude Dreams Coming True (
submit your pics
I knew I joined the right fraternity. Make my dreams come true: submit naked body pics.
nudedreamscomingtrue: But won’t I be floppy? You will be adorable. Now take off your fucking pants and bounce. Sir… yes… sir. Dreaming of a floppy flopper. Had to reblog this. Could watch this all day long. Floppity flop flop. Floppers- make
I’m not going to stop with the shirt am I? Wow, you’re catching on quick… lose the shorts. Make my dreams come true: submit a picture without the shorts. :)
You done yet? No… just got naked… getting started. I’ll just wait. Dude… that’s non sense… join me. You can give me head. Excuse me? We can share a shower head. Okay… here hoes nothing. Now drop to your
What’s so funny? I just can’t believe you got me naked. Why is that so hard to believe? I just don’t get naked… or at least… I haven’t ever before. Not in front of anyone at least. Well… I am honored. How
Adam… you are a dream. Can I please help you recreate this photo? Make my dreams come true: submit a picture of you with someone else covering [or not] your dick.
Okay… so I take my pants off… then what? You’ll see. Nice… you’re hard. So now what? Make my dreams come true… pull your pants down and reveal something to me.
You are like my live-action G.I. Joe doll. Yeah, the agreement is I do what you want… and I show up in my uniform The first thing I did was take the G.I. Joe’s clothes off. So let’s get started. Are you serious? Yeah… I kept
GO GO NAKED RANGERS! Mighty Morphin’ Naked Rangers! Make my dreams come true: naked rangers- submit your pics to me!
So that is how you get the body of my dreams. I wish I could do one sit up… create a never ending loop gif and have his body. Make my dreams come true: Submit a picture of abs.
Dude, get out… I’m naked. I can see that. Dude… get out! Why? I’m naked! Why are you taking you clothes off? I have to get out, if I keep them on… because apparently you can only stay if you are naked. See… now
Wow… how are you keeping that bucket on…? Here… I’ll show you. Make my dreams come true: submit me a picture with your dick holding something.
Dreaming of a farmer who knows how to lay in the hay. Make my dreams come true: submit your pictures where you are naked on a farm.
Sorry… I didn’t think anyone else was home. So you always sit your naked ass on the counter when I am gone? Dude… I said I was sorry. Why the fuck are you naked? I covered my dick when you entered… what more else do you want&hel
Dude.. it said right HAND green… not DICK … my ass. Sorry man… I am just following instructions… my dick is just falling where it has to. Just be careful… I… that’s more like it… Thought you&rs
Dude, we are naked… why the fuck would you jump on me? I’m cold… and you are hot… just want to stay warm. Yeah… but your dick is touching me. You can touch me with yours if you want… all is fair in my dreams. Make
I know I left my shorts here somewhere. No dude… this is my dream… you have no shorts… now let me see what’s under your hood. Make my dreams come true… submit your picture without shorts… or anything else for that
Wow… it’s like the joystick of my dreams. Dude… just jerk me off. Sorry… my dick is the only one I’ve ever felt before… just enjoying the experience. I told you I would let you do it… but remember…
Thanks again for posing for me… it really helps me get the texture just right. No problem. Anything for art… right? I guess I just didn’t realize you were doing a nude piece. I also didn’t realize I had to be naked the
I’d like to taste your wiener please. Get in line man. Ok… I am willing to wait. Dreaming of seeing his wiener… make my dreams come true and submit me a picture of yours.
I dream of participating. Make my dreams come true submit a picture of you playing any naked game.
OMG! What the hell are you doing in my shower? Taking a shower… what does it look like I am doing? Dude, I left the water running like 10 seconds ago and went down the hall to grab my shampoo… Man, I walked in here to take a shower and
Dreaming that every guy that has it… would flaunt it like this. Make my dream come true and submit your pic!
Surfing lessons dream. Hi, I’m your surf instructor. Uh… dude… aren’t you forgetting something? What? Your wet suit. Oh… no man… those are for the weak. if you want to be one with nature… and ride the waves&
Look who washed up… is it a merman? Dreaming of magical sea nudity.
