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Mom always ruins my romantic moment with her iPad.
I can’t believe I just caught my dad watching porn. I wonder why he didn’t mute the video because it’s kind of loud but then I realize he probably doesn’t know how to turn down the volume. XD
I’ve been telling my parents a lot about Joe and this is the first time they meet Joe in person.
The conversation continues with mom. XD
Mom just killed all my romantic ideas about their love story. XD
Just one of Mom’s “genius” ideas… apparently she did more than just shopping on her iPad. She told me she did some research on Google and it costs a fortune to pay for a surrogate mother in USA. But the real question is…
Watching TV with my parents. As usual, the conversation just got heated for no particular reason. XD
I had to babysit my friend’s kid for one afternoon and this kid wouldn’t stop playing this super noisy action game on his phone. XD
I’m staying at my parents’ place while Joe has to stay in Nantes for the work. We call each other every day. And Dad caught me kissing Joe’s photo on my phone. XD
Visiting my friend Melanie who just had her third child. XD
We were visiting a World War II exposition with Nico, and he’s a lot to handle… I wonder where his sinister sense of humor comes from?
Thanks to my babe’s quick wit, this gathering with our gay friends didn’t become a disaster. XD
This happened at the mall today. I should have answered “Thank you, sir” to that female cashier at the supermarket. XD
This got me a little bit stressed about tomorrow’s dinner. XD
I’m surprised to find out that Billie doesn’t have a smartphone. XD
Joe knows how to manipulate me into doing things I don’t want to… like watching Starwars with him. XD
The moment when you realize your big jock boyfriend is actually a big nerd inside… XD
My friend Nicolas lost his job last year and his young boyfriend left him soon after. Now he lives with his dog and two cats in a house in the suburb countryside of Nantes.When Nico meets Billie this Friday, we’ll be like “Surprise! Instead
We decide to invite Billie and Nicolas both for dinner this Friday and see how it goes between these two. XD
My babe is definitely a quiet one at the gym.
Joe prepares his protein banana milkshake in the morning while I’m doing my “Food popcorn” behind!
Not everything is in discount during the Black Friday. Most of the products are of the same price. The retail business only uses a few hot items in a discount to lure you in so you can fill your shopping cart with other “no discount” products
I panicked because I thought I lost them outside.
My babe took me on a nice trip to the nearest Aquarium and we found Nemo. XD
Watching Koh-Lanta (The French version of Survivor) has become a Friday evening routine for us. XD
Joe doesn’t like watching horror movies or Tv series. However, we enjoy the new TV series of “The Exorcist”.
Snapchat Spectacles – the sunglasses that have built-in cameras that allow you to post directly to Snapchat – are here. And here’s how we think about it at first sight.
I just love the irony in all this. XD
Our sexy talk today. XD
I finally bought the book as a present to Joe, and he finished the whole book in about 10 minutes.
We were at the funeral the other way. The one who passed away is the wife of Joe’s friend. She has been fighting with breast cancer for a long time and the death finally took her away. May she rest in peace.Even I try to capture the funny moment
Working out in the gym with Joe and Billie. I did my best. XD
We always do our grocery shopping on Saturday morning, because all the supermarkets are closed on Sunday and it’s hard to find time to do the shopping during the week. I guess we are becoming one of those old couples… XD
Taking a happy shower in the morning until…
Maybe I’m just a messy cook, but a walk in the park always helps…
I finally got the proof. XD
We were at the bookstore this morning, and Joe really liked this comic book about a man and his black cat.
Our cat Leeloo does this to us every single day. She’s a ruthless master.
I love tech popcorn!!! Apple and Microsoft surface line are the biggest popcorn stars in this million dollars industry. XD
Do you know the original ending of DeathNote planned by the author Tsugumi Ohba was the death of L? Ohba actually wanted Light to win at the end! However, the ending was rejected by his editor. Unfortunately, we live in a world full of hypocritical politi
Joe tried to eat dumplings with chopsticks for the very first time. XD
My Chinese friend ZHANG and his husband Karim invited us for dinner at their place. I should’ve said, “I love Asian food!”
This is why Joe never let me drive.
Our reaction when the Nintendo Switch first came out. XD
Joe decided to give me a precious Christmas gift after hearing my wish. XD
I’m still waiting for the PlayStation VR 2 to come out. XD
This is my first time declaring my income and the guy at the tax office is actually quite nice.
I don’t know where Joe gets all his movie infos, but I have to guess to really understand which movie he’s talking about. XD
Tring out a new dance workout class and it worked out great for me. XD
In the end, I paid these bills. Now we have a joint bank account.
I love Google but their keynote is always long and… less entertaining. XD
Joe thinks she looks kind of terrible. I actually think her look is OK but very plastic.If you have been following me for a while, you must know that I’m pretty heartless when it comes to rich and famous people’s tragedy. Whether it’s
In the case of massaging my big boyfriend after his workout, giving is definitely as pleasant as receiving. XD
Joe’s smartphone virtual assistant is not smart most of the time.
Meeting Joe’s friend Billie for the first time.
I was giving her a compliment and apparently she didn’t take it very well. XD
It’s not easy to synchronize our love time with Joe when I’m overburdened with work lately.
Someone asked me this question on Twitter.
With our cat Leeloo, we always play the roles of “The good cop” and “The bad cop”. I guess there’s no doubt who the bad cop is here. XD
What are the advantages of dating a big guy like Joe? Of course I can think of many reasons, but I just had a brain fog at the moment. XD