Keep Beach City Weird (
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My life’s work is finally here! Keep Beach City Weird - THE BOOK!!! I’ve collected all of my findings into a single, very legitimate looking book, so that everyone can know the truth about my hometown of Beach City! Finally, my legacy is protected
In my searches for THE TRUTH, I’ve done a lot of listening. I’ve listened to haunted houses to hear ghosts from other dimensions. I’ve listened to radio signals from the cosmos for signs of alien life. But on my most recent quest to help the
I think it’s going to work out you guys. Thanks for all your support.
Who am I kidding? I need you Jane-chan!!! Much like Koala Princess’ vision in the Eucalyptus Jungle in Season 5, Episode 13 what you saw on the Boardwalk the other day was not what it seemed. I was only pretending to date Kiki to defend my family
You know what? I’m over her! I’m over Jane and I’m over LOVE and I’m over any sort of human companionship. I’m just going to be single forever and dedicate all of my time to my research, and my book, and to building
Ugh, I wish I had some sad music to listen to at work. All I have is a playlist of video game soundtracks and some EVP recordings of ghost hauntings. I guess ghosts are sad. I’ll just listen to those.But if you’re feeling happy, I do suggest
LOOK. I am going through a LOT right now and I don’t have tiem to correct tipos!! I don’t even see what you’re talking abiout!!!
No post today. If anyone needs me I’ll be at Brooding Hill… where I’ll be CRYING.I usually cry at Crying Canyon, but it’s closed right because of some flash flood warnings.
DISCLAIMER: None of these characters belong to me. They are the property of Crying Breakfast Friends and Pepe’s Burgers. I just wrote this for fun. PLEASE DON’T SUE ME!Rating: PG for romance and crying.The club was called the Midnight Snack.
Greetings, my devoted followers. Many of you have been wondering with your senpai has gone in this time of extreme weirdness. Mysterious earthquakes, UFO sightings and chunks of fruit salad washing up on the beach have all been seemingly ignored by
A few months ago, I had the honor of doing a presentation at Beach-a-palooza entitled: Rock People: Identification and Defense. Songs and mimes are all fun and all, but the people need to know THE TRUTH!!!This is a little animated GIF I put together
Every year, I celebrate my birthday on a completely different day. Why? To keep my birthdate a SECRET so that no clandestine government agencies can steal my identity!Of course, this causes a host of other problems. Like nobody ever knowing when
Hey weirdos! For the past few months, I’ve done something unprecedented - I’ve stayed off the internet.It was hard but I had to do because I’ve been trying to stay SPOILER FREE for the movie event of the new millennium! This December
IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?!?!? I was just in the middle of watching Mighty Monster Card Traders: Shuffle Quest and then there was a bunch of static and then THIS was on my TV!!!!!Judging by her greenish hue, I’d say she must be part of some eco-terroris
I’ve noticed that snake people, or sneeple, have become a highly debated topic on the internet. I made this handy GIF to educate people on the subject, or snubject.
TubeTube took down my video because copyright violations?!?! What?! That was MOSTLY ORIGINAL MATERIAL!!! I used that background music for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES! IT’S FAIR USE! FAIR USE!!! Clearly, somebody doesn’t want the TRUTH
fattysenpai: keepbeachcityweird: I’ve been up for 36 hours straight, but it’s finally finished! My investigative documentary investigating the truth about the enemies and heroes of Beach City is online! It’s called: RISING TIDES/CRASHING SKIES:
I’ve been up for 36 hours straight, but it’s finally finished! My investigative documentary investigating the truth about the enemies and heroes of Beach City is online! It’s called: RISING TIDES/CRASHING SKIES: DANGER ON THE BOARDWALK: THE
So tierd… dont know if i can… finish personal opus by tomorow… but i told the internet I would… i wont let the internet down… must summon the strenght! KEEP BEACH CITY AWAKE!
For months, Keep Beach City Weird has been silent. Silent but not dead. For I have been toiling away on a super top secret project that will blow the lid off of your perception jar of reality! Tomorrow, at 6pm, I unleash my masterpiece upon the internet
I GOT A LETTER TODAY!!! But for some reason it was all wet and I can’t even tell what it says. Is it a love letter? Is it a death threat? Please tell me! I need to know if I should lock my doors or open my heart!
