Kirkland! (
submit your pics
randomintheheart: ***
usuk-a-day: 【APH腐】確信犯 Pixiv ID: 26322145Member: ゆり
overdose4: カフス忘れた
sorellaperfratello: 【アルアサ】ろぐ Pixiv ID: 33773189Member: ゆり
sorellaperfratello: らくがきまとめ5Pixiv ID: 24594281Member: 芳賀井
tramampoline: This is a weird trilogy
parjums: i haven’t seen the end to myself either but if there’s such a thing wouldn’t it be you?
sofialetraspurpura: “Nos despedimos con un gran beso, después…, nos dimos la espalda y empezamos a caminar. Al quinto paso me detuve y lo llamé por su nombre. Oí la pausa de sus pasos en señal de que me estaba poniendo atención, pero ninguno
dailyusuk: you remind me that things cant be as bad as they seem
condraws: sequel to this because my friends like to dig up my old art and shame me. love you fuckos have something better
thestarfan18: ♦Moon♦
thestarfan18: Tom’s wish
🎃 Nerd With Fangs 🎃
osheets: “i told you so” - blue zircon to everyone in homeworld
fragmentos-adolescentes: Hoy te pensé.Eras tú, o por lo menos la que fuiste alguna vez; la que me quería, la que creía en nosotros, la que nunca dudo de lo que podíamos lograr.Fue triste por que te tuve que dejar ir nuevamente, por que fuiste un
molded-from-clay: someday they’ll knowall the terrifying things we didfor love
bluewingart: PLOT TWIST!
loycos: Blue “Pink and I were very close” Diamond, everybody.
giffing-su: The Diamonds + their Pearls
loycos: these sketches are superrrrr old (around 4 months old? basically ancient in my human au timeline) theyre some of the very first human au sketchs ive done. and BOI do they feel fitting in light of recent events, haha.
e17ahrt: So this is technically canon?!
taigan-bxe: …kinda has a different context now, huh?
No idea
loycos: friend Bismuth, how about we don’t murder my entire family
tiddygem:what a binch………….im love her
artofkace: turn that angst meter up to like, an 11
surrend-at-20: Pearl drew it for her
lethal-cuddles: I refuse to apologize
chillmoth: she LIED to us
luckyboy0420: Stop the character discussions, we all know the REAL reason she did it
ikimaru: A single pale rose 🌺[speedpaint]
alunchboxofsushifries: HEY YALL……IM GOING TO DIE
faelapis: so here’s a line i’ve been thinking of for literally 5 seasons:“i’m… not… a real person”.
languidlight:Furudate’s doodle at the end of the art book! Looks like they all drew Hinata. Definitely… interesting
girlwiththewhiterabbit: commission for @nishinoyafuckingyuu !! so moved…so blessed…(。・//ε//・。)
ananxiousraccoon: a bit late to the party but hey,, netflix aggretsuko?? a cute n great show that yall should totally watch if you havent already
lokidyke: FELLAS…
Reblog y tendrás suerte lo que reste el año.
sasusakukingqueen: have it from Google
noisytimetravelpost: Please…don’t leave me alone again
ladywithpurplehair: Then he got fever and she got really pissed of.
noisytimetravelpost: ”I ‘ve got pregnant” ❤️❤️ Credits to the autor
ouchihaha: Boop boop boop Spoiler alert!!! I feel bad for lil saucey that his princess is cold towards him :
buhbbly: 😭😭❤️❤️
夜ト + ひより
sasukesins: SasuSaku Week 2018 ♡ day 6: favorite cute moment“Write down who you’d want to spend your last day on Earth with.”
finval: wtf is this shit
redeyeman: Doodle today before work. I didn’t draw him for a long time. LoL
uchihaharunoss: Me when my otp interacts
sakuar: エー | republished w/permission
ziashetalia: なでてやるよPixiv ID: 6951719Member: 1163640 - (’~’)_※Posted with the artist’s permission~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~
sanctiddy: straight up i haven’t been able to find art of jaal dicc so i wasn’t sure what the whole hc situation with that was so,, here’s mine i guess go big or go home ha ha
hetaliaandother: 【新大陸家族】by つし子(※Permission to translate and reprint kindly given by the artist※)
pa-hu: chibitalia
pa-hu: 閉じ込めてみた ハンチプ7楽しみです!!
pa-hu: 現ヤンキー
day-colors: Aaah I really like this song and it made me think of them, just changed it up a little bit!