Kirkland! (
submit your pics
miyajimamizy: I was gonna post this months ago but -hides face from embarrassment-Instagram
arctg: Saitama please…
miyajimamizy: There are captions.One Punch Man doodlesInstagram
19 days theory
khofnak: ravingjasmine: 3frraa: I seriously can’t get over this video 😂 I freaking love this 😂😂😂 I’m the person with the camera
elactobuddy: maidrisu
ackersexual: ackersexual: im going to draw armin in every official trio art where hes left out
trufflesmushroom: the name of this file was kissuuuuuuuu.psd
Todo pasa cuando menos te lo esperas. Un día dices no, al otro es sí. Un día lloras, al otro ríes a carcajadas. Así es la vida.
ojiisamaspamios: Character development gets me every damn time
taitetsu: Angry Oikawa & Iwachan
♡ I am what the devil sees before he goes to sleep
florbe-triz: Frustration: the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
oralejis: cant-kinkshame-genos: I swear this is such adorable couple! OMG super cute!!!!
oralejis: iron-cap: Holy shit, I’m in way too deep with this Villain!AU theme! Support the artist on pixiv: I LOVE VILLAIN AU THEME!!!
oralejis: furaitsu: so… you know those r18 dramaCDs saitama’s VA did… ye ah… what if…… SOMEONE FINALLY DREW THISSSS!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
simplelovers10: But first let me take a selfie. Btw: Was not able to find the original artist, if you do know tag the name under!
oekaki-chan: Guilt.
tsukkitsukki: karasuno’s mom squad
trashwavu: Good night doodle of owl boyfriends! U//v//U
tachibana–chan: Reasons to love Aone: He’s literally a giant teddy bear (◕‿◕✿) He’s chill af (◡‿◡✿)
kkumri: godddd I love drawing opm!kagehinas
¡Cree en ti!
kuvira-runstheworld: Hinata’s Bathroom Saga Original version posted on my Instagram ➡ here
Tu Tumblr No Esta Completo Si No Tienes A Vegetta Vigilandote
craziiwolf: Don’t make fun of him. He hAS A WEAPON (*゚ロ゚) Inspired by this
sweet-land-of-libertea: An assortment of kisses from Uzura’s new log~ (´∀`*人) (I feel like I’ve passed some sort of linguistic rite of passage, getting 確認 out of this….ᕦ(ಥωಥᕦ ) ) source: pixiv
Que yo cambié? No, no cambié, simplemente aprendí a darme cuenta de lo que en realidad merezco. Y si piensas que "cambié" contigo, no es que haya cambiado, simplemente me dí cuenta de que no merecias alguien como yo.
murallamuerta: Mi sensual Facebook
zombiezeemo: SO I DID SOMETHING INCREDIBLY WEIRD but it’s only weird if you aren’t as obsessed with legs as I am 8′DDD I present to you: the legs of karasuno!
ceejles: KuroTsuki is my very feels this year.
sekaiichiyaoi: ※ Authorized Reprint for Tumblr || artist: Bodanggg ☑ Do not remove source link || edit illustration|| change caption|| upload to other websites!
sodap6p: from workout session to make out session
quychira: i saw this and i just know kuroo would bonus:
sodap6p: kiss cam
emigration: no-chill-at-all: El karma es una perra LMDSHLOM
venbeam: Al gets super clingy and needy sometimes and Arthur loves it. *w*
chira-hetalia: Member: ダメ山 角子 member ID: 792397
nyong-choi: 낙서낙서
tumbl-r-eblog: my dash did a thing
emuyh-art: twitter dump sorry for the lack of art lol. I’ve been working on my HQ/wolf children fic and been busy with homework. Christmas break means teachers giving you assignments everyday
doyouwannabuildasnowman: THE MIDDLE ONE OMG
Los signos cuando esconden sus emociones
lia59: Yo sufriendo con el capítulo, y viene una amiga, me pasa esto, y una no es de piedra xD
no2ng: bokuto ‘i will get some tonight’ smug face
2016 será un año egoísta. Mi tiempo y concentración serán invertidos en mí. En la mejora de mí misma. Quiero convertirme en una mejor persona física y mentalmente. Quiero dejar de lado mis miedos y aprender a amarme a mí misma.
snotpuppies: blue diamond and her blue pearl :^)
🐺Dani Bolinho🐺
ceresmon: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ The Answer ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
oekaki-chan: Genos, you’re not helping.
Fujoshi Princess
captainofmanythings: i thought this song might fit the new episode so i kinda…did a thing….