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Joe thinks that I’ll make more sales if I put his “Sailor Moon” drawing on the merchs.
I just found the perfect pillow.
A perfect weekend for me is simply staying at home and cuddle.
THE sneaky sneaky boyfriend… my babe loves to borrow things from me when I’m half asleep and never gives it back until I ask.
I hate paying taxes.
It always drives me crazy when Joe does that.
I dragged Nico to visit an art gallery with me, but he’s not feeling Picasso’s art.
Geez. Every time I jump on the stage and touch the vehicle, the radio will immediately send out a warning in 3 languages (English, Italian & French), It’s like being watched by Big Brother.
Maybe I should just give up.
Sometimes I really feel that I have no talent. I’ve been trying to figure out this TikTok thing for months now, still nobody follows me there. And my Instagram isn’t growing either. I feel stuck. Am I trying too hard?
Even though we enjoyed a lot visiting the museums and palace in Turin, I found a lot of pleasure in discovering those small funny things wandering around the city of Turin, Italy.
By your request, I made these two wallpapers for your smartphone, you can download them for free on my Patreon. Hope you enjoy.
My babe’s infamous spiderman quote.
Joe was stung by a wasp when he was a kid, and apparently he was traumatized by that painful experience until this day. Meanwhile, it always amuses me to see him running away in a panic from these little bugs.
I just don’t know how he did it. Every time I lend the earbuds to my babe, they always come back to me all tangled up.
I can never count on Joe to get rid of his mess in the apartment. It’s always more efficient if I just do it myself instead of yelling at him.
I don’t like that Joe always sits on the couch completely wet after his bath. I mean, it’s not a big deal but this kind of tiny thing in our daily life always bothers me a lot.
I couldn’t resist the temptation (everyone’s doing it!) so I downloaded the viral FaceApp to take a peep into our future selves. And the AI-generated result is scarily impressive.
Can we talk about the new Saint Seiya? I watched the first season (6 episodes) yesterday on Netflix and I was fairly disappointed as a hardcore Saint Seiya fan who read the manga and watched the 80s’ anime.Here’s some major beef I have
Couple Love Portrait - Flavio & Martin
We’ve been playing CTR a lot since we bought the game 3 days ago. And yeah, we are very competitive when we’re racing against each other.
We don’t usually kiss a lot in front of our friends, especially in front of our friend Nicolas who’s still single. But when we do kiss, I can almost feel he’s giving me these weird side eyes and silently judging us…
Justice for Jack - The Project
The hidden face of Facebook… and it’s scary! These “Boost your post” ads are everywhere on my FB page now, it’s under every post I made. Facebook is really coming for my wallet.
Drawing us in a slightly different style. XD
I love my babe but let’s be realistic here: The competition show “Ninja Warrior” is really built for free runners and gymnasts type of candidates, and it’s not built for heavy bodybuilders whom the show constantly makes fun of.
Joe’s problem is that it takes forever for him to make a decision.
I think for every gay man, this is just inevitable.
Joe loves buying me small gifts from time to time.
To me, the foreplay is always as fun as sex. Joe successfully recreated one of my favorite cartoon scenes on our date night, and I feel like the master of the universe. XD
I should’ve known better… my babe is a maniac in following cooking recipes… I think lemons and limes taste the same anyway…
On Sunday night, we watched this year’s Eurovision Song Contest quietly at home. We prepared a lot of snacks and it was a fun show! We enjoyed all the performances! (I know this is gonna sound bad, but the only performance I didn’t enjoy
Spoiler Alert! This is the Avengers Endgame alternative Ending I’ve been waiting for during the whole movie. XD
This happens literally every time I want to try something new in the kitchen. My babe is one stubborn cook!
My babe is a big goofball sometimes. Just another fun memory from our weekend trip. XD
So basically Game of Thrones is a Shrek live action? XD
Pikachu’s language could literally be anything, cause they all sound the same… sometimes I wonder whether our cat acted the same way with us in the past. XDPS. I can’t wait to watch the Detective Pikachu movie
We took a trip to the ocean side last weekend with our friends, and we had a great time despite the cold windy weather. Being close to the ocean waves always calms my spirit, and we walked for a long time along the shoreline. We were joking with each
When I first started, I spent a few years making gay erotic comics, and I thought I was gonna become the next Gengoroh Tagame, and that never happened. When Silverjow started to get popular on social media, I thought that was the way to go, but that didn’
I made a Sailor Moon Phone Wallpaper for you guys.
Living my Pegasus Fantasy at the boxing gym. I didn’t expect the punching bag to swing back so quickly and it hurt. XD
My naive and innocent babe! Sometimes Joe really underestimates how dirty my mind can be. XD
I’m the only one of me. Baby, that’s the fun of me. XD
I read somewhere that whispering to someone’s ears when he’s asleep might send the message directly into his unconscious mind and eventually influence his later decision. Since I don’t usually like surprises when it comes to food, I
I admit that Igor is a much better Mortal Kombat Player than us… both in combat skills and in temper… XD
With all the censorship going on, this is how all my future instagram posts will look like. Hope you enjoy! XD
I really love my new shirt, and there’s nothing dirty on it. XD
I love harassing my babe when he’s lifting. XD
To all my fans here, I just wanna say, I love you. Thanks a lot for not giving up on me, for always following me and supporting me during a difficult time. This is real.
If I ever got my hands on a magic lamp, the fate of the whole humanity will be in danger. XD
Living my inner Sailor Senshi fantasy. XD
Happy Chinese New Year! 2019 is the year of pigs
Telling one of Joe’s nephews how I cast a life long love spell on his uncle. Of course, it’s not the truth but we all need a little bit of fantasy sometimes.
When it comes to internet shopping, I feel my babe is worse than my mom. He loves buying cheap stuff on the internet, and he doesn’t mind that it takes months to receive in our mailbox the merchandise shipped from abroad. On my part, I always feel the
Call me master. XD
Joe has been having a lot of fun ever since he discovered the Facebook transformation filters. His favorite filter is the werewolf transformation. XD