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is an amazing journey
weallheartonedirection: These are the streets I grew up in.
our-sizzlinglove: 10 Best Sex Positions For Getting Pregnant Pretty sure this is 2 guys so no matter how they have sex no one is getting knocked up. Lmao:)
weallheartonedirection: MRW a buddy asks me why I still have a beard after I borrowed his trimmer.
the-writing-reservist: book—quotes: Elif Shafak, The Forty Rules of Love
majorleagueinfidel: A US soldier from the 2/506 Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division rests during a comat patrol. Image taken January 4, 2009 in Sabari District, Khost Province, Afghanistan.
10bullets: by Charlie 2.0
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weallheartonedirection: Bonding with Jimmy
weallheartonedirection: Luwanda knows dem science
sgtgrunt0331:The same hands we are trained to kill with… we also love with.
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Jamie L. Harding
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Dirty Jokes 2013
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weallheartonedirection: Radio Chatter
verythirsty:when ur friends make you go out but really u wanna be in bed watchin Netflix
weallheartonedirection: Where is the line on this?
weallheartonedirection: Just a little snow storm in my city
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