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weallheartonedirection: So I painted my dog…
weallheartonedirection: My cousin gets excited about going camping.
weallheartonedirection: So apparently if you park like an asshole in Atlanta, your car gets a boot for every parking space you take up
weallheartonedirection: Rolled a 1
weallheartonedirection: Who else did this?
weallheartonedirection: Hawkward
weallheartonedirection: Every time…
weallheartonedirection: So my university tried to raise awareness for breast cancer…
weallheartonedirection: Just finished watching Jericho and I wondered about this.
weallheartonedirection: Best way I can think of.
weallheartonedirection: After watching an episode of “Doomsday Preppers”
weallheartonedirection: What if…
Funny Pictures
bunnyfood: Same. (via togifs:video)
theamericankid: 10/10 would ride it into battle.
wannajoke: Party hard It happens to the best of us. I’ve called my phone to find my phone:-)
milo317: little jason
lockettoflove: mitzi—may: lucy-corsetry: While these houses are beautiful, I would take up the chance to live in exactly zero of them. oh good lord, the last one.
liquidforcekites: The HIFI-X2 was designed with crucial inputs from the #1 ranking in the PKRA @christophetack. @prokitetour #liquidforcekites #kiteboarding
weallheartonedirection: *Gasp* Why did I feel so depressed yesterday!
scissor-happy: It’s about time to break out my favorite eyeshadow.
boardbunniez: @lynnja_ :D #Boardbunniez #BBsnow #BBsnowboard #Snowboarding #Snowboardgirls #Girlswhosnowboard #girlsthatride #Girlswhoshred #BoardOn :)
weallheartonedirection: Best deployment photo ever.
weallheartonedirection: Seen on a billboard in Times Square NYC
weallheartonedirection: Our fire station is next door to the Police department. Pranks ensue.
wannajoke: Justgingerthings
weallheartonedirection: I was having a shitty day.. and then.. Colony of penguins chasing a butterfly.
weallheartonedirection: MRW when a college classmate starts texting me about things other than school
weallheartonedirection: When I try to do enough damage to a pokemon to capture it, but it instead I kill it
weallheartonedirection: I would.
weallheartonedirection: Everybody stop what you’re doing and look at this bunny wearing a backpack!
weallheartonedirection: Fuckin Turtle
wannajoke: Good guy Starbucks
weallheartonedirection: Gone with the wind
wannajoke: So close
wannajoke: Another shaving transformation
weallheartonedirection: Meet Toby, my Chilean Rose Tarantula. I saved him from my ex-boyfriend’s sister’s neglect.
wannajoke: Dads with pretty daughters
weallheartonedirection: Cow friends at the Virginia State Fair
weallheartonedirection: never forget the day no fucks were given