Pretty Much The Best (
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embarrassingcomics: It also doubles as an ice ray.
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via endless_vanity)
tastefullyoffensive: Spock was a smooth operator. (photos via supernobro)
tastefullyoffensive: Worst Conversation Ever by Bryan Kelly
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via teamhugecaw)
obviousplant: I can’t ducking wait to see these movies!
asapscience: Happy Earth Day, folks! (image via spawnacus)
totinos: Well dang.
dorkly: Which Henchman Would You Hire? [By Chloe Cole and Tristan Cooper]
collegehumor: What You Wish Would Happen on Game of Thrones (Part 2)Your Game of Thrones wishes brought to life – just in time for George Martin to kill them.Watch Game of Thrones Wish-Fulfillment (Part 1) here
linewebtoon: Safely Endangered by Chris McCoy
tastefullyoffensive: “Get off my reef!” (image via jakester26)
ithelpstodream: If “Game Of Thrones” Characters Had Tinder
atraversso: The impossible is possible, tonight. by Roof Topper Please don’t delete the link to the photographers/artists, thanks!
tastefullyoffensive: Movie Scenery Cheat Sheet by xkcd (bigger version)
laughhard: Kroger has a new marketing campaign.
laughhard: Sanic
tastefullyoffensive: Happy East Stair! (photo via thirdorb)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via jafooolie)
4gifs:Almost. [video]
tastefullyoffensive: (photo by pam)
ultimatemoviefanatic: Extremely unnecessary product placement.
takepart: Meet the Mexican Gray WolfFun Fact: Mexican gray wolves are the smallest of North America’s gray wolves.Vote for the Mexican Gray Wolf in our ‘Rare & Ready to be Saved’ endangered species bracket here!Catch ‘Monkey Kingdom’ in
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via jeffad61)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via josh_the_human)
dorkly: These 20 Three-Way Mashups Are Everything You Ever Dreamed Of
tastefullyoffensive: by Extra Fabulous Comics
tastefullyoffensive: Classic mom. (photos by ohfrostyone)
tastefullyoffensive: by DoghouseDiaries
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via bagelbunny)
tastefullyoffensive: Vampire Lamb (photo via danchamp)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via essmurph)
drwhoconfusesme: So this kid fell asleep during class and he’s still there after school so we decided to play a prank on him
coca-cola: It has been mathematically proven that every sip of Coca-Cola is infinitely delicious. #EndlessAHH
tastefullyoffensive: This dog is turning into a pancake. (photo via mister-plow)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via trizzle6283)
dorkly:Cosplay Gallery: Most Unexpected Characters Edition
collegehumor: Did You Know
dorkly:Guess These Supervillains’ Incredibly Stupid Secret Identities [By getbacktowork]
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via souche)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via thepakman47)
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via in4thekill)
dorkly:Wall of Horse, and 20 Other Out-of-Context D&D Spells
collegehumor: 25 Perfectly SFW Dick Pics Found In Your Everyday Life
collegehumor: These 15 Pictures are Going to Make You Trip Your Balls OffSomeone may have slipped something in your drink…
collegehumor: 12 Pieces of Furniture That Dare You to Sit on Them
collegehumor: 14 People Who Legit Used Their Butts As Weapons
collegehumor: 10 Epic Nut Shots You’re Gonna Feel in the Morning
tastefullyoffensive: (photo by amk1221amk)
kinkicycle: Shika, Nara, Japan. on Flickr.
gifsboom:Video: Sunbathing Cats Move with the Sun
tastefullyoffensive: #nerdjokes
tastefullyoffensive: (photo via astrocat16)
gafsketchbook: This is why i think Avatar should be R rated
tastefullyoffensive: Video: SNL 40th Anniversary Special: Celebrity Jeopardy