markiplier (
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monochromemedic: It’s StanStan the Water ManNope no voices in my head, just thinking about getting my wife back and sweet delicious water…Don’t worry it’s water
marielgumarts: Stan the Water Man’s adventures were a roller coaster of emotions
lady-raziel: we stan one (1) Stan
lady-raziel: i’ve had more fun watching this livestream than i’ve had in weeks
scythlyven-art: Happy Birthday to Chica! 💜💜🎉🎉💜💜
Happy Birthday to this pup
dancing-heart-pony: Doggo Doodles
markired: local birthday girl loves her hooman
starlight188: Happy 4th Birthday Chica (Click for better quality)
mintyhair: Woops, Idk how to draw dogs-
kingajart: Happy birthday Chica
markipliergamegifs: This is the most friend statement I’ve ever heard lol Markiplier Makes: An Egg Drop
raimeyl: Behold a man of many skills. ( @markiplier )
sailorvixie: “I came in like a wreeeecking baaaaaaall!!”
fischyplier: WINK WINK WINK WONK
secretdarkiplier: Every Markiplier MakesMark: Trying to make something as best he can while still leaving room for goofs. Watching Ethan suffer from several rooms away. Engaging in a strange rollplay with Ethan.Tyler: Trying REALLY hard. He love Mark,
arewatermelonbabysallowed: K, I know am a little late, but hear me out on this one @markiplier
runaway-littlewolf: Have a meme of Mark
hawkiemuffin: A beautiful man
northeastartist: At first this was just some pose practice because I absolutely love Aerial Silk Dancing, but it turned into me being really happy for @markiplier actually excelling at something I personally enjoy and am glad he wasn’t hating it.The
sailorvixie: Same energy.
fr0stmask: HGGGHHHH Tyler I’m trying to do aerial silk dancing but im DUMMY thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps distracting the camera man
oliries: dis looks a lil wonkey but !! i love him!! best boy! markipoo!!
jaywasablindpirate: Markiplier Tries: Military Training Ok
lum1natrix: he’s a natural
lady-raziel: when everything is falling apart but you’re pretending it’s fine
aringance: yes mark that would be weird
lady-raziel: what’s that in the sky?is it a bird? a plane?no, it’s a markiflier!
dorkskittles: Got a little lazy with it but I think imma say I’m done lol I guess I kinda like it
marielgumarts: when you just hurt yourself and you’re in obvious pain and someone asks if you’re okay
oliries: Markimoo
fischyplier: This part was SO wholesome that it cleared up my acne, watered my crops, increased my life span, and etc! uwu
lordjim777: Markiplier got his wisdom teeth removed but every time he starts to cry it gets 25% faster and weirderSomehow exactly what I expected
markired: my last brain cell
this-is-ske: guys i have made a terrible mistakein an attempt to actually use my treadmill more frequently, I made the decision today that while @markiplier is in the queue for his game, I will be on the treadmill the ENTIRE WAITGUYSITS BEEN 2 HOURSMY
wilfcrd: Drunk wilford & dark
lisassp: 2 different types of Darkiplier (From Mark’s Twitch Stream)
wilfcrd: Summary of mark’s stream
markesto: I was practicing in realism and this came out
naydaysays: @markiplier I thought of this at work and just had to put it together 😂
marielgumarts: when you’re having a good time but an embarassing moment from the past suddenly reappears in your mind
markired: don’t mess with heapass
aktdltsmsqkq: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
d-structive: Self preservation 2.0.
pink0lotus0draws: We’re the heart and soul of this channel, after all…
tycr0by: bunny boy uwu
lady-raziel: mark @ everyone post surgery
lady-raziel: when the years start comin and they don’t stop comin
bechuman: The only thing that makes me laugh
dorkskittles: He’s not allowed to be this cute dangit-@markiplier
happysingingturtles: I’m sorry but this Is the best thing I’ve seen all day
nepeta-cata: Today’s video in a nutshell
markired: #wholesome
lav-eidas-too: HEY GUYS!
monochromemedic: Also can I just say this is…the best fucking… face I’ve seen in so long.
Tried it