Welcome to my page stranger (moiskale.tumblr.com)
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Und jeden Abend wenn ich schlafen gehe, hoffe ich immer noch das du mir über Nacht eine Nachricht schreibst.
So ein langer Text, wo drinnen steht, dass ich wichtig bin & man mich lieb hat, das wäre jetzt toll.
Forget the standards of beauty. As long as you're happy with your body, that's all that matters.
maybe we're all cabinets of wonders.
Ok, ich will das Tattoo *^*
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
crazycatladyclothing: SHOP HERE: www.crazycatladyclothing.com
Everything and Anything cute!
blameee–societyyy: Never planned sur We Heart It.
Beware the Frozen heart
jehovahs: simmitheenthusiast: picture of the year? YAS ANGELA serving up those LOOKS!!! JAAAAAAAA
xangelbluex: ummmm okay-.-
piilumediina: Nháá :3 | via Tumblr on We Heart Ithttp://weheartit.com/entry/123203210/via/ForeveerHis
aoi-oni: Just a small town girl on We Heart It.
santakatlan: I’m gonna reblog this every day till someone does it.
neuroticdream: J.K Rowling :’) on We Heart It.
shitheaven: teenagahworld: cinemagraphr: Tumblr Quotes . Boah ja. Aber früher oder spätee bist du auch weg ;-)
tsundere-dragon: Source
caregiver-little: madeleineishere: quick lil comic Awww!
commissionerren: hello-clarence: internet friendship (◡‿◡✿) Always reblog because it’s incredibly sweet. ._.
There's not a time for being younger
lols0funny: •
ilymorgannn: fabootheenigma: grodus: i like this one For a second I was expecting something different and was really enraged Yes good. Good.
ammna1012: UMBRİTCH | via Facebook on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/122962974
huffpostworld: This dedicated little owl from the mountains of Tokyo has big dreams.
A nobodie like everyone else
tocsi: 💗 itt: We Heart It.
This heart, it beats, beats for only you...
morning sun
mostbeautifulquotes: The Most Beautiful Love Quotes
Amanda Marie Amor