Today I made contact with an aliens WITH MY FACE! This t-shirt came flying down from space and hit me in the head!It bears the image of an alien being known as Guitar Dad. He appears to have the power to turn sonic energy into electricity. And he
Why is nobody talking about the Crying Breakfast Friends / Inter-dimensional Family Friend Crossover?! I’ll admit I was kind of skeptical when I first heard about it. Like, just because they’re two shows on the same network and the both have “friend”
THE SPACE HAND BLEW UP!!! WE’RE SAFE!!! But questions remain. Like who blew it up? And why did it come to Beach City? And how come Peedee always gets to ride in the front seat?I have my own theory: the Space Hand is connected to the Polymorphic
This my view right now. In case I get shot down by an alien, there’s a folder on my desktop that says DO NOT DELETE. Please delete that folder!
SLJ:Kdfdsflaj!!!! Some REALLY WEIRD STUFF is happening right now!!!!!! I don’t have time to put it all together because we are hauling butt out of town!!!KBCW
The power was OFF today in Beach City, but the weird was ON!Mayor Dewey told everyone in town it’d be back on by sundown, but HE WAS LYING! He also told my dad that it was just some routine maintenance work. He was probably LYING about that
Not only has NOTHING weird happened in Beach City this week, but now there’s some ANNOYING noise-wave concert happening on the beach! It must be kids from Beach City Community College playing some “experimental jazz” or something.
I’ve been hearing very weird sonic disturbances all week and I finally caught one on camera! Perhaps it’s a Polymorphic Sentient… Comet?! I’ll have to do more investigating, but I have a feeling something BIG is going to happen in Beach City
Sometimes I think about all the bad decisions I’ve made and how they’ve affected my life, and I wish I could go back in time and change them. But unless I can find a way to break into the Pentagon and steal a time bike, I’m just stuck
I couldn’t resist posting my No Home Boys OC. My Hobosona’s name is Ronaldo Bindleberry. His special bindle items are a can of beans (edamame of course), a photo of his long lost brother (who he hopes to find on his journey), and a level
KEEP BEACH CITY NOSTALGIC!Tonight I’m taking a look back at an underrated classic: The No Home Boys Graphic Novel Adapation. In 1965, the author of the No Home Boys, Dustylegs Jefferson, died tragically when he was hit by a train full of circus
My dad found me, I’m ok. See you next week weirdos!
Sandwich reacher failed. I was not able to get the sandwich. I fear I might die under here. If anyone out there is reading this, just grant me this one last wish: KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD!And also I want my body to be shot into space with a print
I’ve built a sandwich reaching device using some straws and a banana. You might be thinking, Ronaldo, why don’t you just eat the banana if you’re so hungry. Well, I don’t FEEL like eating a banana right now. I want a sandwich! And I want
Why aren’t you reading my blog?!?! I’m stuck underneath the fridge!!!!The worst part is, I can’t even reach the sandwich I was gonna eat! Maybe I can improvise some sort of sandwich reaching device to reach it. If I could just get that sandwich,
I’m hoarse from yelling for help. I guess dad and Peedee can’t hear my over the thunderstorm. And I guess THEY DON’T READ MY BLOG LIKE THEY SAID BECAUSE IF THEY DID THEY WOULD COME DOWNSTAIRS AND HELP ME!
I’m posting from my phone tonight because something horrible happened. Dad! Peedee! If you’re reading this - I’M STUCK UNDERNEATH THE FRIDGE! I came downstairs to get a snack and it fell on me! Ug! Who could’ve predicted
So I went to my first rave tonight! I was expecting to see lots of weird things - candy necklaces, grown adults using pacifiers, the dropping of crazy sick beats. But nothing could prepare me for what I saw in that warehouse - A TEENAGER SPLIT APART
Whoa - some, truly, unruly, weird object just came shooting down from space and landed over by Steven’s house!!! I didn’t have time to snap a pic with my camera, but luckily I have an extremely accurate photographic memory and I have reconstr
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Ok, so I just finished the final episode of Koala Princess and I don’t want to get too emotional on you guys but I CAN’T STOP CRYING! Koala Princess goes on a walkabout and enters dreamtime and finally MEETS HER KOALA MOTHER
I’m gonna be livestreaming my first WEIRD WATERMELON AUTOPSY!!! Sign in and check it out!
Check out these weird watermelon guys down by the Funland entrance. It’s really weird and they’re cheap!
Time for another Ronaldo Review! This week I’m taking on the controversial anime: Soul Blaster! Like every anime, Soul Blaster is about a high school student. Our hero is a cool dude, with even cooler hair named Kyosuke. He battles rogue spirits
HOLY SMOKES! You Weirdos have a lot of questions! Granted, about 300 of those are just pointing out I misspelled undergriund in my blogger description, but still! I sincerely hope this is not some kind of Improv Everywhere-esque prank. I have temporari