Pretty Much The Best (
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gifaknet: video: Poor Pig Pops His New Ball
tastefullyoffensive: 2015 in One Giant Illustration by Beutler Ink (enhance!)
tastefullyoffensive: This kid gets it. (photo via patsfan94)
4gifs: Orangutan likes magic. [video]
tastefullyoffensive: The Millennial Falcon (via mynameisnotjonas)
tastefullyoffensive: Renewing your driver’s license at the DMV… [video]
thepigeongazette: Viva la ramen~~~
tastefullyoffensive: Punny Illustrations by Arseniic (Deviant Art) (Tumblr)Related: Cute and Funny Illustrations by Jaco Haasbroek
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via maybeitsmayBalaam)
tastefullyoffensive: Bald U.S. Currency (via mike_pants)
kingofscots: *sips tea*
tastefullyoffensive: When you’re trying to “read scrolls and chill.” (via moosecaca)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo by KainHoward)
collegehumor: These Are Probably the 17 Smartest People to Have Ever Lived
tastefullyoffensive: (via OneTrueBanana)
theodd1sout: I can retire early AND LIVE OFF NOTHING BUT PIZZA Facebook Twitter Website
tastefullyoffensive: State and City Memes (images via imgur)
tastefullyoffensive: by John McNamee
tastefullyoffensive: Epic bobkitten yawn. (vine by CARE Jamie)
collegehumor: 31 Words That Sound Like Slurs But Aren’tJust because they aren’t slurs doesn’t mean you should use them.
tastefullyoffensive: by Sephko
obviousplant: I left this letter from ‘Management’ on the doors of an apartment complex
thingsfittingperfectlyintothings: penny hole(fit found by Shane Michael)
collegehumor: 25 GIFs That May Just Warp Your Brain Beyond Repair
tastefullyoffensive: Things Donald Trump Looks Like (photos via eatliver)Related: Mattresses That Look LIke Celebrities
4gifs: Wall used counter-attack. It was super effective! [video]
vulpx: We tried to fight back but they were too strong.
obviousplant: Swimmers, please take note of the new pool rules.
dezeen: Walkie Talkie blamed for powerful downdraught on London streets »
illasqueresdedier: anarcho-boricua:Californians visiting another state. I want to be mad… But where is the lie?!?
obviousplant: I added some store tips to a nearby grocery store
doodleforfood: MAGIC
collegehumor: Bike Tire Stunt Gone Wrong BMXtremely Painful
buzzfeeduk: Andy Murray Reactions For Everyday Situations
tastefullyoffensive: Nicolas Cage as ‘Game of Thrones’ Characters by CarlosDanger100Previously: Nicolas Cage as Disney Princesses
collegehumor: If People Treated Personal Deaths Like Celebrity DeathsThis death almost makes me feel something.
memeguy-com: Im looking at you Apple
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via knighter50)
tastefullyoffensive: This is getting out of control. (photos via imgur)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via cleverlyclearly)
chapmangamo: A collection of alternate Game of Thrones names that my phone has decided to invent, taken from my twitter account today. twitter | facebook | instagram | shop
tastefullyoffensive: by Awkward Love
tastefullyoffensive: Childhood Photos of the cast of ‘Game of Thrones’ (photos via imgur)Previously: ‘Game of Thrones’ as Other Popular TV Shows
4gifs: Kids in pajamas. [video]
tastefullyoffensive: specialbored: “Hi, yes, I’ll have a slice of pizza with slices of pizza” What a time to be alive.
allenssnows: The Flash speech bubbles
tastefullyoffensive: Professional medical advice. (comic by LLment)
tastefullyoffensive: I will never be as cool as Scooter.
tastefullyoffensive: Gordon Ramsay is my spirit animal. (gif via bagonja) [video]
ultrafacts: The balloon, filled with 7,815 litres of helium gas, reached 37,339 metres (122,503 feet) before it burst and fell back down to earth. It took about 2.6 hours to rise up to this height and then only 40 minutes to fall back down and land
tastefullyoffensive: Answer key: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (images via sonderspirit)
tastefullyoffensive: Anna Kendrick’s Shower Thoughts (gifs via techgirl)
tastefullyoffensive: Microsoft’s new age-guessing tool is impressively accurate. (context: 60-Year-Old Girl)