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this is me XD
hlyue: Bobon21
phoenixthecookiemonster: andythanfiction: We really do have a gif for everything
tastier: (18+)
Du hast keine Ahnung, wie sehr du einem Mädchen weh tun kannst, indem du dich nicht bei ihr meldest, denn damit gibst du ihr das Gefühl, sie sei dir egal.
kushandwizdom: Good Vibes HERE
Die besten Menschen wohnen viel zu weit weg.
Black is poetic
10 reasons to watch Supernatural
All My Successes Have Been Built On My Failures.
я должна быть Бу.
deaddaria: Осень: ох, не могу дождаться лето. Зима: ох, не могу дождаться лето. Весна: ох, не могу дождаться лето. Лето; че эт за херня?
imgfave: Posted by Galadriel
Restless Ocean Heart
Und vielleicht liest du hier mal alles und begreifst wie sehr ich dich immer wollte und immer noch will.
From imgfave.com
imgfave: Posted by Quotes Sayings
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
loove-live-laugh: Whhhhhyyy
Yeah, I'm a pyromaniac
cant be good all the time
maniandmichelle: .
nagininosekai: potato ;w;/
It's the simple things that make you smile
Zodiac Mind - Your #1 source for Zodiac Facts
Teeen :3
oh-totoro: It seems ridiculous to remake and repost a gif that has 180,000 notes in the original post, but I just wanted to make an updated and improved version that makes the most of the new 2Mb gif limit.
youremysweetestdrug: Black and white Sexual, love, cuddle, advice and romance blog x
Schlafen gehen, mit der Hoffnung, dass morgen früh eine Nachricht von dir auf meinem Handy-Display erscheint.
thrillsurfer: I can’t wait to get married because its like a sleepover every night with your best friend.
Young Master
cadney: brad-t and I ♡inspired by this photo
imgfave: See more in Quotes
imgfave: Posted by Olivia Reed
earlgreyandco: Claude and his wee canary pals in snow white sorry
theambears: I’ve been working on this on and off for a while now, but I thought it needed saying. Want more body positivity help? Check out this masterpost of male body positivity blogs. :)
scififantasyfan: Me too.