désir (lanearabella.tumblr.com)
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excellent communication…
mmmm… me like…
the wonderful things that masterful tongue is capable of…
you’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life…. or paris has failed to rub off on you brushstrokes of a god fly
it’s a finger snapping kind of day… coco j giniger
reciprocation of pleasure..
i have a hand… and you have another… put them together and we have each other… unknown
good morning has a silent… loving message saying: i think of you when i wake up…
while she sucks your cock… she sucks your brains and manhood right out of you too… eternal rider
drip… drip… lick…
pussy activation ;)
an ardent yearn…
indulging in some warm wet pussy…
grueling sexual energy…
extravagantly marvelous how he suckles on her nipple and thrusts himself deeply into her all at once…
every artist undresses his subject… it is his business to find essences in surfaces… and what more attractive and challenging can a surface be than the skin around a soul? richard corliss
come here…
keeping a tight rein…
time to bathe…
petting the pussy…
a nice way to start his day ;)
mushy… lovey-dovey sweet ;)
a tender amatory gaze…
a new day…
a gentle breeze of kisses down her neck…
sexual desire is a state not unlike hunger… the curious coupling of science and sex
the desire to read and to fuck is infinite roberto bolano
a kiss has a soul of its own… shanghai baby
so wild… aargh!!!
i want this… now!!!
sexual appetite… like any other appetite… grows by indulgence c.s. lewis
i lick you…
sex is a team sport… sugar breaking free
the hunger… the need… the want in his eyes is hypnotic…
when the passion is so intense…the sex joins in to complete the dance… paulo coelho
kissing with the tip of the tongue is like ice-cream melting… wei hui
for who so firm that cannot be seduced??? william shakespeare
i seduce a woman by making her feel like she’s seducing me… jarod kintz
can I kiss you now??? he asked… i think you’d better tiger… I replied… tiger’s destiny
dining at the Y…
pussy: “i’d like to say please come in but my mouth is full” ;)
i kiss your heart… and then a little lower… and then much lower still… napoleon bonapart
he wasn’t handsome… that was too calm a word… he was intensely masculine… he was sexual… he attracted… karen marie moning
candy licker ;)
he pulled me closer until his lips breathed me in… until we were sharing one breath… glitch
lip service…
the center of attention…
only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy… delta of venus
his fingers lace with mine… palms kissing… i can feel the fast thud of his heart through this single touch… firelight
dastardly-deed: -Fuck her in a way she will never forget, awaken her whole body and make it about her orgasm before yours.
gushing flow…
sex positions tick chart ;)
sexual energy comes into play before sex even takes place… paulo coelho
the greatest pleasure isn’t sex… but the passion with which it is practiced… paulo coelho
come closer babe…