If This Is Liberty Give Me Death! (liberty-has-died.tumblr.com)
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I did post this comment but it was removed, I don’t want to push my luck and post it twice…Are you ever worried about a reporter doing this?He should tighten up his security because I know my smiling DSL can get an appointment with whoever the
Here is your captain Stefan Molyneux come to fly you to your new home! • /r/Freedomainradio
How AP rates the presidential race and the Road to 270
Many Think Marijuana Causes Little to No Harm, Study Finds
Scientists are finding that sexual orientation is WAY more complex than we thought
Trump campaign gets in Twitter trouble again with Photoshopped poll image
We have a disturbing update about that South Carolina clown creeping in the woods
natakoi: … so you love the death of innocence? #beatles #thebeatles #terror #childsacrifice #abortion If you have a better way of getting stem cells speak now or forever hold your peace.So are you saying people that are for abortion believe the
NewWorm on Twitter
Then I’ll be all pumped up and someone will say “Dr.Jeff! Dr.Jeff! the NWO has got some sh*t on that truck!” and I’ll be like…Then I’ll free all the slaves they have working to uncover the Pyramid (if there aren’t any I’ll get
Eastern gorilla gets added to critically endangered list
LGBT 'Shame List' of Christian colleges released | Fox News
With millions of helpers (and 贄M), SETI 'still hasn't found ET'— here's why
Remains Identified as Minnesota Boy Missing Since 1989
The New World Order Resistance Militia is an actual militia actively opposing the New World Order. I Jeffrey Allan Backowski II Leader of NewWorm will burn the NWO’s Capital to the ground PERSONALLY!When I get to Kazakhstan and I’m poking around
Donald J Trump is going to usher in an age of justice.
A purple-haired grandma lives in a tree house. Now she’s told it has to come down
liberty-has-died: Hail Satan and me. LOL I don’t remember making this, I stayed up REALLY late though and sometimes will keep working in a totally blacked out state…probably not healthy :-( *slaps own face*
timmyakatot: Ain’t she sexy? Oh hell yea I want to stick it in the moon’s ass.
Beauty Queen Hitler
Drop Everything and Start Packing: There's a New Planet in Town
Happy 30th Birthday Tim Rothschild!
My cousin could take out three unarmed men before they could take him out…
The three GPS Towers in Antarctica make no sense or serve any kind of real purpose on globe earth. Terra Nova Bay GPS permanent station Taranto permanent GPS station Mario Zucchelli permanent GPS station On a flat earth these three GPS towers make
maya-de-hatchet: In the case of rape, there is only one person who should be punished. Not the victim Not the possible baby that could come from it. Only the perpetrator should be punished. No one else. NO. ONE. ELSE. If you don’t agree, tell me
liberty-has-died: Out of the way Flat Earth Society go shove that Pokemon Go Ball up your ass or I’ll slap you around like my b*tch and call you Susan…I’m off to find the truth time waits for no man…
bestofpokemongo: His first experience with pokemon go was to hand out team badges That kid should be careful a lot of big huge perverts play Pokemon Go, one of them may show up and “Poke”mon Go that kid in the butt.Thank you for the absolute proof
egberts: all of my friends and family from Kansas are posting about an earthquake there a little bit ago. apparently the epicenter was in Oklahoma and it was a 5.8 magnitude. I hope everyone is okay!!! Earthquakes occur when tectonic plates rub togethe
Touché Moses touché…Balls in your court now Rothschild…
C'est la vie.Je suis très, très désolé.
Wow I can’t believe I made headway.
Keeping in touch with the FBI because I want them to know where I am at all times because love them.
I know what that means…I had to open my f*cking mouth. You want to play games with me FEMA lets play games.
Nice try LGBT
Grown Adults Are Calling Blue Ivy Ugly On The Internet
Here's why Walmart is slashing 7,000 heads
liberty-has-died: Excellent, I wonder if he got my message?
She was ugly though I wasn’t trolling
Slavery happened in America? I don’t believe it where is the proof?
Fruit Smoothies Infect 51 People With Hepatitis
The price of pot is tumbling in Colorado
Michelle Obama shares college tips with Howard freshmen
An animal welfare organisation tried to release this baby seal into the wild... but it had other ideas
Mom Routinely Locked Child With Autism, Infant in Car So She Could Work Out: Police
Hitler's 3-mile-long abandoned Nazi resort is transforming into a luxury getaway
Could the 'Most Powerful Geothermal Reservoirs in the World" Save the Colorado River?
Generous Cop Buys Shoes for Homeless Man Who Had Been Robbed
This illustrated guide tells you what to do when you see Islamophobia and it's great
Man Arrested for the 16th Time After He Allegedly Licked a Man and Tried to Bite Officer