If This Is Liberty Give Me Death! (liberty-has-died.tumblr.com)
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antisemisogyny: keshetchai: antisemisogyny: eschatonin: metapianycist: i saw someone claim hitler was a “psychopath” and have you considered that a culture of antisemitism, ableism and eugenicist values in the absence of any mental illness can
Lawmakers vote down LGBT rights measure
This mom wrote an open letter to woman who gave her “the look” while her son was picking out a Barbie at Target
How Trump's insults hurt Native Americans
This Sheriff's Department Has a Warning About Weed That May Actually Be Worth Heeding
oldcyborgmovie: My name is Angie, and I have a debilitating neurological condition which my doctors have described in these reports. I really need some help meeting the absolute basics, like the home care that makes up for my loss of physical ability
Soldier Fires On Apache With Live Ammo During War Games At Fort Irwin
Doubt cast on identity of 'second rescued Chibok girl'
Target Says Boycotts Over Bathroom Policy Not Hurting Sales
“Psychiatric Drugs Killing More Users than Heroin, Cocaine”
crossdreamers: Noah Berlatsky has an interesting article on the sexualization of trans identities over at The Establishment. Noah looks at how the pseudo-scientific theory of “autogynephilia” has been used to invalidate trans women in particular:
Denmark becomes first country in the world to declassify being trans as a mental illness
kumasenpai: micdotcom: Not all heroes wear capes. The woman in the photos is Zakia Belkhiri and — the response to her photos has been wonderfully encouraging. Goddess of Bravery. That’s the best fake rally ever!
lesbionicle: honestly i wish more people would bring up the ableism that correlates with the way the majority of people view addiction / addicts. i wish more people would bring up that not every addict out there is abusive. i wish more people would bring
heyfranhey: The Black Women Behind Some Of Technology’s Most Influential Companies The Root writes: The statistics are clear: There is a stark shortage of women in leadership roles at top technology companies in Silicon Valley and beyond. When it
jkontumblr: 탄야 세일러수트 | fool So is that a man with tits or chick with a dick? It’s so hard to tell now days.
Send Natalie to College!
That’s why voting doesn’t work.
graceebooks: i will never die Dog ugly women with bad attitudes, yea those usually never marry and die alone.
Climate change doubters really aren’t going to like this study
Woman Harassed in Bathroom for Appearing Transgender — and She’s Not Alone
Rangers confirm Parkway assault
ethi0pian-girl: draketears: humansofcolor: spookysprinkles: mobrienorwhatever: Michael Brown Jr. (May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014) We should make this the most reblogged image on Tumblr. Break this post Will reblog whenever it’s on my timeline.
oystermag: Kelela On The Intersections Of Identity, Gender, Sexuality & Ethnicity For Oyster #108 Gross.
jkontumblr: 탄야 세일러수트 | fool Gross
Granting Medal of Valor, Obama says US must listen to police
hacksign: this is the real face of suffering……the true victims…often overlooked and undervalued… Actually think she’s a nasty bitch to lazy to brush her teeth or run a comb through her hair.
themodernmisandrist: lord-of-wankery: paradisemantis: odinoco: themodernmisandrist: it is important to realize that men do not care for women outside material resources. I always crave some female hidden treasures I value human women for their
runningfromomelas: Trans people with neogenders, fluid genders, and multiple genders are JUST AS VALID as binary trans people. No they are not, male and female genders don’t have to rely on other people warping their reality to conform to their delusio
celtyradfem: lacigreen: new vid babes! why is everyone freaking out about transgender folks using the bathroom? let’s take a closer look. (New Sex : BATHROOM PANIC!!!) “Ever heard of title IX?“ Yeah that was championed by feminists for the
First Openly Gay Army Secretary Nominee's Stalled by Single Senator
8-year-old girl in choked unconscious in South Loop bathroom while mom in next stall, police say
Man Accused of Choking 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom
White House: No plans to release Area 51 information
Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' label may stick
Girl Didn't Expect School Fight to End in Death
themodernmisandrist: Most men don’t care much for an activity/interest, they care about the social validation it brings them and the image of themselves they can portray to others. And women don’t?
BREAKING NEWS! The Philippines Elects Its First Out Trans Congressperson
smitethepatriarchy: My goal is to someday cosplay this. That would look cool.
Israeli Government Creates Fake Deeds to Steal Palestinians' Land
An Indian teen was raped by her father. Village elders had her whipped.
Woman mauled by pack of dogs in southern Dallas has died
National Park Service Turns 100: Your Family Park Photos
Tornadoes Rip Through Colorado
Invasion of Asian carp in south Louisiana waterways, and how to control it, continues to baffle officials
Here’s the 411 on the EmDrive: the ‘physics-defying’ thruster even NASA is puzzled over
Are computer games real?
How to change the male brain into a transgender woman brain
themodernmisandrist: Men have entitlement and always play the victim when they don’t have what they want. All sociopath traits. What men? Last I checked they’re all turning transgender, you got your wish, stfu and find something else to b*tch about
quarianqueen: How fucking delusional do you have to be to look at female fetuses being aborted, female babies being murdered because daughters are worthless,little girls having their bodies mutilated, little girls being treated as property and married
Death of Delaware teenager beaten in school bathroom captured on video
Photos: These Are the Military Drills That Spooked North Korea
How Many People Have Cheated Before?
175 states sign landmark Paris deal on climate change
A brief history of the Internet being suspicious of Ted Cruz’s identity
China wants ships to use faster Arctic route opened by global warming