I'm sensing a pattern here. (nourdelmiguez.tumblr.com)
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Curl Up and Die
disproven: traceymoesby: kohwala: telepath more like telepathetic this sounds like something Magneto would say before high fiving Mystique
aes-thetically: YAS GIRL
perlockholmes: omg.
cumberbum: cumbergirl1895: New Radio Times photos without marks. Source [x] A couple of new outtakes from this photoshoot.
asian: I just want good eyebrows and maybe a new face a new body would be nice too.
sherlock-undercover: The unbeatable neck game.
thekneegrope: please let someone ask sherlock if john is his “cup of tea” in s4
johnlockiarties: He kind of looks like Robert Downey Jr in this photo XD
blibblobblib: Breakfast around the world
I'm not lonely, Sherlock!
I feel like I'm the London of people.
sylvysparrow: …i’m listening.
womanfeedme: stunningpicture: Very clear water. This fucked me up wow.
simplypurkey: jazzumon: destielkills: auntiesnixshipper: awkwardteenagenerves: discard-and-discover: evolve-within: disregardwomen: When my mom’s out in public, she sends me pictures of lesbians she sees. Jesus I envy that relationship.
otheranonymous: stylepersonified: More fantastic ads Holy shit they just kept getting more intense/real
lethalics: You’re a Bitch You’re a Bit You’re a You’re You Yo Y Yo You You’re You’re a You’re a Bi You’re a Bitch Oh look ,You’re still a Bitch
floatingmemories: stop romanticizing the idea of becoming so dependent on another human being that you cannot function adequately without their presence goodbye
leepacesfaces: motiya: Marry someone down to earth, someone with roots, just marry a tree marry groot
dex5m: [X] This movie killed me.
i-watch-all-the-shows: mishasminions: but Peter Pan isn’t supposed to die this is the saddest thing I have ever read
noelanthony: My first instinct when I see an animal is to say “hello”. My first instinct when I see a person is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away.
blackbarmitzvahs: Can you imagine the conversation though? Queen: I’m going Chief of Staff: But, Your Majesty, the security risks… Queen: I’m going I want cake Chief of Staff: Queen: Chief of Staff: Queen: I want cake
Aren't you sick of me yet?
thebusylilbee: there is a hole in my heart shaped like the Hamlet ticket I will never have
m-istyclouds: . no words. i’m so sorry you had to suffer in silence
jipersnoeofficial: officialcheesepolice: jipersnoeofficial: to all the people with shitty mums i want to make it known that i am your mum now you are a 20 year old male I AM YOUR MOTHER NOW
canni8al: so i was trying to find a picture of a bird that is big so i searched “big bird” but forgot he was a character so i went back and typed in “a large bird” and HE IS STILL HERE LOOKIN SAD LIKE I DIDN’T WANT HIM
amandagraysons: mark ruffalo is such a genuinely good person and a good activist and if you talk smack about him I’ll shove you in a locker
Fools and Shadows Look to Madmen
dramatisecho: a calling
gwenlightened: ineedathneed: watamato: been feeling kind of paranoid lately Take that time by yourself to get to know yourself and rediscover what makes you shine. Don’t surrender yourself to waiting, and don’t stay isolated for too long,
alyciadebnamcareys: “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” - Robin Williams
oh-schnap: 151 people don’t get the joke and just really hate the homeless
selfiepolice: i feel u or like i want to
matt-smith-and-baconnn: theimpossiblesoufflegrl: matt-smith-and-baconnn: This is too much That is absolutely disgusting!!!!!!! They are NOT baptist and they are NOT Christians! They are a cult and they need to be stopped somehow! How do they expect
Just Represent and Pull
whybenedict: sherlock: *deduces* john: *slaps his bum* atta boy
rel4d2: johnlock-in-kneesocks: katyhelena: demigodofhoolemere: this is an accurate representation of my entire life Also applies to TV series. Might I add, they’re reading Sherlock Holmes. AND THEN THEY SPENT THE DAY COSPLAYING IN LONDON
The456 Wavelength
eventshorizon: Well, if Entertainment Weekly said it, it must be true.
retrogradeworks: This is how fucking stupid you sound when you say, ‘No homo.’
incurablylazydevil: no words necessary (requested by anigrrrl2)
dontmesswithpluto: If the government really is spying on my internet usage I hope they like gay fanfiction because that’s what they’re getting
disneyyandmore-blog: Rest in Peace, Robin Williams.July 21st, 1951 - August 11th, 2014 Thank you for bringing joy into my childhood and life with your voice and acting. Thank you for your contagious jokes, your wacky impersonations, and amazing acting.
sulietsexual: “I started doing comedy because that was the only stage that I could find. It was the pure idea of being on stage. That was the only thing that interested me, along with learning the craft and working, and just being in productions
amyadams-archive: “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.” - Robin Williams (1951 - 2014)
feastwithdragons: “… Pain. Heartbreak. Loss. Death. ”
mrs-butler-harries: A minute of silence for Robin Williams,who never failed to make me laugh…I miss you already.
robertseanleonard: What has been your biggest disappointment? Benedict: Not being a dad by the age of 32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?Benedict: I wish I could say children. omg
bravedad: i wonder how many people i’m in the “i’d be down if you asked” zone with
somewhere else
mrs-hudscn: i’m an independent teenage girl who needs a job and a better social life and good grades and help when ordering food at restaurants and actually i’m not independent at all please help