Bruce… we just wanted to make sure it was you… we said take off your mask. Oh.. my bad. Well… you know it’s me now. Mind if I stay naked… It is kind of freeing after being behind a mask all night. Don’t mind
I dream of coming up from behind and helping him out of his shirt. SO hot.
Perfect musculature. Great lighting… ready… set… dream.
Dreaming of me? I sure hope so.
If you drop trou… I’ll throw some beads your way… but there are people everywhere. So… are you shy? No.. I just. Just what? You want the beads… show me your dick; It’s just. Listen… they don’t care&he
A great costume … the FUTURISTIC man of my dreams.
I am so glad you are tall enough to show off your ass above water… in my dreams.
Strip baseball is the only baseball I play. Remember, if I strike you out… the pant come off. Okay… but I am warning you… all that is underneath is my jockstrap. I am counting on it. We stop after this out… right? Nope…w
In my dreams nudity is reality.
man of my dreams
It’s not easy being green… or getting naked… but somebody has to do it… in my dreams.
You are too cool for clothes. Thanks for being part of my dreams.
You think we are safe out here? Yeah. You sure… I think I hear a car. It’s nothing… go for it. Idunno man… DO it. Okay here goes nothing! In my dreams
Let’s get you out of those pants… you really only need the helmet for protection. Dreaming of an all-american stud.
Dude… the party just started and you are already naked!?! Dude… the party didn’t start until I was naked. I’ll join you in my dreams.
Wow, I can’t believe you are doing this? Dude… it was you idea for me to get naked. I know… I just can’t believe you are actually doing it. Now you have me worried? Is there something the matter with me? No you are perfect.
Ready to run? You bet… I didn’t get this far to wimp out now! Me either… thanks for joining me. You bet… We have been working out together for what… a year now. Yeah… and it shows. What? Are you looking? Yeah&hell
Guess what I found? I don’t have a clue! I bet you could guess. No… why don’t you show me. Okay, here goes. In my dreams.
Guys… thanks for doing that so quickly…Have y'all met yet? No. No. We haven’t even seen each other yet. What do you mean? We got naked so quick… and we were facing opposite directions for privacy. Oh, no need for us to be
Good morning… I am here to service you. What? I am here with room service. Oh… for a minute there I thought you said you were going to… What? Never mind. Just leave the pancakes on the table. Okay, if you need anything else, just
You’re all wet! I guess I am too. Yeah… that is what happens when you get splashed! Thanks for that. Oh sorry… are you mad at me. Yeah… my dick is showing now. That’s okay… here… let me take my trunks off&he
You have nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s go outside and explore! Dude that is too much… too fast. You are the first person I have been naked in front of… I can’t just walk out the door. We can stay in together… for
Good morning handsome… were you dreaming of me?
Levi at Island House. Levi… I hope you are looking at the nude selfies you just took. I also hope you plan on sharing. You are one sexy man of my dreams.
WTF dude? I am trying to have a moment to myself! Put the camera down! Never. You have no idea how hot you are right now. I am naked on a toilet… I don’t think hot begins to describe me. Oh, it doesn’t even begin to describe you&hell
I am dreaming of you. Every inch of you. From the veins popping.. to the arms behind your head. You aren’t scared to show us everything about you. Come out of the shadows… or let me join you in them.
I can’t believe I am doing this! Believe it dude. I got you. If you let go… I’ll be complete naked. You already are completely naked. True. Don’t worry…I’ll never let go. Safe in my dreams.
I usually only dream in nudity… but damn this guy is soo much more. I love the mystery and bravery of tight clothing. Perfection.
Mirror mirror… on the wall… who’s the hottest of them all? You are my darling… as long as you stay naked. Dreaming of prince charming making a statement by being brave enough to stay nude.
Dreaming that you will be my life coach.
Dare to dream… be brave and have fun!
Having a hard time waking up? In my dreams I can wake you up with something hard. Lose the clothes and lets make it happen.
Marco Dapper in Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds Talk about a big reveal. Troy…from Troy… you can pose for me ANY time. I dream of drawing you… sucking you… fucking you… living with you… damn… you are the man
Dude, run! But we’re naked! and They are right behind us! I know we are… and yes they are! If you don’t move… they will catch us. But our clothes…. Don’t worry about our clothes… just run. I can’t