désir (lanearabella.tumblr.com)
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but his fingers had sifted into my hair against my scalp cupping my head… holding me steady and his mouth came down on mine… cutting off my words… the gamble
the pussy cock tango ;)
in the morning of my life… the minutes take so long to drift away… please be patient with your life… it’s only morning… and you’re still to live your day… bee gees
i miss you… asshole ;)
it’s not the men in my life that counts… it’s the life in my men… mae west
let me suck you off… she said… please… from backstage pass
are you ready to make the switch from voyeur to exhibitionist??? succubus blues
under the influence of the most violent…most insane… most delusive… and most transient of passions… george bernard shaw
by the time you swear you’re his…shivering and sighing…and he vows his passion is…infinite… undying….lady… make note of this …one of you is lying… ;) dorothy parker
sex is part of nature… i go along with nature… marilyn monroe
tracing every little detail of her pussy… lucky girl…
let’s slide these off… shall we???
low cut… sexy lift… defined décolletage… tracing every little outline with your finger… mouth… tongue… would that be to your liking??? hmmm???
your partner’s pleasure is your pleasure… or in this case your partners ;)
a profound bond…
anticipation of pleasure is… in itself…a very considerable pleasure… a treatise of human nature
i yearn for more… much more…
so coquettish…
can you tell by where my eyes are looking??? what I’m thinking???
you’re mine…
i plan to use my hands… my mouth…and my cock to fuck that basic vanilla sex right outta you… saddled and spurred
please… do carry on…
an appeasing… quenching… blissful… pussy lick…
tease me…i don’t want it if it’s that easy… tupac shakur
if you resolve to give up smoking… and loving… you don’t actually live longer… it just seems longer… clement freud
sexual charisma…
most people in the city rush around…have no time to look at a flower…. i want them to see it whether they want to or not…. georgia o'keefe bonjour…
ayayayayaya love this…
you blow my fucking mind…
it was his sweet brutality against my bruised body that made his act of love so piercingly wonderful… the spy who loved me
save a boyfriend for a rainy day… and another… in case it doesn’t rain… mae west
ok… that was really good…
the best thing we can do when it’s raining… is to fuck ;)
if you wanted to play with fire… milady… you could have simply asked me for a kiss … or three so silver bright
let his tongue go… infront… and behind…and between…and above…and below…
he looked at her… as he often did before they made love… as if she were a lost continent about to be rediscovered… tom robbins
i kiss her…i kiss her and kiss her… i try not to bite her lip…she tastes like vodka honey… lidia yuknavitch
À quoi penses-tu???
rise with the sun…
his hand slid up my spine… bringing me closer… pinning my hand…i had a feeling i knew where this was going… from the gamble
take a trip to the exotic landscape of your lover’s body… from erotic intelligence
tantalizing sexual arousal…
a blissful communion…
if a chick can’t dance… she can’t ride cock… simple as that … j.m. august
It is about sex…sex with your mind… sex with your soul… sex with the color of your eyes… sex with the smell of your skin… rain shadow road
to fuck… is to elaborate…to execute with intricate detail..
there are times i want to kiss you mid-sentence… the realm of possibility
you should be kissed and often… by someone who knows how… margaret mitchell
sex is friendship… just with less clothes… which makes it far more brilliant… from a hidden fire
shall we engage in some fierce team sport???
they weren’t thinking anymore… the time for that had come and gone… arundhati roy
sex…i enjoy it immensely… winston churchill